"How do you communicate in the civilized camp, and how are you attacked?" Du Xingyu was very curious about this.

Jin Qiu explained: "After joining the Angel Civilization Camp, we can go to the first cantilever of the galaxy, the Angel Civilization Camp Market, to trade technology, resources, and intelligence with other civilizations."

"Is there a camp market? Who opened it? Angel civilization?" Du Xingyu became more and more interested. Humans in the past thought that they were alone in the universe.

Later, they walked towards the stars and discovered that the universe was so "busy".

"It's not a market opened by the angel civilization, but the market opened by the angel civilization camp's first civilization in the galaxy, the saint civilization." Jin Qiu explained, "You thought the angel civilization and the demon civilization were civilizations in the galaxy, right? At the beginning That’s what we think too.”

"Later we learned that angel civilization and demon civilization are both more advanced civilizations. They are probably high-latitude civilizations and do not exist in this universe!"

"It's actually like this!" Du Xingyu was shocked. At first, he really thought that the galaxy was a competition between angel civilization and demon civilization. Who knew that these two civilizations were so powerful!

Jin Qiu continued: "No one knows what level of civilization the angel civilization and demon civilization are. I only know that they can instantly know all major events in the galaxy!"

"For example, if a civilization in their camp destroys the civilization of the other camp, they will give corresponding contribution points as rewards. This contribution value can be exchanged for corresponding resources and technology in the Saints Civilization Market."

"If a civilization does not exist in a higher dimension, how can we have insight into everything about us?" Jin Qiu's mood suddenly became a little depressed, and he said: "Maybe our existence is just a game of a higher-dimensional civilization."

Du Xingyu was also amazed, even though there was no evidence to prove Jin Qiu's guess. But Du Xingyu has seen the three-dimensional world from a high-dimensional perspective through a technological simulator.

In the face of higher dimensions, there are no secrets in the three-dimensional world!

For example, in the world of two-dimensional cartoons, cartoon characters do not know their own position, the position of their enemies, and their own destiny.

However, the "creator" and "audience" in the three-dimensional world know everything clearly, while the card people in the cartoon world know nothing about it!

This idea was a bit pessimistic, and Du Xingyu dismissed it from his mind, "Maybe the truth is not that bad."

He comforted the other person in this way, and at the same time he comforted himself.

"What about the civilization of saints?" Du Xingyu continued to ask.

"The Saints Civilization is the strongest civilization among the angel civilizations in the galaxy. They should be able to contact the angel civilization, and they are equivalent to the spokesperson of the angel civilization!" Jin Qiu explained.

"The Milky Way Angel Civilization Lineup Market is established and protected by them. Civilizations that join the Angel Civilization Lineup can go and get what they want."

"What level of civilization is the saints' civilization?" Du Xingyu was very concerned about this issue.

"We don't know, but it must be at least the peak of level four civilization. Most of the civilizations in the angel civilization lineup are sheltered by them." Jin Qiu said, "They occupy the first and second cantilevers of the Milky Way."

"And the demonic civilization lineup occupies the fourth and fifth cantilevers of the Milky Way."

The Milky Way is an elliptical disk-shaped spiral galaxy with a total of five bright star belts, called five cantilevers.

The five cantilever arms are the shield-centaur arm, the ship's bottom-centaur arm, the Orion arm, the Perseus arm, and the square arm (outer arm).

The solar system is located in the third cantilever, the Orion Arm, and the star system Australasia is also nearby.

"Whose territory is the third cantilever?" Du Xingyu wanted to know where human civilization is now in that camp.

"The third cantilever is now the battlefield." Jin Qiu told him a cruel truth, "The Star Thieves Civilization Alliance and most non-camp civilizations are within the third cantilever."

"In recent years, the angel civilization camp and the demon civilization camp have been fighting in the Orion cantilever to develop their own affiliated civilizations."

"For example, the Sky Eagle Civilization joined the demon civilization camp."

Well, being born on the battlefield, Du Xingyu finally understood why human civilization was so bumpy. There are enemies wherever you go!

For the angel civilization camp and the demon civilization camp, human civilization is a unit that can be destroyed; not to mention the non-camp civilization and the Star Thieves Civilization Alliance, they are even more unruly.

Du Xingyu thought for a while and asked: "So, among these camps, who is stronger?"

He has to make plans for the future of human civilization.

Jin Qiu shook his head and said: "Our Feiqiu civilization is not a powerful civilization and we don't know this information."

"I only know that the Star Thief Civilization Alliance and the non-camp civilization are far inferior to the angel civilization camp and the demon civilization camp, and they will be destroyed sooner or later!"

"The strongest one in the angel civilization camp is the saint civilization, while the strongest one in the demon civilization camp is called the devil civilization. It is said that the two sides fought a war one hundred thousand years ago, and that war completely annihilated thousands of stars. Department! Both sides have declared their victory, and no one knows the true situation. But in these years, the saint civilization and the devil civilization have not directly collided, but the subordinate civilizations of both sides have fought fiercely. "

Du Xingyu sorted out his thoughts. Judging from Jin Qiu's words, the Milky Way is now barely an era of disputes with "three heroes competing for hegemony".

In the gap between the angel civilization camp and the demon civilization camp, the alliance of non-camp civilization and star thief civilization is active in the third cantilever. Both sides want to capture this Orion arm.

Those who join the angel civilization camp or the demon civilization camp will obviously have a greater chance of survival, but Du Xingyu is worried that because of the special position of humans, they will become cannon fodder in their wars!

As soon as the two sides fight, human civilization will be at the forefront. If they launch another world-destroying weapon, won't human civilization be in vain?

"How were you attacked?" Du Xingyu wanted to learn from the experience of the flying ball civilization.

At this point, Golden Ball's mood swings began to increase. It swelled with anger, and the hair on its body exploded like a hedgehog!

"It's betrayal!" Jin Qiu cursed loudly, "It must be our allies in the same camp who betrayed us!"

"It was also because we were not very careful. We exposed the position of our civilization when trading in the first cantilever civilization market, and were betrayed by traitors to the demonic civilization."

"A fleet of civilization from the enemy camp attacked us. Their technology is stronger than ours, and we were unable to fight back. In desperation, we had no choice but to leave our homes and wander around the universe."

"We joined the Star Thieves Civilization Alliance to protect ourselves. Although most of the Star Thief Civilizations are malicious civilizations, when making deals with them, we don't care about their camp."

"It seems that the situation is very complicated." Du Xingyu thought to himself, even within the same civilization camp, they were still fighting with each other.

Maybe both camps have the other's "spy civilization". If human civilization makes a wrong move, the end will be even worse than the flying ball civilization!

Du Xingyu asked for some more information and learned more about the camp and the civilized market.

But the current human civilization is not yet capable of pondering these, because the threat of the Sky Eagle civilization is right in front of us.

The pawn of this demonic civilization camp is rapidly expanding in the star field of the Orion Arm!

In the Human Guardian Alliance, when the information revealed by Jin Qiu was learned by other commanders, they could not calm down for a long time.

"Who would have thought that human civilization was born in a place of dire straits and fire!" Chen Hong said with a bitter smile.

"This is an era of interstellar war!" Yang Shaolin was full of fighting spirit. He and Wei Xuan had similar personalities, both were militants.

"Now we should be more concerned about ourselves. If nothing else happens, the Sky Eagle Civilization will soon launch a full-scale war against us!" Tours expressed concern, "Judging from the intelligence given to us by the Flying Ball Civilization, the enemy is still intact. There should be more than 20,000 Starfield-class battleships! We can’t rule out that they still have backup forces!”

"Twenty thousand star field-level battleships are four times ours! Considering that the performance of our battleships is much worse, just these battleships, their combat effectiveness is more than six times that of ours!" Lu Xing analyzed, "The most terrifying thing What's more, they also have the Death Star!"

The Death Star is the planetary fortress of the Aquila civilization. It is a high-level star field-class battleship, very close to the Juggernaut battleship.

It is said that the Skyhawk Civilization was preparing to build the "Death Star" into a star field-level master battleship from the beginning, so that they could move into a civilization above level 3.5.

The current Tianying civilization should be a level 3.4 civilization. Humans, on the other hand, barely call it Level 3.0.

"There is no doubt about expanding the army and developing new warships." Du Xingyu said, "The key lies in how to deal with the Death Star."

"In the war between the Flying Ball Civilization and the Sky Eagle Civilization, more than two thousand Starfield-class battleships were destroyed by the Death Star!"

To destroy the opponent's two thousand warships one-on-one, and still be intact, this is a very terrifying number!

Once the Death Star is put into the battlefield and our own side has no weapons to stop it, then the human fleet will just deliver food!

"This is the Death Star information that was just sent from the Flying Ball Civilization." Mo Caiwei linked a piece of information, and a projection of a super weapon appeared in front of them.

It is a pure metal planet that has been hollowed out in the middle and made into a planet-level super weapon. Its mass is more than twenty times greater than that of the Earth!

Even if this Death Star doesn't activate any weapons, if it hits the earth, the earth will be torn apart!

What's more, it also has terrifying gravity weapons and anti-matter weapons?

"How did the Flying Ball Civilization deal with the Death Star?" Chen Hong asked curiously.

"They failed to deal with it." Du Xingyu shook his head and said, "After the Death Star was put into the battlefield, the Flying Ball Civilization was quickly defeated. In the following time, it was just scattered in several star systems to escape. In terms of flaws, the only flaw of the Death Star is its mass. It’s too big, and the energy required for hyperspace jump is too huge, so it can generally only be put into one battlefield.”

"Ah this..." Everyone looked confused. They didn't give any experience. It was just hell level difficulty?

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