"What's going on?" Du Xingyu is still exercising in the rehabilitation center, but his mind has been connected to the virtual world, the Alliance Virtual World Command.

This is a special map built in the virtual world and is completely controlled by the alliance. Even in the Human Guardian Alliance, only a few high-level officials are qualified to access it.

When Du Xingyu arrived, the commanders of the five major space cities in the alliance were already here.

"Commander Du!" Seeing Du Xingyu come in, the five of them stood up respectfully.

Although Du Xingyu has not officially returned, they have seen Du Xingyu's "power" these days.

The speed of breakthroughs in biotechnology is simply unbelievable. What about protein chips and biological computers? I heard that the biological research institute under his name has now begun to create life!

In addition, the construction of the Ring Planet Particle Collider also made them realize that this legendary figure was definitely not exaggerated by the history books! On the contrary, his true ability is far beyond everyone’s imagination!

"The situation is very bad, please take a look first!" Yang Shaolin, the commander of Yufeng Space City, started the virtual projector.

In front of them, two reddish-brown stars appeared. They were Rutan 726-8A and Rutan 726-8B. These are two red dwarfs located in the constellation Cetus. Like Sirius, they are also a binary star system.

A space fleet is approaching the Lutan 726-8 star system. There are thirty ships in total, all of which are stellar-class battleships. Three of them are advanced destruction battleships that can reach sub-light speeds.

The power of this exploration fleet can completely conquer a civilization below the second level!

"The Cetus Exploration Fleet set out twenty years ago, just when we arrived at the Nanmen 2 star system, the beginning of a new era." Lu Ze, the commander of Lingze Space City, said, "At that time, we thought that we were building a new While maintaining our home, we must also understand the situation of the surrounding star systems in advance to facilitate the development of our civilization and the construction of the star system’s space defense system.”

In the picture, the Cetus exploration fleet sent by humans encountered a crisis just as it approached the edge of the Rutan 726-8 star system.

"Warning, an unidentified flying object has been detected." On the mothership of the Cetus Exploration Fleet, the shipboard intelligence issued a reminder.

"The entire ship is on combat readiness! Turn on the defense shield!" All fleets turned on the energy shield defense system. The plasma was restrained by the magnetic field, forming a protective shield that enveloped the warships.

When the battleship's energy shield was turned on, the deep space exploration drone closest to it had been destroyed.

Before being destroyed, the human fleet had captured footage of the UFO via subspace communications.

The virtual screen was enlarged, and Du Xingyu saw that this "UFO" was surprisingly small!

Humanity's star-level destruction battleships are all over a thousand meters long, and high-level destruction battleships are even 10,000 meters long, but this time the attacker is only as big as a human thumb!

It looks like a drop of mercury, with a round head and a sharp tail, like a drop of water. Its surface is extremely smooth, like an absolutely reflective mirror, reflecting the brilliance of stars. If it hadn't directly penetrated the deep space exploration drone, Du Xingyu would have thought it was a flowing liquid!

"Attack, laser lock!" The battleship at the front has locked onto the drop-shaped flying object and fired its laser weapon.

However, when the laser hits its surface, it not only fails to penetrate it, but the laser is reflected by its smooth surface!

It came out unscathed!

"Continue to attack!" Various space weapons began to attack the water droplet flying object.

The first is a proton torpedo, which is launched to try to use protons to strip away electrons from the surface of the water droplet flying object, causing its structure to collapse.

However, the water droplet flying object was still intact. It originally flew at sub-light speed. When it reached the first battleship, it suddenly accelerated and flew in a curvature in a short period of time.

It went straight through the battleship energy shield composed of plasma, penetrated the battleship armor, and directly penetrated the nuclear fusion reactor.

A stellar-class battleship barely made any response because the nuclear fusion reactor was out of control and exploded!

"This is a kinetic energy weapon, use a kinetic energy weapon to hit it!" the mother ship of the Cetus Exploration Fleet issued an order.

The warships fired kinetic energy weapons, such as space spears, kinetic energy cannonballs, and the like. Those kinetic energy weapons made of the highest strength materials in mankind hit the water droplets.

The impact stop event expected by the captains did not happen. The water droplet flying object did not slow down at all, nor did it break up. Instead, it penetrated their kinetic energy weapons, and then penetrated a battleship!

Its speed is so fast, it is at sub-light speed most of the time, and it can also conduct curvature navigation in a short period of time.

"Energy cannon!" Another stellar battleship was lost, and energy weapons were also brought out to attack the water droplet flying objects.

The fact is very cruel. These weapons that can destroy planets did not harm the water droplets at all!

Its momentum continued unabated and it penetrated another battleship!

The captains' faces turned pale. They realized that the technology contained in this water-drop flying object far exceeded theirs, and their existing methods were incapable of dealing with it. The mothership commander shouted: "Retreat, retreat quickly!"

The Cetus Exploration Fleet began to evacuate. In order to stop the water droplet flying objects, they also dispatched a large number of unmanned spacecraft and unmanned space fighters.

However, these methods are still in vain. They are like lit firecrackers, exploding one after another. Water droplet flying objects can destroy their engines in an instant and turn them into a pile of space junk!

Thirty stellar-class battleships, millions of unmanned spacecraft, space battleships, and detection satellites were completely destroyed by the water droplet aircraft in less than two hours!

Not a single aircraft, not a single person, not even a robot can escape!

The virtual scene was suddenly interrupted, and Chen Hong, the commander of Lingxiao Space City, sighed: "This is the last picture from the subspace transmission. Our Cetus exploration fleet has been completely destroyed!"

"It's too scary!" said Glitter Space City Commander Tours, "Just a water droplet aircraft destroyed one of our star-level exploration fleets!"

"All weapons are ineffective against it! Who made it? Is the technology possessed by its owner capable of destroying our human civilization in an instant?"

Yang Shaolin said: "I suspect that the owner of this water droplet aircraft is the same alien civilization we encountered in Canis Major and Canis Minor. Obviously, they already have curvature spacecraft and their influence spans multiple star systems. !”

Du Xingyu agreed: "I also tend to this conclusion. What we detect are nearby star systems. Logically speaking, it is impossible for multiple advanced civilizations to exist at the same time."

"Obviously, this civilization has noticed us and is beginning to show offensive intentions towards us."

"Commander Du, how should we respond?" The five commanders are all a little confused. It's not that they have low abilities, but that in the face of absolute technological crushing, no matter how powerful your tactics are, it won't help!

Just like the Cetus Exploration Fleet, after exhausting all methods, they were still all destroyed by a water droplet aircraft!

"In the current situation, we should reduce the losses of the fleet and take back all the manned warships exploring the surrounding star systems." Du Xingyu analyzed, "Let the unmanned warships continue their star system cruise missions and launch a large number of detection satellites."

"As for how to deal with the enemy's water-drop-shaped aircraft, do you have detailed data?"

"Yes!" Yang Shaolin said immediately, "Before our battleship was destroyed, some information was sent back through subspace communication. I will send it to you!"

"Yeah." Du Xingyu had already received the information.

"Commander Du, the enemy may attack the Nanmen II star system at any time. We implore you to resume your duties as soon as possible!" Chen Hong said.

"Yes, the wars of advanced civilizations will ultimately rely on technological strength. Although we are all fleet commanders, we still cannot compare with you in this regard!" Lu Ze also persuaded.

"Yes! We are ready!" Tours and Yang Shaolin both looked at Du Xingyu.

Du Xingyu thought for a while and said: "Okay, my body has generally recovered, it's time."

"Okay!" Chen Hong said happily, "In that case, let's start preparations."

Du Xingyu exited the virtual world and began to analyze the obtained data on the water droplet aircraft.

"The water droplet aircraft can absolutely reflect lasers, and its intensity has reached a terrifying level. Neither energy cannons nor kinetic energy weapons can destroy it!"

"What exactly is this kind of material?" Du Xingyu analyzed the information. Humanity has never obtained this kind of material.

"Its mass is not large." Du Xingyu originally guessed that this was a material with super density and mass, just like the material composition of a neutron star.

However, according to the information obtained, the mass of the water droplet aircraft is only the size of a truck, and its density is close to the range of normal space materials.

"In that case, how come it shows such powerful physical properties? Why can't it be smashed?" Du Xingyu continued to analyze.

With further analysis, Du Xingyu seemed to have guessed something.

"Could it be that the material of this water droplet aircraft is completely attracted by the strong interaction force, so its structure is so strong!"

The strong interaction force, referred to as the strong nuclear force, is one of the four fundamental forces in nature. Atomic nuclei rely on this force to gather nucleons into nuclei.

If all the molecules of this water droplet material are pulled by strong interactions, then all human weapons currently unable to break it!

There are only a handful of ways to destroy it.

For example, a kinetic energy weapon that also creates a strong interaction force can collide with it. Unfortunately, humans do not have the technology to do this.

Or destroy it from the inside, but humans can't even destroy its outer defenses, let alone destroy the inside.

There are also more advanced technological means, such as destroying it from another dimension, finding its structural weaknesses, defeating it with one strike, etc., but humans are currently unable to touch these technical fields!

"Then, there is only one way to destroy it now!" Du Xingyu has already thought of a solution, and that is antimatter!

Even if the water droplet aircraft is a super aircraft composed of strong interaction force, it is still composed of positive matter!

All positive matter will annihilate when encountering antimatter!

"So looking back, we still have to use the Ring Planet Particle Collider." Du Xingyu thought to himself.

The role of the particle collider is reflected at this time. It can not only be used to study quantum physics and particle physics, but can also be used to create antimatter!

In the collision of particles close to the speed of light, antimatter will be produced. Only by finding a way to collect them can we have a chance to deal with the water droplet aircraft.

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