"How to cause the nova explosion of Sirius B in the first place?" The headquarters contacted the Academy of Sciences and asked the scientists to study this issue together.

"Before a nova explodes, a large amount of hydrogen and helium gas is needed!" said a cosmic astronomer. "Sirius B has absorbed some hydrogen and helium from Sirius A over the past hundreds of millions of years."

"We can use battleships to transport large amounts of hydrogen and helium to the surface of Sirius B."

"As long as the gas energy is sufficient, it can trigger a nova explosion! For example, RS Ophiuchus has a record of six nova explosions!"

"As for triggering them, all you need to do is create a nuclear fusion reaction. Whether you use a plasma cannon, an anti-matter missile, or directly hit it with an asteroid kinetic energy weapon, it can trigger it."

"We can also project gravity bombs to accelerate the gravity reaction and thermal reaction out of control... The key is how to get the enemy within the scope of the nova explosion and not escape!"

"It takes a while to trigger a nova explosion, and the enemy will definitely notice it," the astrophysicist said. "The gravity of the white dwarf and the gamma ray burst will interfere with hyperspace jumps and warp navigation. We don't have to worry about them escaping after the nova explosion."

"But our warships, like theirs, cannot escape once a nova explosion is triggered."

"Without our main fleet, the enemy will not be fooled, and our main fleet certainly cannot be buried with them!" The commanders were thinking about countermeasures, but they could never come up with a reliable decision.

The most critical reason is that the enemies are much more cautious than before, and they will never be fooled without enough bait!

"I can't bear to let the child trap the wolf!" Du Xingyu gritted his teeth and said cruelly: "Our current analysis and the information obtained from the Flying Ball Civilization is that the number of enemy warships is more than five times that of ours."

"Now we have a total of 10,000 warships, and they have a total of 50,000! If this extra combat power attacks our defense system, the defense system will soon collapse."

"But if our warships and the enemy's warships are reduced in the same proportion, for example, we reduce by 8,000 ships and the enemy reduces by 20,000 or 30,000 ships, the defense system of our galaxy will not be damaged, and the pressure will be less."

"Are we going to abandon most of the battleships and bury them with the enemy?" Everyone was surprised.

"Yes!" Du Xingyu said, "Concentrate all the star field-class battleships with the worst performance near Sirius B to lure the enemy."

"Other warships evacuate."

"Then trigger a nova explosion and use our large forces to perish together with the enemy's large forces!"

"This is too cruel!" Chen Hong exclaimed, "If this tactic succeeds, we can relieve a lot of pressure. If it fails..."

If it fails, humanity will have no choice but to flee.

"Assuming we can implement it smoothly," Lu Xing analyzed, "after destroying 10,000 or 20,000 enemy warships, the enemy will still have the power to attack us, but we will not be able to defend."

"Especially since the enemy's Death Star hasn't been deployed yet!"

"So the explosion of new stars can only be part of the plan." Du Xingyu said, "We still have to think of a way to win by surprise!"

"It's better to raid their home base directly!" Wei Xuan, the commander of the Lutan 726-8 star system fleet, suggested, "When the enemy's main force is attracted to the frontal battlefield, the rear will inevitably be empty, and they will jump directly to their home base through hyperspace. Take it away. Their base camp!”

The two fleets ahead are fighting, and Wei Xuan is still on standby in the Lutan 726-8 star system. He has been thinking about how to play a role.

"No matter how empty the enemy's base camp is, they are still much stronger than us!" Chen Hong emphasized, "Don't forget, they still have the Death Star!"

"Wei Xuan's idea is very bold. In our current situation, if we raid the enemy's base camp, we will die." Du Xingyu said.

"Commander Du must have a way!" Although he was rejected by Du Xingyu, Wei Xuan was not disappointed. He asked curiously: "Are there any new weapons that can be used?"

"It will take half a month. If it can be manufactured, this operation will have a chance of success!" Du Xingyu was referring to the black hole weapon he was researching.

If we can create a black hole in the enemy's base camp and destroy the enemy's entire galaxy, it will only be a matter of time!

"I understand!" Yang Shaolin said, "No matter what, we have to delay it and create time for Commander Du!"

"Then drag it!"

Everyone decided on tactics and began to delay on the battlefields of the two star systems while preparing for a surprise attack.

On the Sirius B white dwarf star, the human fleet has been collecting resources from Sirius A, and collecting hydrogen and helium from the asteroid belt and placing them on Sirius B to prepare for the nova explosion.

Du Xingyu handed over all command to the five commanders and continued to study black hole weapons with great concentration.

On the technology simulator, his black hole weapon is eighty percent complete.

Under natural circumstances, black holes are formed by the collapse of massive stars in their old age.

In the laboratory, proton black holes are created by the collision of particles.

The artificial black hole that Du Xingyu wants to design also requires a lot of energy expansion and mass collapse.

"Using an antimatter reaction device to generate a large amount of energy, create a super strong gravity field, and use gravity to crazily compress objects of a certain mass in the gravity field, instantly reaching the situation of a miniature black hole."

Du Xingyu definitely couldn't maintain this high-intensity gravity for a long time, but he only needed it for a moment!

A micro black hole is produced for an instant, and the gravity of this instant black hole can absorb more matter, and the micro black hole can evolve and grow on its own.

"Invest 100 million energy points and start the simulation of the miniature black hole generator!"

Du Xingyu began to simulate black holes, proton black holes, and black holes the size of atomic nuclei on the technology simulator. He could create them.

But to achieve the ideal effect, the mass of the black hole should be larger.

"The energy level is even greater. From this point of view, all the energy and gravitational fields of a high-level star field-level battleship are not enough!"

Theoretically, it "just" needs to compress any lump of matter - such as a marble, or the entire moon - small enough so that the particles that make up the matter are very close to each other, so that they interact with each other. The gravitational force exerted will become very huge, until it exceeds the speed of light, and a black hole can be created.

This can only be done by pressing the original mass of matter within the "Schwarzschild radius". For example, the Schwarzschild radius of a marble is only one billionth of the size of a photon, while the moon compressed to the Schwarzschild radius is only The size of a grain of sand.

Humans cannot create such a gravitational field.

So Du Xingyu has to use another method. According to the grand unified theory, he can convert energy into mass.

In other words, if you can create a "point" with an ultra-high energy level, this point can be converted into an ultra-high-mass point, which is a black hole!

This is also the principle behind the creation of proton black holes.

Theoretically, a black hole can be created by focusing super-powered laser light on a single point, that is, squeezing enough photons into a very small space.

This kind of high-energy photons cannot be produced by ordinary laser weapons or even plasma cannons. Only gamma rays can carry such high-energy particles.

Thermonuclear fusion will produce a small amount of gamma rays, while the annihilation of matter and antimatter will produce considerable gamma rays.

"If I can gather hundreds of gamma rays, control the high-energy photons generated by the gamma rays, and concentrate them on a single point, I should be able to create a miniature black hole that can be used as a weapon!"

Du Xingyu knew that one high-level star field-level battleship would definitely not be able to achieve this kind of weapon. It would take at least ten or even dozens of ships, which is almost equivalent to all the high-level star field-level warships currently owned by mankind!

He created hundreds of antimatter reactors on the simulator. With these antimatter reactors, he would obtain the energy to jump the energy levels of atomic nuclei.

When an atom's nuclear energy level transitions, it emits gamma rays.

These gamma rays themselves can be used as weapons, but Du Xingyu knew that man-made gamma ray weapons alone were enough to deal with ordinary starfield-class battleships, but not nearly as good against the Death Star.

So he concentrated hundreds of gamma rays at a single point apart. High-energy photons collide at this point. In the outside world, Du Xingyu simultaneously creates a powerful gravitational field with a force field generator, also creating a "gravity point."

High-energy photons are drastically compressed at this point, creating a miniature black hole!

This miniature black hole existed for more than ten seconds, and because there was no continuous inhalation of material, it quickly evaporated.

"Very good, adjust the parameters again." More than ten seconds is already a great improvement. Du Xingyu needed it to be stable for more than thirty seconds and be able to be launched onto the enemy's Death Star.

Technology simulator: "Invest 10 million energy points and start gamma ray projection simulation!"

One month has passed, and the Hegu 2 star system and the Sirius star system have also been fighting for a month.

In the Hegu 2 star system, the scope of human activities has been completely compressed to the vicinity of the main strongholds, and the outer areas of the star system have been basically lost.

If it weren't for the energy support of the Stellar Mine, these defensive forces would have collapsed long ago!

And the Sirius star system is not much better. Even if the number of the Skyhawk civilization fleet attacking here is less than half, it is still 10,000 star field class battleships!

"In ten days, they will be destroyed!" In the headquarters of Tianying Civilization, Tangier already had a chance of victory.

He originally planned to capture these two galaxies within ten days. Unexpectedly, mankind mastered gravity cannons and faster-than-light weapons so quickly, and with the help of the military commanders of the Flying Ball Civilization, his progress slowed down a bit.

Fortunately, the victory is getting bigger and bigger. All we need to do is replenish energy and carry out the next wave of attacks. Hegu Er will definitely win!

With the victory of Hegu 2, the fleet can quickly conquer Sirius, Lutan 726-8 and the human territory. Victory is at hand!

At this moment, Tangier received the latest information: "Sir, large-scale hyperspace fluctuations were discovered in the Hedrum II star system, and the human warships seem to be escaping!"

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