The two sides signed a temporary agreement, and then Du Xingyu ordered a small team to escort the flying ball civilization's warships.

"Fellow compatriots, our fate will now be handed over to humans." Golden Ball announced. The furballs were uneasy, and they didn't know whether their choice was right or wrong.

"Hello, survivors of the flying ball civilization. This is the third detachment of the Sirius fleet of the human civilization. Please take our manned spacecraft and enter our frigate. Your battleship will be taken over by humans."

Human battleships sent a large number of smart spaceships over, and the furballs boarded one by one. At the same time, robots boarded the flying ball civilization's battleship to inspect it and drove it back to the territory of human civilization.

"Sir, we have found traces of the Star Thief Civilization. They fled towards human civilization!" People from the Sky Eagle Civilization also chased the traces of the Feiqiu Civilization's warships.

"Catch up?" asked the captain in charge of the search.

"We should be able to catch up with them by pursuing them with all our strength. They don't have much fuel. But the human fleet is not far away. We will definitely be discovered by humans when we chase!" the subordinate returned.

"Send an unmanned captain to track it!"

"If you find that battleship, destroy it immediately!"


The unmanned warships of the Sky Eagle Civilization still failed to catch up with the survivors of the Flying Ball Civilization. After the human warships discovered these unmanned warships, they immediately destroyed them.

At the same time, the guardian fleet of the Sky Eagle civilization near Altair could no longer support it.

"Sir, we tried our best!" Genan stood in front of the command podium and sent the last message to Tianying Civilization.

Then, the battleship he was on was torn apart by gravity bombs and exploded into a firework in space.

"Report to the headquarters that all enemies of the Tianying Civilization Hegu 2 Guardian Fleet have been annihilated. Now our army has occupied all space military bases and space mines!" Xiong Zhengqing, Wei Xuan and other commanders sent a battle report.

In this surprise battle, without the participation of the main fleet of the Sky Eagle civilization, the victory of human civilization is inevitable.

"Very good, start a large-scale search of the star system immediately to check the surveillance and military facilities left by the enemy." Du Xingyu said, "Deploy the external defense line to prevent the enemy's main fleet from raiding!"

"Yes!" After receiving the news, the major fleets immediately began to clean the battlefield and set up defense lines.

Humanity has won a great victory, occupied another star system, and also received the unexpected blessing of "Flying Ball Civilization". Naturally everyone was celebrating, but the senior leaders of Tianying Civilization were not in such a good mood.

"The remnants of the Star Thief Civilization must have defected to human civilization!" The highest authority of the Sky Eagle Civilization is discussing this matter.

"This is bad news for us. That star pirate civilization is also a third-level civilization, and it has super-light technology that gives us a headache!" The leader of the Skyhawk civilization, Steve slowly looked at the fleet commander-in-chief Tangier.

According to the calculation method of human lifespan, Siti is already 8,311 years old this year, and he is also considered an elderly person in the Sky Eagle civilization.

"Tangir, you disappoint me in this regard." Steve has always regarded Tangir as his successor.

If Tangier successfully eliminates the star pirate civilization and human civilization this time, his prestige will be enough to lead the entire Sky Eagle civilization.

But now, both of these things have failed.

Tangier was also aggrieved, "The failure of the Fifth Fleet's hyperspace jump had a huge impact. We lost a lot of troops, were unable to completely eliminate the Star Thief civilization, and were unable to wipe out human civilization in time."

"Your Excellency Steve, Commander-in-Chief of Tangier." A senior executive said, "The star pirate civilization has surrendered to human civilization and will undoubtedly dedicate their super-light speed technology to mankind. Humanity has just captured the Hegu II star system. Their power is like a sharp sword that has penetrated our backs!"

"We must discuss a feasible tactic to eliminate it!"

Tangier immediately said: "Human civilization has stolen our technology in the past few years and has some star field-level battleships. But the performance of their warships is much worse than ours. For medium-level star field-level battleships, one of us is worth two of them!" "

"And they still don't have high-level star field-level battleships. I suggest that we go out in one go and immediately go to the territory of human civilization to completely wipe them out!"

"Commander-in-Chief Tangier, your negligence last time turned a second-level civilization into a third-level civilization. How can you ensure the success of this operation?" Some senior officials are dissatisfied with Tangier. To the outside world, they are the Sky Eagle civilization, but the team There is also a power struggle within the Sky Eagle civilization.

"After receiving the technology of that star pirate civilization, human civilization will soon find high-level star field-level battleships."

"These are nothing!" Tangier stood up and said loudly: "Even if they have advanced star field-level battleships, they will not be our opponents! With the Death Star, all human fleets are just tofu. Scum! It will break when touched!"

"We can't make any more mistakes!"

"It should take some time to repair and select a reliable commander."

The senior officials kept arguing. The current leader of Tianying Civilization, Steve, narrowed his eyes slightly. After everyone expressed their opinions, he said calmly: "The development potential of human civilization cannot be underestimated."

"In just ten years, they have moved from a second-level civilization to a third-level civilization."

"Tangir is right. We cannot give them time to continue to develop. We cannot allow them to completely digest the technology of the Star Thieves civilization and build more warships."

"The all-out war against human civilization will begin immediately!"

After Si Ti spoke, other senior executives shut up. Within the Sky Eagle Civilization, Si Ti has unique prestige and strength.

It was also under his leadership that the Tianying civilization developed from a second-level civilization to a third-level civilization.

"Then I'll start preparing immediately!" Tangier stood up immediately after being presided over by Steve. He was eager to prove himself.

"You have rich combat experience, and you will be the commander-in-chief of this battle." Steve ordered, "Remember the lesson from the failure of the last hyperspace jump. Human civilization may have some weapons that we don't know about. Don't make mistakes this time. "

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!" Tangier received the authorization and immediately began to reorganize the fleet and prepare for another expedition.

On the other side of human civilization, the Guardian Alliance is busy counting the loot.

"Although the enemy destroyed some measures before his death, the space construction of the Hegu 2 star system is very complete and can be used with simple repairs." The Logistics Department reported the news to the headquarters.

"We captured some enemies on several hidden asteroid bases and spaceships. Most of them are insignificant characters. But there is one exception. He is one of the designers of the gravity cannon!"

"This guy didn't want to die with the guard fleet. He wanted to escape in a private spaceship, but was caught by our patrol fleet!"

"Very good, its value is more important than a battleship!" Du Xingyu said happily. The gravity cannon can turn short-range weapons such as gravity bombs into space cannons and fire them out. It is a sharp weapon whether it is offensive or defensive.

"Remember, dig out all the information he knows about the gravity cannon! Use any method!"

"Yes! I promise to dig it out!" For a third-level civilization, it is too easy to know a person's secret.

As long as the person doesn't turn himself into an idiot, various interrogation methods and hypnotic drugs are not enough, and the brain can be directly dug out for biological information interpretation.

Generally, "smart" prisoners, such as Piru, just say what they have to say. Anyway, even if he didn't say it, humans would have a way to know.

Du Xingyu handed over the affairs of the Hegu 2 star system to the five commanders, while he went to negotiate with the survivors of the Flying Ball Civilization.

"Commander of human civilization, hello, I am the supreme governor of Feiqiu civilization, Jin Qiu." In the virtual world, Du Xingyu met Jin Qiu.

The golden ball is several times larger than a human being, but in the virtual world, it has reduced its body size and become shorter than Du Xingyu.

Just like its name, the golden ball looks like a golden, fluffy ball.

If it were smaller, it might be liked by humans. Humans only like creatures that are not threatening to them, such as pet cats and dogs. They rarely like jackals, tigers and leopards.

"I'm Du Xingyu." Du Xingyu touched its tentacles with his hand as a courtesy.

"We have divided an area on a modified planet for you to live in." Du Xingyu marked the map.

He arranged for the survivors of the flying ball civilization to go to Proxima, within the range where human beings have the strongest defensive power.

One is to protect them, and the other is to monitor them and prevent these aliens from causing trouble.

"I hope you can fulfill all your previous promises." Jin Qiu said, "And I will contribute our technology to you without reservation. Before that, you should have read the history of our flying ball civilization, right? ?”

"Of course." Du Xingyu nodded.

The Flying Ball Civilization comes from an unknown star system in the Milky Way and is a carbon-based civilization. The environment they live in is similar to that of the Earth, but the atmospheric activity is more frequent, the water resources are less, and the land area accounts for 80% of the planet's surface area.

With their spherical bodies and long hair, flying ball creatures can easily move with the wind. The efficiency of information exchange also allowed their civilization to evolve rapidly.

The flying ball civilization was not greatly hindered in its development. They developed from primitive civilization to first-level civilization, followed by second-level civilization.

When reaching the second level civilization, the Flying Ball Civilization joined the Angel Civilization camp and received some technological help.

With the help of these technologies, they developed into a third-level civilization. At this time, they made a big mistake.

Because the flying ball civilization has developed so smoothly and has not encountered many enemies, it is relatively kind to other civilizations.

They leaked their coordinates during an exchange with civilizations from the same camp and were attacked by civilizations from the opposing camp. The entire civilization was directly destroyed, and a star field-level fleet escaped and became the star pirate civilization.

On the way to find their homeland, this star thief civilization was discovered by the Sky Eagle civilization. Du Xingyu also knew what happened next.

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