While Du Xingyu was thinking about a solution, the alliance had already begun to adjust its military deployment.

In addition, news of the destruction of the human Cetus exploration fleet also spread in the virtual world.

The Human Guardian Alliance released this picture and announced to the world seriously: "We must realize that our new home is not peaceful. In order to gain peace, we need to be ready to fight the enemy at all times!"

This news caused an uproar in the virtual world. In the past ten thousand years, no matter what difficulties human civilization encountered, they were limited to internal conflicts among humans.

In the history books, in order to deal with other civilizations, humans paid a heavy price, and even left their homeland and came to this strange star system.

But here, there are still dangers everywhere. Even mankind's most powerful star system destroying battleship was wiped out by a small water droplet aircraft without even seeing the enemy's shadow!

The fear of unknown enemies has once again appeared within human civilization.

People are talking about it everywhere in the real world and the virtual world.

Virtual world, world square.

This is the entrance to the virtual world. Users who log in to the virtual world will first appear in the World Square, which is a circular continent floating in the virtual universe with millions of world gates, each gate leading to a specific virtual world.

Behind the door, it may be the Jurassic World of tourism and adventure exploration, or it may be the sci-fi game world of future wars and warship battles, or the oriental fantasy world, the fantasy world of immortals, etc.

In the virtual world square, you can see a variety of "creatures", all of which are characters chosen by the lander.

There are steel behemoths hundreds of meters tall; there are elves the size of fingers; there are floating ghosts, there are golden dragons; there are talking stones, or two-dimensional paper figures, etc.

In the virtual world, people can express their personalities to their heart's content without caring about other people's eyes and comments.

Since the creation of the virtual world, there has never been a moment of peace in the busy world square. Everyone is rushing to the virtual world they want.

But at this time, the users who came to the World Square all stopped and watched the virtual scene played in the square in silence.

In the scene, the human captain shouted desperately: "Retreat, everyone retreats!"

However, the cruel reality is that no one can escape, the water droplet aircraft destroyed the entire human fleet!

Next to the screen, there is an official statement from the Human Guardian Alliance, stating that this is not a game or a virtual scene, but a real thing! Just ten light years away!

"How could this happen?" A cyberpunk gorilla with a rough voice exclaimed.

"Our exploration fleet has been completely wiped out!" the fear puppet next to him screamed.

"Even if we come to Proxima Centauri, we still can't avoid being attacked by advanced civilizations?" Mecha warriors who love technological weapons also feel fear. In the face of such weapons, humanity's most powerful star-level advanced destruction battleship has no trace. The power of resistance!

"We have finally entered a new era, and we have to face the threat of war again!" said a one-legged table, who is also a character in the virtual world.

"If alien civilizations come over, who can resist them?" In the World Square, people no longer have the intention to entertain or work in the virtual world, they are all discussing this matter.

"The Cetus Exploration Fleet only has thirty battleships. Our five major space cities combined have more than a thousand battleships. It should be fine, right?"

"Bullshit! Didn't you see the scene? Thirty battleships, all weapons used, still can't destroy a small water droplet! If the enemy's weapons come over, even 10,000 star-level battleships will be useless !”

"What should I do? Wait to die?"

"Continue running with the earth?"

"No, I really don't want to live in a dungeon anymore. The alien civilization's technology is so powerful, maybe it will blow up the earth this time! I can't even run!"

"Fuck, what should I do?" The word "fuck" has not faded after ten thousand years.

"The Alliance should be able to find a solution, right?"

"It would be great if that person was here, he must have a way!" said a giant panda in the World Square.


"Du Xingyu, the man who once led mankind to defeat the 2.3-level sea civilization with the technology of the 0.7-level civilization!" The giant panda's tone was full of admiration, "Although I didn't live in that era, after watching the documentary, I found that he was really He is a man of God, without him, our human civilization would have been destroyed long ago!”

"Haha, I don't believe it." A young man born in the New Era disagreed and said: "The history books make him too mythical! No matter how you say it, he was a person from 10,000 years ago, and the technology at that time was much worse than now. , even if he is here, there is probably nothing we can do.”

"You know a hammer!" Someone next to him immediately retorted, "We have not been able to fully manufacture the technological creations designed by Du Xingyu, including the Ring Planet Particle Collider that was completed not long ago!"

"Speaking of which, we have entered a new era. Hasn't Du Xingyu unfrozen yet?"

In the real world, people are also discussing the destruction of the Cetus exploration fleet by alien civilization.

In the Thaw Ren Sanatorium, Thaw people were also discussing it hotly.

"The good times have not yet begun, and we have encountered an alien civilization again!" Liang Fan, who had just passed the exam as a planetary construction engineer, sighed.

"Yes, I was frozen for 1,400 years, and it took a lot of effort to come to this era..." Dai Xiaolu also lost interest in choreographing and browsed the news listlessly.

"No matter what, I must join the army! This is the time when soldiers are needed!" Valery clenched his bionic fist and said: "The alliance has issued an announcement to increase the number of troops. I will report it next month!"

"Come on, I believe humans can withstand the crisis." Du Xingyu comforted him from the side.

"We also want to believe it, but now the alliance obviously has no means of defense!" Dai Xiaolu said, "Uncle, why are you not surprised at all when you hear this news, and are you still so calm?"

"Haha, when the soldiers come, we will be blocked, and when the water comes, the soil will cover us up." Du Xingyu said with a smile, "But because of this matter, I have to start working."

"What job?" Liang Fan asked curiously, "Have you found a job?"

"Yes. My previous unit." Du Xingyu said, "I'm going back to work. Today is my last day here. I'm here to say goodbye to you."

Du Xingyu has lived with these thawed people for several months, and he has some small friendships.

"Du, are you leaving?" Valery stood up, hugged Du Xingyu, and said, "We can't even hold a freshman party for you."

"Yes, uncle, don't you consider staying a few more days?" Dai Xiaolu also stood up and gave Du Xingyu a hug.

The same goes for Liang Fan. They are both Thawed people. Although they have come to a new era and are a little different from the people of this era, they can understand each other. After spending several months together, when they heard the news that Du Xingyu was leaving, they were all a little bit confused. Reluctant to give up.

"By the way, what kind of unit do you belong to, and they can actually reinstate you?" Liang Fan asked curiously.

They have been frozen for a long time, and ordinary companies and enterprises have closed down long ago. Those that can still exist must be very powerful units.

"Alliance Command." Du Xingyu said truthfully.

Liang Fan: "..."

"Stop joking, uncle!" Dai Xiaolu said, "If you say you want to go to a large enterprise that has been inherited for thousands of years, I will believe it. Alliance Command is too exaggerated!"

"Haha, if you want to go to the Alliance Command, why not transfer me to the Space Fleet!" Valery obviously didn't take it seriously.

There were other thaw people nearby who joked: "If you go to the alliance headquarters to resume your duties, then you don't have to have the alliance commander come to welcome you in person?"

As they were talking, a whistle sounded outside the Thaw Man Sanatorium.

Several spaceships landed outside the sanatorium, and there were even fully armed military personnel.

"What happened?" Everyone in the sanatorium looked out curiously.

"Oh my God, that is the symbol of the alliance's direct-affiliated troops. Those people who are in charge of the top level of the alliance, why are they here?"

"Look, it's Lingxiao Space City Spaceship No. 1. That's the cockpit of Lingxiao City's commander!"

"The No. 1 spaceship from Yufeng Space City has also arrived!"

"Not only that, there are also spaceship No. 1 from Glitter Space City, Thunder Space City, Lingze Space City, and the five commanders of the Human Guardian Alliance are here!" Everyone was stunned. This is the top figure in the entire human civilization. Why did they come here at the same time?

"What happened?"

"Oh my God, I've only seen it on the news. What are they doing here?"

"Is there a big shot going to be unfrozen?"

"I didn't hear that!"

Everyone in the sanatorium was mobilized, and the director of the sanatorium rushed to greet the five commanders.

The alliance-affiliated troops quickly took over the defense of the sanatorium. They asked everyone to stay within the existing area and not to move.

"What are you doing with such a big battle?" The thawed people around Du Xingyu were astonished, and Dai Xiaolu quickly recorded the scene with virtual glasses.

She said happily: "I'm so excited. Maybe I can see the five commanders. I'll post it to the virtual world later, and it will definitely gain a lot of fans!"

At this time, outside the sanatorium, Chen Hong and others had already disembarked from the spacecraft, and the arranged alliance reporters immediately came down to shoot and report the news.

"Hello everyone, this is the Thaw Man Sanatorium located in Suzhou City. As you can see, the five commanders of the Human Guardian Alliance, Commander Chen Hong, Commander Yang Shaolin, Commander Tours, Commander Lu Xing, and Mo Caiwei The commanders are all here, and they will meet an important Thaw!"

This news was broadcast in the virtual world square and on various news channels around the world.

"Sure enough, a big shot is Thawed!" People in Thawed Man's Nursing Home were curious and excited.

"Who is it? Can the five commanders welcome him together?"

"Isn't this awesome? I have never seen such a formation in my entire life!"

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