"What other weapons can deal with it?" Du Xingyu thought, mass shadow projector? If we could cast the star's mass shadow around the Death Star, we should be able to break its gravitational prison.

The Death Star is movable, but the human mass shadow projector can only be used in this galaxy, relies on stellar energy, and has a fixed impact.

As long as the Death Star is moving, the mass shadow caster will be useless.

"Super-light weapons are okay against conventional Starfield-class battleships, but it is difficult to attack the Death Star. We still need to rely on anti-matter weapons or gravity weapons."

Using antimatter to annihilate a planet twenty times more massive than Earth? Du Xingyu thinks it is unrealistic. First, he needs to penetrate the enemy's defense system, and he also needs a large amount of antimatter.

"If we can only use gravity weapons, gravitational wave weapons are the only one. Unfortunately, humans still cannot freely control gravitational waves." If we can control gravitational wave weapons, then humans can at least become a civilization above level 3.5.

"Gravity bombs use gravity to destroy the enemy. The enemy's mass is so large, continue to increase the ability of gravity bombs..." Du Xingyu thought of a word, black hole!

Black holes, this terrifying celestial body in the universe, have a gravity so strong that they can bind light!

All Starfield-class battleships cannot resist the gravity of a black hole. As long as they appear near the black hole for a moment, they will be torn apart by the tidal force generated due to the different gravitational forces acting on different locations of the battleship!

"If we could create a black hole, even a Death Star wouldn't be enough in front of a black hole!" Du Xingyu imagined. Of course, he would not be crazy enough to think that humans could create a truly massive black hole.

What he wanted to do was create a miniature black hole.

In particle collision experiments, humans have created proton black holes. Because the mass of a proton black hole is too small, it will evaporate instantly.

If the quality of the micro black hole is increased and its existence time is extended, it can function as a weapon!

"As long as the mass of the micro black hole increases and the force allows it to absorb the surrounding matter, it will grow by itself until it absorbs all the surrounding matter!"

Black holes don't just swallow matter, they also "eject" matter. This is the so-called Hawking radiation. While the black hole swallows positive matter, it emits heat and ejects virtual particles into the universe.

If a black hole radiates mass faster than it absorbs mass, it will evaporate very quickly. This is how a proton black hole disappears.

The micro black hole envisioned by Du Xingyu does not need to exist for long, as long as it can absorb the material of the Death Star, so that its absorption speed is greater than the black hole's radiation speed, it will swallow a greedy poisonous snake whole of the Death Star!

"Invest 100 million energy points and start simulating a micro black hole weapon." A model of a super weapon was built on the technology simulator.

The next thing Du Xingyu has to do is simulate the formation of a black hole and supplement the data.

Another five months have passed, and the mutual testing between the Sky Eagle civilization and human civilization is coming to an end.

Within the Sky Eagle Civilization, they have a rough idea of ​​the strength of human beings.

"Humanity's strength has not increased much. We predict that all their star field-class battleships combined are equivalent to one of our main fleets! And we currently have four main fleets and thirteen auxiliary fleets. "Tangir reported to Sitihui, the leader of the Sky Eagle civilization.

"As for the destruction of the fifth main fleet last time, it was because humans invented a certain weapon that can interfere with hyperspace jumps within a certain range."

"This shows that human civilization has not received help from advanced civilizations. It is time to attack! Leader, I request a war!"

Steve thought for a long time and nodded slowly: "It's time, Tangier. I sign a war order as the leader of the Sky Eagle civilization. From now on, you will lead our fleet to attack human civilization!"

"Yes! This time, we will win!" Tangier finally waited for this moment.

He immediately gave orders to the four main fleets and thirteen auxiliary fleets, ordering them to set off immediately!

"Pass my order, the third and fourth main fleets will lead four subsidiary fleets to the Hegu II star system. Completely annihilate those human fleets and regain our territory."

"The second main fleet led six subsidiary fleets to the Sirius star system to conquer the Sirius star system."

"The first main fleet will not join the battlefield for the time being, and will wait and see the situation with the Death Star. Other auxiliary fleets will provide material transportation support and establish temporary space bases."

"Attention, the enemy has weapons that can interfere with hyperspace jumps. The location of hyperspace jumps must not be located inside the star system, and the number of warships making hyperspace jumps at the same location must not exceed one thousand!"

"First use an unmanned warship to conduct a hyperspace jump to explore the path, and then choose a location. Don't make the same mistake again!"

This time, the Sky Eagle Civilized Fleet learned the lesson. Even though humans have not yet built mass shadow projectors in the Hedrum II star system and the Sirius star system, they have chosen the safest method.

The third and fourth main fleets of the Sky Eagle Civilization have a combined total of more than 20,000 star field-level battleships, many of which were added by their battleship docks during this period. Their production capacity is more powerful than humans.

Some unmanned starfield-class battleships initially made a hyperspace jump to the outer reaches of the Hegu II star system and began to investigate possible interference.

"Warning! Enemy attack!"

"Warning! Hyperspace fluctuation detected!"

"Warning, enemy warship found!"

The alarm sounded in the garrison and was immediately transmitted to the human command headquarters.

The five major commanders were immediately in place. Du Xingyu was still studying micro black hole weapons, so he had to put it down temporarily and enter the virtual world.

"How is the situation?" Du Xingyu asked immediately.

"It's not clear yet." Yang Shaolin was checking the information. "Currently, only some hyperspace fluctuations have been detected. There are enemy warships that have made hyperspace jumps and arrived near the Hegu 2 star system, but the number is not large."

"They seem to be checking for danger to see if we have deployed mass shadow casters."

"It's not true, it's a pity." Du Xingyu was a little regretful. They also wanted to install mass shadow projectors in other star systems, but unfortunately they didn't have enough time.

There are many reasons why the Centauri star system was able to build a mass shadow caster in a short period of time. First of all, human beings have relatively strong infrastructure construction capabilities in this galaxy. Secondly, the stellar furnace project has already started, and the mass shadow projector is further improved.

Moreover, the mass of Proxima Centauri is much smaller. The stars in the Hedu and Sirius star systems are much more massive than it, and it is correspondingly more difficult to build mass shadow projectors.

Everyone waited for a while, and soon new information came.

"The detection satellite detected a stronger type of hyperspace fluctuation and discovered a large number of enemy warships, more than 10,000 in number!"

The Sky Eagle Civilization did not allow all 20,000 warships to jump over. Their battle this time was more than a little stable.

Because of this, the pressure faced by humans has also been slightly reduced.

"Ten thousand battleships were dispatched so quickly." Du Xingyu ordered, "Enter a full-scale war state. We must defend the star mines! Intercept them outside the star system!"

"Yes!" The Hegu Er star system fleet is ready and begins to launch long-range components.

In this case, the defender has a certain advantage. They have a stable energy supply that can be consumed and replenished at the same time to fight a protracted war.

And complete defense systems, such as deep space bases, satellite fortresses, etc., can also make up for the gap in the number of warships.

Some deep space bases have been updated and upgraded with gravity cannons. Even star field-level battleships have one cannon!

The five major commanders also began to conduct war command in their respective branches, and the entire human civilization was mobilized.

"Warning, hyperspace fluctuations have also been discovered outside the Sirius star system, and enemy warships have appeared!" The war in the Hegu 2 star system has just begun, and enemy information has also appeared in the Sirius star system.

This put an end to humanity's idea of ​​mutual support between these two nearby star systems. The enemy relied on the numerical advantage of warships to directly conduct a two-front battle, hoping to cause humanity to lose quickly!

"The Sirius fleet can't support it, so it's a bit troublesome now." Du Xingyu frowned slightly and said, "We need to send battleships from this system to support immediately!"

"Judging from the enemy's cautious combat attitude, it is unlikely that they will make a direct hyperspace jump to the Nanmen 2 star system."

"Well, I immediately asked the Nanmen II Star System Fleet to send out two thousand warships for support." Yang Shaolin said.

"It's not enough! The other space city fleets, send out all the star field class battleships!" Du Xingyu ordered.

The five major space city fleets are the power of mankind to protect the base camp. Some Starfield-class battleships have also been updated over the years.

"Yes!" None of the five commanders had any objections. "Although our star-level battleships cannot perform hyperspace jumps, they have been updated with gravity weapons and super-light weapons. As long as they are in this galaxy, they can also be used as star-level battleships. .”

"In this case, send all the star field-level battleships out to support! Concentrate your strength!"

They immediately issued an order, and the Lingxiao Fleet, Flash Fleet, Thunder Fleet, Lingze Fleet, and Yufeng Fleet gathered all the star field-class battleships in the fleet that could perform hyperspace jumps. In total, they gathered another two thousand battleships. All were sent to support the battlefields of the two major star systems.

The Hegu II star system battlefield is the main battlefield where human civilization and Tianying civilization fight.

Ten thousand warships appeared from all directions to attack Hegu Er's space defense system. At the same time, warships continued to appear behind the enemy's rear.

"Don't skimp on anti-matter weapons and gravity cannons!" Huang Qi, the commander of the Hegu 2 star system fleet and the commander who once commanded the defense battle against the Piru fleet, ordered.

"We are backed by the Stellar Mine, and we have plenty of energy to fight them! Drag them into an energy consumption war!"

Most of the stellar mines here were built by the Sky Eagle Civilization.

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