"This trick works. Continue to launch asteroids and launch our backup weapons to affect their gravity field!" Du Xingyu knew that he had guessed correctly when he saw the enemy's response.

If it were a naturally occurring gravity field, this would have no effect.

But the enemy's gravity field needs to maintain a gravity balance within the field, and this tactic comes into play.

The gravity field of the Star Wheel is a sphere of about three million kilometers, while the diameter of human asteroid kinetic energy weapons ranges from one hundred kilometers to several thousand kilometers.

Once one or two are launched, the impact on the gravity field will be limited, but when hundreds or thousands are launched, coupled with the bombardment of various weapons, the Star Wheel's gravity field becomes difficult to maintain.

It reduced the gravity field, and Du Xingyu allowed the asteroid to continue to approach the Star Wheel.

In order to block these kinetic weapons, other enemy warships had to turn around and intercept these asteroids.

Asteroids are not afraid of gravity bombs. Even if they are destroyed, their mass will still exist in the gravity field. Only anti-matter weapons can annihilate them.

However, the energy explosion produced by the annihilation reaction of such a massive object will also affect the enemy's own warships.

The enemy was once again dragged into a war of attrition by Du Xingyu, and they also realized that this could not continue. So he let Star Wheel lead the fleet forward and approach the sentry tower deep space base.

"Be careful in the sentry tower." Du Xingyu reminded, "The enemy's firepower is relatively fierce, so everyone inside should evacuate."

"Yes!" Huang Qi ordered the garrisoned troops to move immediately.

The flight speed of the sentry tower deep space base is too slow, so it will definitely not be able to avoid enemy attacks. If it is covered by the gravity field, it will definitely be destroyed.

As expected, the Star Wheel's attack target was the sentry tower.

It supported the gravity field and wrapped the sentry tower, making it difficult for the sentry tower to escape. Then, a black ray condensed on the Star Wheel, breaking through all obstacles in front of it!

Asteroids, battleships, energy shields, and the protective armor of the sentinel deep space base, no defense could stand up to it for even one tenth of a second!

This black ray instantly annihilated everything in front of it!

It only existed for a brief second, and then disappeared. However, on the battlefield, because of this blow, mankind directly lost more than a dozen asteroid kinetic energy weapons, more than a hundred star-level battleships, and a million-level unmanned aerial vehicles. Fighters, armed satellites, and a sentry tower deep space base that humans finally built!

"In an instant, they were all destroyed?" Huang Qi, who escaped from the sentry tower on a battleship, broke into a cold sweat when he saw this. If Du Xingyu hadn't asked them to evacuate in advance, he and the soldiers would have turned into nothingness by now!

"It's too scary!" The five commanders' eyelids jumped at the sight. If the enemy started to use this kind of weapon, they would be swept aside, let alone harassed!

"Antimatter ray!" Du Xingyu also took a deep breath, "So much antimatter, gathered together in a certain way, was released in one breath, forming an annihilation ray that annihilated everything! Even if there was a star in front of him just now, it would be Pierced instantly!"

"This is the highest power of the stellar annihilation battleship!"

Several other commanders opened their mouths several times but were speechless. For human civilization in this matter, the enemy's gravity field is an absolute defense, and the annihilation ray is an absolute attack. They also have gravity bombs that can instantly destroy space cities and space battleships.

Fighting against the human fleet is simply crushing it!

"Don't worry too much." Du Xingyu comforted, "If you want to gather so much antimatter to release annihilation rays, I think even the Star Wheel can only release one!"

"Look, their gravity field has dissipated, proving that they don't have so much antimatter energy to support them!"

"Yes! That's why they resisted the use of annihilation rays until they found an opportunity to annihilate our sentinel tower deep space base!" Yang Shaolin reacted, "They are the last of a strong crossbow!"

"Yes, they have no supply support and cannot release the second annihilation ray!" Chen Hong said urgently, "Send the Lingxiao fleet and the Lingze fleet as well?"

Du Xingyu observed the battlefield again, now on the front line. After the enemy used the annihilation ray, they did not pursue the victory but began to gather the fleet and begin to evacuate!

"Pursuit! They have no supplies!" Wei Xuan on the front line first observed this situation and ordered the warships around him to pursue.

Du Xingyu also ordered: "Pursue the enemy, even if we use battleships to fill them, we must keep them!"

"The Lingxiao fleet and the Lingze fleet are also sent there." Du Xingyu agreed to Chen Hong's proposal.

If the enemy still had supplies or follow-up forces, he would have pushed the Nanmen II star system sideways long ago. Now that they have not done so, it means that the enemy will not have any follow-up reinforcements in a short period of time.

Keeping them is crucial!

The first is to reduce the enemy's effective strength, the second is to facilitate access to the enemy's situation, and the third is to have the opportunity to obtain the enemy's technology!

Humanity began to chase the Star Wheel. On the battlefield, they were unable to activate warp speed. Because energy fluctuations will interfere with the formation of warp bubbles, if the warp field or warp bubble is destroyed while preparing for warp sailing, their warship will be squeezed and torn apart by time and space!

At sub-light speed, humans can completely pursue it!

In space, humanity's remaining thousand warships pursued hundreds of enemy warships while remaining dispersed.

From time to time, the Star Wheel would stop and re-open the gravity field. At this time, the human fleet would keep its distance and attack from a distance, further consuming the enemy's energy.

At the rear of the human fleet, supply ships and new warships are constantly joining the battlefield to replenish the human fleet.

The current enemy fleet is very embarrassed. They thought that the force they sent could annihilate human civilization in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, they were blocked by humans and fell into a war of attrition.

Now their warships are more powerful than humans, with more powerful weapons, but they are unable to completely eliminate humans, and their energy is gradually exhausted in the war of attrition.

"Be careful to pull, don't be too close, and don't be too far!" Huang Qi was surprised to find that the enemy had been dragged into the water by them. He commanded: "Attack in batches, ensure that the attack continues, and do not allow them to sail at warp speed!"

The enemy's warp speed is faster than theirs. Once they enter warp speed, the human fleet cannot catch up.

This chase and tug-of-war lasted for twenty-eight hours.

It wasn't until humans discovered that the enemy no longer used weapons and was concentrating on running away, that they understood that the enemy ship's energy was really consumed.

"Pursue, the Star Wheel must be stopped!" Du Xingyu shouted, "It's best to capture the prisoners. Whoever captures the Star Wheel will be the winner!"

Upon hearing Du Xingyu's instructions, the frontline commanders were all excited and shouted: "Brothers, turn on the horsepower to the maximum and seize the lead!"

While they were chasing, they also sent a message: "Listen to the enemies in front, you have nowhere to escape, turn off your engines and surrender immediately! Anyone who dares to resist will be destroyed immediately!"

The enemy has captured human detection satellites and naturally knows human language.

This message was received by them, but not a single warship chose to surrender!

Du Xingyu observed that ten stellar-level medium-sized annihilation battleships stopped and formed a temporary defense line to hold up a defensive network to resist pursuit.

The other warships all began to accelerate, preparing to enter warp speed!

"Are you sacrificing the army to protect the commander?" Du Xingyu ordered: "Don't be stingy with weapons, destroy all the intercepted warships in one go. We must stop the Star Wheel!"

"Yes!" The human warships opened fire together. Under the attack of various weapons, the defense line composed of ten warships was defeated almost instantly!

The enemy warships that were preparing to sail at warp speed were also forced to stop and fell into the encirclement of human warships!

At this time, the only enemy warships left were the Star Wheel and eight stellar-level medium annihilation warships.

"The enemy sent a communication request!" The Star Wheel maintains a gravity field, but the range is less than one-twentieth of the previous one. It can be seen that the energy on the Star Wheel is indeed insufficient.

"Connected." Du Xingyu didn't want to destroy the Star Wheel. Its value was higher than the average stellar-level annihilation battleship!

The gravity bombs, gravity fields, and annihilation ray weapons above have all exceeded the stellar level. They are technological weapons that only a third-level civilization can produce!

If the Star Wheel could be received and these technological data obtained, human civilization could make another leap forward!

The communication was connected, and in front of Du Xingyu, he saw an intelligent alien creature less than one meter tall.

Like humans, it has two legs and arms, strong limbs, a head bigger than its belly, black-red skin, almost no body hair, and a smooth head like a braised egg.

"Humans, I am Piru, the commander of the pioneering fleet attached to the Eighth Fleet of the Skyhawk Civilization. I want to make peace with you!"

These words have been translated into human language. Du Xingyu said: "I am the human commander, Du Xingyu. You have been surrounded and are not qualified to make peace. I give you five minutes to turn off all the warships and surrender, otherwise we will Attack!"

When Piru heard Du Xingyu's words, his black and red face showed an expression of anger, and he cursed: "You are not qualified to ask us to surrender! You are a low-level civilization and low-level life! And these garbage warships, you think you can trap us?" Can we survive the great Skyhawk Civilization Fleet?"

"Shoot!" Du Xingyu didn't talk nonsense to him and directly ordered the fleet to attack one of the warships.

Although the battleship held up an energy shield, it was still destroyed by anti-matter missiles.

"Piru, I don't care where you come from or who you are." Du Xingyu emphasized, "Every thirty seconds, I will destroy a battleship. If you don't want yourself and your subordinates to turn into nothingness, immediately surrender!"

"You! @#¥¥%" Piru cursed, but he didn't translate this sentence. It was not a good word anyway.

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