Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 220 The consequences of flashing the face

"Get ready, jump over, and immediately destroy all human military facilities and major planets!" Kamu ordered.

"Yes!" More than 5,000 star field-level battleships are ready. The energy and weapons they carry this time are enough to level the entire Nanmen II star system!

The hyperspace jump has begun, and the ripples of hyperspace are carrying the fifth main fleet of the Sky Eagle Civilization into hyperspace.

Just a few seconds later, the hyperspace jump detector in the Nanmen star system felt the distortion of space and time.

At this time, Du Xingyu was interrogating Piru and asking him about information about the advanced weapons of the Sky Eagle Civilization.

"Your Excellency, Commander, fluctuations in hyperspace have been detected, and the enemy has invaded!" Hongyu, the military intelligence system, appeared in front of Du Xingyu.

"Coming!" Du Xingyu stood up immediately. At the same time as the hyperspace fluctuations occurred, the stellar mass shadow projector was activated, aiming at the place where the hyperspace fluctuations occurred.

This distance is already close to the edge of the Nanmen star system. If it were any further, it would be beyond the effective attack range of the mass shadow projector.

"Hahaha, they are coming!" Piru laughed, "Get ready to surrender! Our main fleet is absolutely invincible to you!"

"Surrender now, and I will say a few good words for you. Human civilization may not be able to save you, but I can give you some places to live."

"Don't be too happy too soon." Du Xingyu opened the battlefield screen.

In the vacuum zone outside the Nanmen II star system, the weak point of human defense, the hull of the first Starfield-class battleship has appeared. Behind it, thousands more battleships are emerging through hyperspace jumps!

"Humanity, prepare to face destruction!" The captains of the Sky Eagle Civilization are already ready to make meritorious deeds.

In their view, this expedition was not a war at all, but an opportunity to gain credit. What resistance can a second-level civilization have?

"They are coming!" The five commanders of the Human Guardian Alliance and the commanders of the major fleets have all received the news.

At this time, it was too late to mobilize troops and go to the location where the enemy appeared.

"Hopefully it works!" Everyone put their hopes on the quality shadow caster.

At this moment, the mass shadow projector has accumulated enough energy, which it converts into gravitational waves and emits them.

This gravitational wave passes through hyperspace and reaches a light-year away in an instant.

At the hyperspace jump site of the fifth main fleet of the Sky Eagle Civilization, a powerful gravitational field comparable to a star began to be generated!

Like a star's "shadow", its gravity interferes with the stability of hyperspace.

The battleships that had not yet escaped from hyperspace were immediately affected. The battleships began to shake violently, the zero quantum field was destroyed, and the power of space began to squeeze and tear these star field-level battleships.

Their armor, energy shields, and all other defensive methods were instantly destroyed under the crushing force of hyperspace!

The 100,000-meter-long super battleship was crushed into microscopic particles in an instant!

"What happened?" Commander Kamu asked in shock on the mothership of the Skyhawk Civilization's fifth main fleet, a high-level star field-level battleship.

"There is a gravitational interference nearby, there is a star nearby!" the crew reported in panic, "Sir, we are going to be crushed by the energy of space!"

"How is it possible?" Kamu said in disbelief, "How can there be stars at our jump site? Isn't this a vacuum zone?"

"I don't know, there can't be stars here!" The crew members also found it difficult to understand.

"Which idiot misplaced the jump location?" Kamu cursed.

"Sir, the jump location is correct!"

"How could this happen?" Kamu couldn't figure it out until he died. "Can humans move stars? Even if they could, we are only one light-year away from the nearest star. Even a peak level three civilization can't move it. Possibly allowing stars to make hyperspace jumps!”

"Damn it..." Before Kamu could finish his last words, he and his crew were crushed by the power of space and turned into microscopic particles!

Not just his battleships, there were more than 5,000 battleships. Under the crushing of the space dimension, this powerful force was like a hurricane blowing away dust, and they all disappeared!

They have no room for resistance or struggle!

They are in hyperspace like ants on a leaf in the ocean. The leaf, and the ants themselves, have no power to resist the force of the sea; they ride on the ripples of the waves.

The gravity of the star was like a whale making waves next to the leaf. In an instant, the wave knocked over the leaf and the ants on the leaf.

From a human perspective, a super explosion occurred at the hyperspace jump location of the Skyhawk Civilization Fleet. The energy storm was comparable to the explosion of a super star flare, destroying everything!

"What... happened?" Piru was frightened when he saw the real-time picture. Where is the fleet? What about his countrymen? Where have they all gone?

"As you can see, your compatriots were all destroyed in hyperspace!" Du Xingyu struck mercilessly.

"Impossible! Impossible! How could the main fleet be destroyed like this?" Piru didn't believe it. "This must be a virtual video. Do you want to scare me?"

"Is it necessary to scare you?" Du Xingyu asked, "There is no valuable information in your brain."

"No, no, no! The fleet of the Sky Eagle civilization can never be destroyed like this. Your human civilization is only a second-level civilization. How can you attack hyperspace?" Piru muttered to himself. He was no longer as arrogant as before. A shadow cast over my heart.

Du Xingyu ignored him, and his consciousness had entered the alliance headquarters.

The five major commanders of the alliance were stunned by the power of the mass shadow projector.

"Oh my god, what kind of terrifying weapon is this!" Chen Hong opened his eyes wide and looked at a white light. That was the image of an energy storm that would affect the area of ​​human life from one light-year away!

"Just like that, the enemy's fleet was destroyed?" Yang Shaolin said to himself, "Is there such an easy war?"

"I have been commanding wars all my life, and I have never even thought about such a thing, let alone encountering it!"

"The enemy was stronger than us! Hundreds of times stronger! He was destroyed just like that!"

"Hahaha, this mass shadow projector is simply a super defensive weapon!" Tours laughed and said, "The enemy has suffered a big loss now. I don't know how many warships they have made this hyperspace jump!"

"We held on!" Lu Xing celebrated.

"It's over before it even begins!" Mo Caiwei was still recalling the scene just now. The enemy's fleet was completely wiped out before they even had time to leave hyperspace!

"This is the role of super weapons!" Du Xingyu was also very happy. "Judging from the energy level of the explosion just now, the enemy has at least thousands of warships. Maybe we have directly wiped out an entire enemy fleet!"

"Without the Mass Shadow Projector, it's hard to say how this war would have ended!"

The news that humans had used mass shadow projectors to eliminate an entire fleet of the Skyhawk civilization immediately spread throughout human society.

"Is there such an operation? The mass shadow projector directly creates star shadows to interfere with hyperspace - holy shit, how awesome!" The crowd was also shocked when they saw this news.

"This brain power, this technology, let me blow it up, okay?"

"With this weapon, you no longer have to worry about the enemy flashing and riding on the face! Come and blast each one!"

"Haha, I'm afraid the Sky Eagle civilization doesn't even know what happened?"

"Sky Eagle Civilization (confused): 'Where is my fleet? Where has my fleet gone?'"

"Why is there no news about the Fifth Fleet?" Just like the humans thought, the Skyhawk Civilization was also confused.

During the hyperspace jump, they did not dare to send subspace information because they had to hold up a protective shield.

As soon as the Fifth Fleet entered hyperspace, they never contacted them again.

Logically speaking, a hyperspace jump of more than ten light years only takes a few seconds, but an hour has passed and there is still no news.

The leader of the Skyhawk Civilization and Tangier, the commander-in-chief of the Skyhawk Civilization Fleet, both realized that something was wrong.

"It is very possible that our fifth fleet was killed in hyperspace!" the analyst said.

"Or they were instantly wiped out by advanced civilization! Only in this case will we not receive any news, and they will disappear."

"Hyperspace jump failed?" The leader of the Sky Eagle Civilization asked puzzledly, "The technology of hyperspace jump has matured, how could it fail?"

The think tank said: "We cannot know everything about hyperspace, and there is a chance that any unknown changes will occur. Maybe they are unlucky!"

"Bad luck?" The leader of the Sky Eagle Civilization could not accept this speculation. It was a major fleet of the Sky Eagle Civilization, and it also mobilized warships from other fleets!

The power equivalent to one-fifth of the current Tianying civilization was directly wiped out!

"Will it be attacked by human civilization?" the leader of Tianying Civilization asked.

"Human civilization? Can they do it?" Tangier questioned, "If human civilization had such technology, it would have wiped us out long ago!"

"Our detectors and fleet have proven before that they are only a second-level civilization! How can a second-level civilization attack hyperspace? How can it destroy our main fleet in an instant?"

"I'm sure that they either failed the hyperspace jump and were annihilated by space. Or an advanced civilization took action and wiped them out!"

"Human civilization has stolen our technology and should now be a level three civilization." The think tank emphasized, "Maybe the wise ones among them used some kind of weapon that we don't know about to create this disaster!"

"I doubt this!" Tangier couldn't accept this guess.

But no matter which guess it is, it makes the leader of the Sky Eagle Civilization and the Commander-in-Chief of the Fleet sleepless! They need to adjust their strategy towards human civilization.

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