Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 223 Flying Ball Civilization

"Roger!" The Nanmen 2 star system fleet began to adjust its attack method on the deep space base. They covered it with a gravity field, and then used a combination of anti-matter missiles, weak force weapons, and kinetic energy weapons to partially destroy it.

"Oops, we're restricted to death!" The defenders there were also helpless, outnumbered and outnumbered. When the entire deep space base is covered by the gravity field, any attack will be quickly intercepted.

Kinetic weapons and weak weapons will not completely destroy their base.

"They are trying to capture us!" The defenders were already aware of this problem.

"Soldiers of the Altair Deep Space Base." Genan, the commander of the stationed fleet, ordered through gritted teeth, "Listen, at all costs, do not leave any weapons or information to the enemy!"

"Yes!" The defenders of the deep space base received the order.

"Blow up the base!"

"We will die together!"

With a violent explosion, this deep space base was reduced to ashes in space. If its debris is not cleaned up, it will gradually fall into Altair and be melted by the star.

"Take down the Stellar Mine!" Humanity didn't stop at all, because if they didn't do this, humans might not even have a chance to die, and they would be completely wiped out by the Sky Eagle Civilization!

Without the defense of the deep space base, a few hours later, all the stellar mines around Altair were captured by humans. Half of them chose to self-destruct, and the other half were conquered or surrendered by humans.

By now, the Tianying civilization garrison fleet in the Hegu 2 star system has lost its supplies, and the war has become increasingly difficult.

"Why hasn't the main fleet arrived yet?" Commander Kuzu Mu's heart dropped to the bottom. They had been fighting for a long time.

If the main fleet had started a space jump, it would have arrived at this time, but now, not only did he not wait for reinforcements, but there was also no information from the commander-in-chief.

"Sir, we have been abandoned." His deputy said sadly, "The main fleet has just finished the war with the Star Thieves civilization and there is insufficient energy."

"And the commander-in-chief and leaders must be worried about being ambushed by human civilization during the hyperspace jump, just like the fifth main fleet disappeared en masse."

"So they gave up on us! Shall we surrender?"

Ge Nan was silent for a long time. Suddenly he activated the plasma gun he carried and killed the adjutant instantly.

"Whoever dares to say surrender again will be killed by me! Keep fighting!"

He knew that the garrison fleet was destined to fail in this war. But he still has to fight for this. Unlike Piru, he can put down his dignity and surrender.

"The Sky Eagle civilization also has soldiers who would rather die than surrender!" Ge Nan continued to direct the battle.

Not far from the Hegu II star system, a high-level starfield-level battleship jumped here.

This is the battleship that the Star Thief Civilization escaped from. The main senior executives and scientific and technical personnel of the Star Thief Civilization are all on it.

They look completely different from humans and people from the Aquila civilization. They look like fluffy balls with no facial features on the outside because their organs are all inside the balls.

They can also change the volume and mass of their bodies by inhaling and deflating. Their soft and slender tongues function like hands, and they can also extend their tentacles from the sphere. As long as the tentacles collide with each other, they can instantly convey their thoughts to the other party.

"Ahead is the Hegu 2 star system. According to our detectors, human civilization is attacking the garrison fleet of the Sky Eagle civilization." A fur ball said.

After evolving into advanced civilizations, the furballs rarely collide with their tentacles, but communicate directly with brain wave enhancers implanted in their tentacles.

"What should we do?" The refugees looked at this star pirate civilization, or rather at the captain of this fleeing warship, Golden Ball.

Jin Qiu said: "Our energy is no longer enough to support us to make another hyperspace jump, and the Sky Eagle civilization continues to hunt us."

"If this continues, sooner or later we will be eliminated or captured by them."

"Everyone, we should make a choice now. Either find a place to hide, or talk to human civilization, or surrender to Sky Eagle Civilization, or fight to the death with Sky Eagle Civilization!"

The furballs started talking: "The Skyhawk civilization has killed so many of our kind, we must not surrender!"

"But we can't defeat them, and we might not be able to survive for even a second! If we fight them decisively, we will die!"

"Yeah, it's better to find an asteroid belt to hide in."

"Did you hide? We don't have enough energy. If you want to leave, you must build an energy mining mine. By then, you will definitely be discovered by the Sky Eagle civilization, and you will still be dead!"

"Discuss with human civilization?" A furball suggested, "The enemy of our enemy is our friend. We can use the power of human civilization to attack the Sky Eagle civilization."

"What if human civilization imprisons us? We don't know if they are good or bad!"

"What should I do? Wait to die?"

The furballs quarreled endlessly, but because they were accustomed to brainwave communication, they communicated very quickly.

Jin Qiu said: "Now everyone has a lot of opinions. The best way we hope now is to negotiate with human civilization. If they are willing to help us, we still have a chance to escape!"

“Those who agree, vote!”

"Agree! This is the way with the best chance!"

"Objection! We should hide!"

"Both the front and back are dead, why not take a gamble!"

"I don't want to escape anymore. Our home planet has been destroyed! If we continue to escape, we will die!"

Jin Qiu counted the voting results and said: "Sixty-five-half of the members agreed to negotiate with human civilization. The minority obeys the majority. Now we must unify our thoughts and negotiate with human civilization!"

They began sending messages to the fleets of human civilization.

The battle of human civilization in the Hegu 2 star system is coming to an end. Most of the guardian fleets of the Sky Eagle civilization have been wiped out, and it is only a matter of time before the remaining dozens of ships are wiped out.

At this time, Du Xingyu suddenly received new information.

"Which starship civilization wants to communicate with us?" Du Xingyu did not refuse and said: "Connect the subspace communication!"

The two parties first sent a string of digital messages to decipher each other's language. Soon, they were able to communicate normally.

"Commander of the human fleet, hello, we are a battleship of the Flying Ball civilization. I am the captain, Jin Qiu." Jin Qiu first expressed his intention, "We want to form an alliance with you to deal with the Sky Eagle civilization together. "

"Alliance?" Although Du Xingyu didn't know the outcome of the war between the so-called Flying Ball Civilization and the Sky Eagle Civilization, he was certain that the Flying Ball Civilization must be extremely disadvantaged.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Sky Eagle Civilization to mobilize its strength to attack human civilization, and they would also actively ask for an alliance.

It could also be a scam.

Du Xingyu did not agree directly, but said: "The Tianying civilization has destroyed you, you should not be able to form an alliance with us now, right?"

"Yes, we have been defeated." Jin Qiu admitted directly. This was not his psychological tactic. But this is what the flying ball civilization is all about. In the process of development, they communicate through tentacles and brain waves.

Therefore, each other's emotional fluctuations will be felt by each other, and words similar to lies and deception can easily be exposed by peers. Over time, almost no one in this civilization told lies.

Under special conditions, they will also lie and use "deception" methods. But at this time, Golden Ball did not use these methods.

"Although we have been defeated," Jin Qiu said, "but we have some technologies and weapon technologies that you have never mastered. If human civilization is willing to protect us, we are willing to become a subsidiary civilization of human civilization! Give these technologies to you!"

"This condition is good!" The five commanders of the Human Guardian Alliance were all analyzing.

"The conditions are very tempting, I don't know whether they are true or not. Maybe it's a fake surrender?" Turs asked suspiciously.

"No matter what, as long as they come under our control, no matter what means they have, they can't use it!" Lu Xing's view is to take over the flying ball civilization.

"Our strength is not as good as the Sky Eagle Civilization. If we can get the technology and weapons of this Flying Ball Civilization, we can indeed increase our strength quickly." Yang Shaolin analyzed, "And they have fought against the Sky Eagle Civilization and know a lot of information!"

"You can't trust them too much." Chen Hong said, "They were once a star thief civilization!"

"No matter what their plans are, they only have one battleship, so controlling them shouldn't be a problem." Mo Caiwei suggested.

Du Xingyu thought for a while and said: "No matter from which angle you look at it, we have no reason to refuse. This flying ball civilization is just playing tricks, and it is always within our control."

He immediately negotiated with Jin Qiu: "We can protect you, provided that you contribute your own technology."

"But you have to accept our inspection, not as a subordinate civilization, but as an alien tribe."

"We are a third-level civilization! How can we accept becoming a tribe?" Jin Qiu expressed dissatisfaction.

"The number of you is too small!" Du Xingyu said, "Now the total number of your tribe is less than 100,000, right? How can this be called civilization?"

"Become an alien tribe of human civilization, and we will protect you with all our strength, just like we protect ourselves as humans!"

Du Xingyu didn't say a word, according to the rules of cosmic civilization. Becoming a subordinate civilization allows you to own a certain amount of troops and weapons.

As an alien tribe, you can only serve the human fleet and cannot own advanced weapons yourself.

The furballs started discussing again, and their discussion was extremely intense. Within a few seconds, these tens of thousands of furballs had exchanged hundreds of millions of opinions.

Finally, Jin Qiu said: "I can agree to this condition, but you must guarantee that you will not impose any compulsion on our tribe, endanger our life safety, or impose any restrictions on our consciousness!"

"I promise!" Both parties knew that this guarantee was very weak. The party that surrenders will not have any negotiation rights, it just seeks psychological comfort.

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