After only ten seconds, Piru had to give in and said: "You must ensure our lives are safe!"

"Of course, we treat the prisoners kindly." Du Xingyu said with a smile. Do you still want to negotiate terms after they become prisoners?

"All battleship engines are turned off and weapon systems are shut down." Piru ordered.

Soon, all the enemies on the battleship chose to surrender. Du Xingyu sent robots to board the ships and took over these battleships and the Star Wheel.

Piru and others will be escorted to the Human Alliance's space prison.

With the surrender of Piru and others, mankind's war of resistance finally won.

The Human Guardian Alliance immediately reported the news to human society: "After a difficult battle, we finally defeated the enemy and captured several alien enemies."

In the battle reports, they made no mention of human losses.

In fact, this battle can only be regarded as a tragic victory for mankind, because mankind lost two space cities, a deep space base, 90% of the stellar annihilation battleships were destroyed, and the four major fleets that went to the battlefield lost a total of We have destroyed more than two thousand stellar-class destruction battleships!

In addition, there are countless types of weapons and armed satellites, and the antimatter consumed is almost 80% of the total antimatter produced by the antimatter factory during this period!

As long as the enemy persists for one more day, human civilization will fail!

"We have won!" In the World Square of the virtual world, people celebrated together as they looked at the captured Star Wheel.

"We won, haha! I heard that two space cities were destroyed. I was scared to death!"

"This Star Wheel is too gorgeous. I want to know how the aliens lost?"

"The alliance is still strong, we won this battle!"

"My brother is from the Alliance. He said that humanity was almost destroyed this time!"

"Ten thousand years later, Commander Du is still so awesome!"

In the virtual world, Du Xingyu and others have begun to torture the prisoners.

Each alien prisoner has a dedicated interrogator for interrogation, and Du Xingyu and the five commanders are responsible for interrogating Piru, the main culprit of the invasion!

"You claim to be a civilization from the Aquila constellation, which originated from the Hegu 2 star system and is a level 3.0 civilization." Du Xingyu had obtained some information and interrogated Piru again.

"Yes." Although Piru was captured, his attitude had always been "arrogant" and he asked for various treatments, but Du Xingyu ignored him.

Aquila is one of the constellations surrounding the ecliptic, located south of Lyra and north of Sagittarius, mostly in the Milky Way. There are 87 stars in the constellation with visual magnitudes brighter than 6th magnitude, of which 13 stars are brighter than 4th magnitude.

Among them, the two stars of Hegu are what humans used to call "Altair", the Cowherd of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

Altair is the brightest star in the constellation Aquila. This star is hotter and younger than the sun, and its diameter is about twice that of the sun. The rotation speed of Altair's equatorial region is as high as 1.027 million kilometers per hour, which is about 60 times the rotation speed of the sun. Therefore, Altair is not an almost perfect sphere like the Sun. Its rapid rotation makes it an oblate ellipsoid.

"Your civilization has a history of eight million years and originated from an earth-like planet on Altair." Du Xingyu continued to read, from the evolution of forest apes to the present, human beings are only six million years old, and the Sky Eagle civilization is more numerous than humans. About two million years ago.

"The power of the Sky Eagle civilization covers 32 star systems. It is a third-level civilization and mainly has eight star system colonial fleets, right?"

"Yes!" When mentioning this, Piru's attitude gradually became arrogant. He emphasized: "My fleet is only an affiliated fleet of the eighth fleet of our Sky Eagle civilization. Your human civilization is only a second-level civilization. If you dare to hurt me, you will definitely There will be a price to pay!”

Du Xingyu couldn't be sure if he was bluffing or if it was true, but he was sure that the enemy's power was definitely more than that!

"I'm curious." Du Xingyu asked, "Since your civilization is so powerful, why did you send you to attack us? Our human civilization has nothing to do with you, right?"

"Hehe." Pilu smiled evilly and said, "Of course there is no festival. You, a low-level civilization...ah!"

As soon as he was halfway through speaking, he was paralyzed by the electric shock. The interrogator next to him emphasized: "Find out your identity. Now you are our prisoner. If you continue to insult human civilization, you will be made into a specimen." Put it on display in our space museum!”

" @¥ # ¥%!" Piru cursed in alien language and was immediately shocked again.

The interrogator said expressionlessly: "Our computers have deciphered your language, and you can't even insult us in alien languages."

Piru looked resentful and said, "You will regret it!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Du Xingyu slammed the table and asked Piru: "Now you can explain in detail the power situation of Tianying civilization and why you want to attack human civilization. How many battleships do you have, what weapons do you have, and how much do you know about us?"

Piru sneered a few times and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you that the fleet of the Sky Eagle civilization is beyond your imagination!"

"Each of the eight fleets has more than 10,000 stellar-level annihilation battleships, and we also have star-level battleships!"

Star field-level battleships are battleships above the stellar level and can only be manufactured by level three civilizations. That Star Wheel is only the pinnacle battleship of the stellar class. It is equipped with star field class weapons, but it is not a real star field class battleship!

"As for why we attack you, your human civilization is not from our demon camp, so why don't we attack you?"

"Devil camp?" Du Xingyu asked, "What devil camp?"

Piru was a little surprised and asked: "As a second-level civilization, you have mastered subspace communication technology. Don't even the demon civilization know about it?"

"I understand, you must be too timid to contact angel civilization and demon civilization! Hahaha!"

He scoffed again, and the interrogator next to him gave him another electric shock.

"Angel civilization and demon civilization!" While interrogating Pilu, Du Xingyu's consciousness separated a line of thinking and discussed it with a group of science academies in the Alliance Academy of Sciences in the virtual world.

"Angel civilization and demon civilization are the two advanced civilizations we heard on the subspace broadcast!"

Ten thousand years ago, before human civilization migrated to the Nanmen II star system, it received news from the angel civilization and demon civilization in the subspace. They claimed that the hunting ground in the galaxy had been opened, allowing the civilizations that received the information to contact them.

Moreover, the two civilizations also discredited each other, saying that the other was a malicious civilization.

"Continue, what's going on between angel civilization and demon civilization?" Du Xingyu said coldly, "If you don't want to be punished, you'd better cooperate!"

Although Piru has always had a sense of "superiority", he himself is a bit greedy for life and afraid of death.

He said with resentment: "In the Milky Way, every civilization that has mastered subspace communication technology will receive subspace broadcasts from angel civilization and demon civilization. If you contact them, you can join their camp."

"According to advanced civilizations, a super disaster will erupt in this universe, which will affect the Milky Way in a few years. By then, only one civilization in the Milky Way will survive!"

"So the civilizations in our galaxy must fight against each other, and only the strongest civilization will remain!"

"Why do you believe these words?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Whether you believe it or not, every civilization will be forced to do this!" Piru continued, "Because whether it is the angel civilization camp or the demon civilization camp, as long as you destroy the enemy camp or non-camp civilization, you will get their rewards. "

"They possess advanced technologies that we can't even imagine. The civilizations that receive their rewards will develop and evolve faster."

"Even if there is an absolutely peace-loving civilization, there is no guarantee that our neighbors will not attack us for rewards! So we must arm ourselves and attack people from the hostile camp!"

"Those who join one camp will become affiliated civilizations of advanced civilizations. Even if disaster really strikes, they will protect us."

After Piru finished speaking, Du Xingyu immediately discussed with the scientists: "Do you think what he said is true?"

A cosmologist said: "We have indeed received the space broadcasts from the angel civilization and demon civilization he mentioned. But because of the replies to them, the mother star of the sea civilization was destroyed, and our sun was also destroyed. This is It’s very suspicious, he may want us to restore the angel civilization or demon civilization, and use advanced civilization to destroy us!”

Another psychologist objected. He said: "Dean Du, I don't think he is lying. Until now, his mood swings have been detected by our instruments. According to my observation, what he said should be truth."

"Maybe this is really the case. As for why we are attacked by advanced civilizations, there is another hidden reason!"

"Dean Du, we just read the memory of a prisoner, and it's pretty much what he said. But because the prisoner's position is just an ordinary captain, we can't be sure that what he knows is the truth." The intelligence department reported.

Reading memories will cause permanent damage to the brain, and sometimes the memories read will be incomplete. These captives have other uses, and all humans have only read the memories of some of the captives.

Du Xingyu nodded, now he had more and more doubts. Is the crisis that is destroying the galaxy related to the "space-time bomb" mentioned by the technology simulator?

Also, if you join one camp and attack the enemy camp, advanced civilizations will give you rewards. What role do these advanced civilizations play?

Is low-level civilization their game? Or are they taking advantage of low-level civilization?

Du Xingyu interrogated Piru again: "As far as I know, there is a sea civilization whose mother star was destroyed because it responded to the subspace broadcast message! I now suspect that you are deceiving me!"

"Hahaha, that's because they are too stupid!" Piru laughed and said: "That Sea Clan civilization hadn't really become a second-level civilization at that time, right? They were also not very lucky. In the subspace, some of them were not advanced. The subspace broadcasts of civilizations are instead tentative messages sent by some hunter civilizations that imitate subspace broadcasts.”

"Once a low-level civilization responds to them, they will immediately launch long-range weapons to attack there. When this low-level civilization is destroyed, they can directly obtain the rewards of the high-level civilization! They do not have subspace broadcast technology, but focus on a certain location. Star systems that may have low-level civilizations sending subspace messages.”

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