"The Death Star is excellent in both defense and attack." Du Xingyu continued to analyze the Death Star, "Its mass and volume are very large, and the outer layer of the entire planetary fortress has more than ten layers of armor. Including strong force material armor, electromagnetic shielding Armor, anti-resonance armor, anti-weapon weapons armor, etc.”

"Coupled with its energy shield and all-round automatic defense system, even star-level high-end warships will have a hard time attacking it!"

"What about gravity bombs?" Yang Shaolin asked, "There are also gravity cannons and so on."

Du Xingyu shook his head and said: "First of all, it is difficult for these weapons to get close to the Death Star. Secondly, because the Death Star itself has a large mass and is a regular sphere, the gravity bomb will have little impact on it."

"The most troublesome thing is that the gravitational field created by the Death Star can achieve the effect of a gravitational cage, locking the enemy warship directly in place!"

The gravitational cage refers to the gravitational field when the gravitational strength reaches enough to restrain the target. The natural gravitational cage is a massive celestial body, such as a star, or a white dwarf, a neutron star, or even a black hole that evolves from a star!

"Once we fight the Death Star, the Death Star's gravity cage can lock a fleet and then launch a super annihilation ray first-level gravity cannon attack! There may be other attack methods."

The more Du Xingyu spoke, the more silent everyone became, because they could not think of any way to deal with this deadly weapon on the battlefield.

"Let's put the Death Star issue aside for now. I will convene the Academy of Military Sciences to conduct research later." Du Xingyu said.

"Now we have to redeploy our defenses and be ready to respond to attacks from the Sky Eagle civilization at any time."

"I suggest that the five major space cities be separated and stationed on different planets." Chen Hong said, "The humans on the earth should also be divided to avoid being attacked by the enemy!"

"Yeah." Du Xingyu agreed. This time the enemy is the strongest that human civilization has encountered so far.

No one can guarantee whether the enemy will come up with any new weapons.

"The seven major star systems under our control, including the Australasia star system, the Sol system, the Wolf 359 star system, the Rutan 726-8 star system, the YZ Ceti star system, the Sirius star system, and the Hedrum star system have all entered the war. status." Lu Xing said.

"The main battlefield should be near the Hegu 2 star system. It is not ruled out that the enemy will sneak attack on our rear."

"The possibility of the enemy carrying out a rear sneak attack is relatively small." Mo Caiwei analyzed, "They don't know what the scope of our mass shadow projector is."

"So we don't dare to carry out large-scale hyperspace jumps easily. In this way, it will be much more difficult to sneak around and attack from behind."

"Thinking about it from their perspective, if we are the Sky Eagle civilization, when attacking a civilization that is weaker than ourselves, the most direct and straightforward way is to fight all the way through."

"So our defense focus should be on the Hegu 2 star system and the Sirius star system that are relatively close to the Aquila civilization's sphere of influence."

Everyone redeployed the defense system and distributed the main forces in the three star systems of the Nanmen 2 star system, the Sirius star system and the Hegu 2 star system.

Each star system has two thousand star field-level battleships, and major space shipping companies are also rushing to build new battleships to add to the fleet.

This kind of military strength is still too weak compared to the Sky Eagle civilization, so humans still need to find other ways to use tactics or new weapons to make up for the lack of military strength.

The first thing the alliance studied was the "super-light speed" technology obtained from the flying ball civilization.

In the Academy of Sciences, a team of experts from the Feiqiu Civilization were explaining their super-light speed technology to humans.

"The foundation of super-light speed technology lies in a kind of microscopic particle - tachyon." Gray Ball, a scientist of Flying Ball Civilization, is giving a lecture.

"Tachyons are particles whose speed exceeds the speed of light. Its existence does not violate what you humans call the special theory of relativity."

"Our flying ball civilization believes that there is a fast universe in the universe. It is also a tachyon universe composed of 'tachyons'. In this cosmic space composed of 'tachyons', a universe with zero energy Particles move at infinite speed, and the more energy they obtain, the slower they move. It is not until they obtain infinite energy that their speed slows down to the speed of light."

"This is exactly the opposite of the situation in our universe: In our universe, a stationary substance has the smallest energy. When it obtains energy, it starts to move, and the more energy it obtains, the faster it moves until it obtains infinite After energy, the speed of an object also reaches its limit, which is the speed of light.”

"You must have observed the tachyon phenomenon, right?" Gray Ball asked.

"Of course," said particle physicist Butler. "We found in particle collision experiments that the speed of neutrinos is much faster than the speed of light."

"Neuttrinos are only one type of tachyons." Gray Ball emphasized, "In addition to neutrinos, there are also other types of tachyons. As your observations of the universe and ion collision experiments progress further, it will be very clear that It will be observed soon.”

"And our faster-than-light technology is to control and use these tachyons."

The technology for manipulating tachyons is extremely complicated because many of its properties are opposite to the "bradys" that humans now know.

The academicians of the Academy of Sciences became students again and began to learn about this new particle and conduct research on it.

Du Xingyu is also learning about super-light technology to supplement his information base.

"The super-light weapons of the Flying Ball Civilization are mainly divided into two types: super-light tachyon torrent and tachyon shield."

On the technology simulator, Du Xingyu was analyzing these two weapons.

Tachyon torrent, that is, emitting a wave of tachyon flow, which will pass through objects at faster than the speed of light!

Unlike lasers, tachyons have extremely strong penetrating power! Neutrinos born from the core of the sun can pass through the sun and the earth! Because they are uncharged, they are not affected by magnetic fields.

The energy shield formed by plasma cannot stop them, and neutrinos will not be absorbed or reflected by other materials.

However, tachyons have the characteristic of absorbing energy and slowing themselves down to the speed of light. If there are too many tachyons, they will absorb a large amount of energy in a short period of time, affecting the stable energy field.

If it hits the enemy's battleship reactor or the core of a key weapon, the stable structure will collapse directly, achieving the effect of annihilating the enemy.

In addition, tachyon beams can collide with, or "scatter", matter, such as late in a star's evolution. The powerful neutrino beam will generate enough pressure on the outer shell of the iron-rich nucleus to blow the outer shell away and form a violent supernova explosion. The blown-away outer shell forms a nebula-like supernova remnant, while the neutronized core remains to form a neutron star.

Tachyon torrent is a more effective attack method than laser strike. With this weapon, the enemy doesn't even have time to defend because it exceeds the speed of light!

The tachyon shield launches tachyon clusters, which continuously collide with the opponent's weapons and intercept the enemy's weapons.

Laser weapons, electromagnetic weapons, kinetic energy weapons, anti-matter weapons, etc. do not exceed the speed of light, so they are generally unable to break through the tachyon shield.

Even though the Flying Ball Civilization cannot defeat the Sky Eagle Civilization, it can still survive for decades because of this super-light weapon.

Du Xingyu finished analyzing the super-light weapons and immediately began to simulate the super-light weapons.

Before his simulation, humans had copied several super-light weapons of the Flying Ball Civilization, manufactured them, and then upgraded their warships.

While humans are seizing the time to deploy defenses, the Skyhawk civilization has begun to launch a large number of detectors into human territory.

They suffered a terrible loss last time, as the fifth main fleet simply disappeared into hyperspace. So this time the Sky Eagle Civilization was much more prudent. It first investigated the situation and then attacked.

Humanity has also launched various detectors, anti-reconnaissance unmanned warships, armed satellites, etc. The intelligence war has begun!

"How can the Death Star be destroyed?" Du Xingyu used the information provided by the Flying Ball Civilization to build an incomplete model of the Death Star on a technological simulator.

"First besiege it with a main fleet." On the simulator, three thousand Starfield-class battleships surrounded the Death Star and began to fire various weapons.

"Annihilation rays, gravity cannons, proton torpedoes, space spears, gravity fields..." In the simulator, the siege of thousands of battleships can destroy a hundred planets in an instant!

But in front of the Death Star, these attacks are like scratching an itch.

Once the Death Star's gravity cage is opened, weapons such as proton torpedoes, space spears, and anti-matter missiles are basically useless.

The plasma cannon cannot penetrate the Death Star's strong armor layer, and the annihilation ray will be intercepted by the opponent's defense system. And because of its large size, even if the annihilation ray hits it, it will not cause much damage to the Death Star.

"Super-light weapons!" Du Xingyu added super-light weapons to the simulation. Tachyons passed through the gravity field and vibrated the armor materials, which did cause some interference to the Death Star, but the Death Star's own safety protection system was quickly corrected. Despite this influence, it still stands!

"Gravity Lock!" The Death Star began to attack, and the scope of the gravity cage expanded rapidly, encompassing the entire fleet. All battleships immediately turned into snails and could not move.

And because the gravity is too strong, some battleships must use all their energy to support the reaction force field, otherwise they will be torn apart by gravity immediately!

"Annihilation Ray!"

"Gravity Cannon!"

"Gravitational oscillator!" The Death Star has a device that can emit powerful gravitational waves, which will cause gravitational oscillations.

Under this kind of shock, the star field class battleship will soon collapse and disintegrate itself, and be destroyed by the range attack!

One gravitational shock reduced the number of simulated battleships by a thousand! Although this kind of gravitational oscillation requires a lot of energy and takes a long time to prepare, in the face of the Death Star's absolute defense, humans cannot interfere with their use of gravitational oscillators.

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