Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 221 Developing star system colonies

"The destruction of the Fifth Fleet is of great importance! Originally, our battle plan was for the Fifth Fleet to quickly eliminate human civilization, and then return to the battlefield to completely eliminate the Star Thief civilization. Now that the Fifth Fleet has disappeared, we may not be able to destroy this Star Thief civilization! "Tangir's teeth were itching with hatred, "This Kamu, it's really not enough to succeed but more than enough to fail! It ruins my big things!"

"We can no longer attack human civilization for the time being!" said the leader of the Sky Eagle Civilization. "We must first do our best to destroy this star pirate civilization."

"And the intelligence on human civilization needs to be updated. It is very likely that they have joined our hostile camp, the angel civilization camp, and obtained the help of a civilization above level 3.8 in their camp. In this way, they may also destroy one of ours. Main fleet!"

"Before we deal with the Star Thieves civilization, suspend the attack on human civilization and launch the detector first!"

"This is the only way!" Tangier's heart was bleeding. A new force was just gone. They had never suffered such heavy losses in the war with the Star Thief Civilization!

The disappearance of the fifth main fleet made the Sky Eagle civilization begin to be wary of human civilization and did not dare to take action easily.

And human civilization has gained a precious respite as a result.

"A month has passed, and the enemy has not sent any more warships to jump." Du Xingyu said at the alliance headquarters meeting, "This shows that they have now regarded us as opponents of the same level. Before they understand our true strength, , should not attack rashly."

"This is a good opportunity!" Yang Shaolin said excitedly, "It's just the right time to expand the fleet! Expand our star field class battleships to more than 10,000 ships!"

"Yes, we need to build more deep space bases!" Lu Xing said. "The enemy is stronger than us after all. The conditions for the use of mass shadow projectors are too harsh, and they can hardly be used as a deterrent war weapon."

A mass shadow caster requires the energy of a star to be used once. That is, it cannot move.

Secondly, under normal circumstances, it can only interfere with hyperspace jumps. If this time the enemy does not jump directly to the coverage of the mass shadow caster, but appears further away and then sails over, the mass shadow caster will also affect them. Nothing works.

"Everyone, the resources in the Nanmen II star system are limited. The resources of the solar system are also very limited because the sun has aged and expanded and swallowed up several major planets. We must have more star system colonies!" Mo Caiwei reminded Said, "The resources of this star system are not enough to support the war."

In a stellar system, most of the mass is in the stars. Humanity's current use of stars is limited, and its main mining must rely on planets and asteroid belts.

Turs opened the star map and said: "Currently, the star systems around us have been occupied by the Sky Eagle civilization. But according to the confessions of the prisoners and the intelligence we detected, only some of the Sky Eagle civilization are stationed in these star fields. The auxiliary fleets are not very powerful, and some of them don’t even have star-level battleships.”

For example, Piru's fleet is an auxiliary fleet. His strongest battleship, Star Wheel, is a stellar-level advanced annihilation battleship. It is equipped with some weapons of a star-level battleship. It is considered a star-level battleship that cannot make hyperspace jumps.

"Rutan 726-8A and Rutan 726-8B star systems, as well as the YZ Ceti star system in the constellation Cetus; Procyon A and B star systems; Sirius A and B star systems and the Akura Five star system , are all star systems relatively close to us." Tours marked these star systems.

"First we must knock down the Lutan 726-8 star system." Du Xingyu drew red marks on the Lutan 726-8A star and the Lutan 726-8B star.

"These two stars are the closest star system bases to us. It can be expected that the war between us and the Sky Eagle civilization is not destined to end soon. We need to capture these two stars first, mine minerals, and build military bases."

"Then we will advance step by step, and then there will be the YZ Ceti star system, the Sirius A and B star systems... waiting for us to control more than five star systems. Not only can we obtain sufficient resources, but we can also block the rear of the Aquila civilization! "

The center of civilization of the Aquila civilization at this time is not in the Altair star system of Alpha Aquila. Reading the memories of the captives shows that when the Sky Eagle civilization developed to the second level civilization, it had exhausted all the resources in the Altair star system.

After developing new star system colonies, the center of the Aquila civilization also moved. It is now located in the Beta Aquila star, which is what humans call the Hedrum star system.

This star system is fifty light-years away from the Centauri star system.

"Then first, let's take down Rutan 726-8A and Rutan 726-8B!"

While humans are building star field-class battleships, they are also sending probes to the Rutan 726-8 star system.

The Starfield-class battleship performed a hyperspace jump and directly sent the water droplet detector to the vicinity of the two star systems.

The Sky Eagle civilization still has forces stationed here, but humans have discovered that most of these stationed forces are robots and unmanned warships, which are transporting resources in these two star systems.

Upon seeing this, humans immediately dispatched a fleet to attack.

More than a hundred Starfield-class battleships overcontrolled and jumped outside the Lutan 726-8 star system, and the stationed robot troops quickly discovered it.

"Warning, the human fleet is approaching the Rutan 726-8 star system!" The robot sent the information back to the Sky Eagle civilization.

"They used elementary star-level battleships! The despicable humans have indeed stolen our technology!" Tangier said with a gloomy face, "Resist with all your might. In addition, destroy all the available mines and destroy all the energy available to them." Destroy all the planets, and do something about the star, so they can’t get this star system easily!”

The robot troops in the Rutan 726-8 star system had little combat effectiveness and were quickly wiped out by the human fleet.

But before they perished, they used antimatter weapons to annihilate one of the most resource-rich planetary mines in the star system!

Not only that, they also used plasma cannons and other weapons to smash three rocky planets!

Although these resources have not disappeared, their mass still exists in the star system. After tens of thousands of years, they can re-condensate into new planets due to gravity, but this will bring trouble to human mining.

Even two stars triggered stellar flares, making it difficult for humans to utilize the energy of the stars in a short period of time.

"How stingy!" Du Xingyu laughed, "But it doesn't matter. Unless they use antimatter, they can't make the mass disappear. They are not willing to use so much antimatter."

For level three civilizations, antimatter is still the main source of energy. Creating difficulties, who is willing to use precious antimatter to annihilate some minerals?

There are so many celestial bodies in the Milky Way. If you do this, you will injure the enemy 800 and injure yourself 10,000!

After capturing the Rutan 726-8 star system, humans immediately began resource extraction and construction. Relying on the hyperspace jump technology, it only takes more than ten minutes to reach the Nanmen 2 star system from the Lutan 726-8 star system.

In order to save energy, humans have built mines, military factories, space cities, deep space bases, etc. in the Rutan 726-8 star system.

At the same time, mankind's second star system fleet, the Lutan Star System Fleet, was also formed.

Next, is the third attack target, the Sirius A and B star systems.

The enemy's defense here is much stronger, and the star system where this star is located is much more massive and rich in resources.

In order to capture this place, humans spent another year building medium-sized star field-level battleships and dispatched two hundred star field-level warships to capture this star system colony.

At the same time, on the other side, humans captured a star system that the Aquila civilization had not yet occupied, the Wolf 359 star system.

Wolf 359 is a small and dim red dwarf star in the constellation Leo. There are not many exploitable resources in the star system.

In this place, humans only left robots and drone fleets to exploit resources.

Now, in less than two years, humankind's territory has expanded from one star system to six star systems!

Today's human beings are not enough to be called a level three civilization, but should be said to be a level 2.9 civilization.

To become a level three civilization, one must not only master the grand unified theory, but also have a territory of at least ten star systems.

Because only with so many resources can we create powerful enough technological creations!

"Only two thousand ships!" Two years have passed since the fifth fleet of the Sky Eagle Civilization attacked humanity.

During this period, the Sky Eagle civilization did not actively attack humans, but only caused friction with humans in the surrounding star systems.

Humanity's star field-level battleships can be upgraded to two thousand, of which 1,900 are elementary star field-level battleships, and there are only one hundred medium star field-level battleships.

As for the advanced starfield-level battleships, humans don’t have even one.

For an elementary starfield-level battleship, the distance of a hyperspace jump is between five and ten light years.

As for the medium-level star field battleship, the distance of a hyperspace jump is between ten and thirty light years.

For an advanced starfield-level battleship, the distance of a hyperspace jump is only over thirty light years.

Moreover, the energy of each battleship must be guaranteed to be able to jump through hyperspace at least four times, and it is best to have energy for war.

Humanity's current mid-level star field battleships are very reluctant at this point. Jumping twice will consume more than 50% of the energy. If there is really a war across star systems, it will be a disposable product!

"Before we have more advanced ways to utilize energy, we must establish stable hyperspace jump points and energy warehouses. In this way, warships can travel to and from several star systems and replenish energy in a timely manner." Du Xingyu released a new plan.

As a result, hyperspace jump points were built around every star system under human control. These jump points are also deep space bases, which ensure that hyperspace jumps are not interfered by enemies while supplying battleships.

Amid the busy preparations for war, mankind spent another three years of peace.

And these years, the Sky Eagle civilization has not been idle. The Star Thief civilization that is at war with them is finally about to be destroyed!

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