Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 230 Secretly assassinating Chen Cang

"Escape?" Tangier thought about it, "These days, the human warships have been hiding in the base and not going into battle. They seem to be conserving their strength."

"The performance and quantity of their warships are not as good as ours, so it is understandable. It seems that humans are planning to abandon the Hegu 2 star system and concentrate their forces."

He immediately gave the order and said: "Intercept them immediately and launch gravity cannons for hyperspace interference!"

"Yes!" The Skyhawk civilization does not have mass shadow projectors and other hyperspace disruptors, so it can only use gravity cannons to prevent human civilization's warships from making hyperspace jumps.

But even the gravity cannon has a limited attack range.

This is also the reason why the Sky Eagle civilization clearly has the strength to crush the Flying Ball civilization, but it took decades to solve the Flying Ball civilization.

In the Hegu 2 star system, Huang Qi is commanding the main fleet to retreat.

"All warships have replenished their energy, leaving the unmanned fleet and robot troops to control the deep space base."

"All high-end star field-level battleships have returned to the South Gate Second Base Camp to upgrade their weapon systems!"

"Other battleships, go to the Sirius jump point and join the Sirius fleet!"

A large number of warships began to make hyperspace jumps, and the Sky Eagle civilization began to use weapons to interfere. However, they have not yet completely conquered the human defense system in the Hegu 2 star system, so they can only harass a small number of warships.

The main battleships of the Hegu Erxing system fleet all jumped away.

"Commander-in-Chief, they are coming to the Sirius star system!" Gargamel, the commander of the Second Fleet of the Skyhawk Civilization, quickly reported to Tangier.

"Do they want to gather their strength to attack the second fleet?" Tangier was suspicious. Is the enemy making a desperate move?

Or are there any powerful weapons and traps in the Sirius star system?

"Let the third main fleet go over immediately to support, and the fourth main fleet immediately recover the Hegu 2 star system." Tangier ordered.

"Yes!" The third main fleet of Tianying Civilization also made a hyperspace jump to the Sirius star system, and the fourth main fleet continued to attack Hegu II's defense system.

Here, only human unmanned weapons and robot troops are left. Moreover, human beings also set up self-destruction traps before leaving. No military base or space mine will be left to the Sky Eagle civilization.

In the Sirius star system, the human fleet is also making adjustments. The human soldiers and commanders on the battleships have been transferred to the advanced star field class battleships, and then made a hyperspace jump back to the Nanmen II star system.

The remaining battleships are all controlled by artificial intelligence and robots. In the eyes of Tianying civilization, these battleships are equivalent to the main human fleet.

"How are White Dwarf's preparations going?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Almost ready!" The battleship at Sirius B sent back a message.

It can be seen from the screen of the virtual world that a large amount of hydrogen and helium have accumulated on the surface of the white dwarf star, and they are firmly locked by the gravity of the white dwarf star.

"In order to detonate them, we have prepared a variety of methods including asteroid impacts, anti-matter missiles and gravity bombs."

"Well, start setting traps." Du Xingyu warned, "Remember, when the new star breaks out, these 8,000 star field-level battleships must keep the enemy at all costs!"

"Observe the dynamics of the enemy forces at any time. Once they enter the trap, they will immediately trigger a nova explosion of the white dwarf star!"

The enemy is now very cautious. If they detect the situation of Sirius B, they are likely to detect human intentions.

"Yes!" The Sirius star system fleet and the Hegu 2 star system fleet that came to support began to arrange their arrangements.

While trying to fight the enemy desperately, they lured the enemy towards Sirius B.

In order to make the trap look more real, humans also specially moved several deep space bases and resource supply stations to the vicinity of Sirius B.

In the Nanmen II star system, there are a total of 131 high-level star field-level battleships. This is all the high-level star field-level warships currently owned by mankind, all concentrated in the base camp!

The space transformation spacecraft are adding new weapons to them, which are the gamma ray initiating device designed by Du Xingyu and the focus gravity field generator.

According to Du Xingyu's idea, the gamma rays excited by at least a hundred high-level starfield-level battleships must converge at one point, and the high-energy photons in them can form an effective micro black hole weapon.

"This raid is commanded by Wei Xuan." Du Xingyu announced, "Everyone, please remember, we only have one chance!"

"The formation of black hole weapons is extremely demanding. Other elementary and intermediate star field-level battleships can immediately figure out the enemy's troop deployment after the hyperspace jump, especially the location of the Death Star!"

"The advanced starfield-class battleships will excite gamma rays together and create a miniature black hole to swallow the Death Star! At that time, the black hole will also grow, and the enemy's base camp will be destroyed without any attack!"

"We only have one chance!"

Du Xingyu's expression was serious, "If you cannot succeed, our human civilization will come to an end!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!" Wei Xuan responded loudly. Unlike other commanders with a steady style, Wei Xuan is the kind of person who likes to win by surprise and defeat the strong with the weak, so he is suitable for this kind of mission.

One hundred and thirty-one high-level star field-level battleships, plus two thousand star field-level battleships transferred from the five major space city fleets, have replenished their energy. They will directly hyperspace jump to the Hegu-1 star system.

The Heguyi star system is more than fifty light-years away from here, and humans' advanced star field-level battleships cannot jump so far in one go.

They need to jump to a deep space base, replenish energy, and then make a second hyperspace jump.

Once it reaches the Hegu II star system, this fleet will face the enemy's base camp defense force. If the black hole weapon fails to be released successfully or fails to hit the target, they will never return!

At that time, human beings could only choose to abandon their homes and escape in the dark universe just like the flying ball civilization!

"Humanity is really desperate!" Gargamel, commander of the second fleet of the Aquila civilization in the Tianlang star system, observed the battlefield situation.

Ever since the human fleet from the Hegu II star system made the hyperspace jump, the human fleet's combat method has changed from defense to crazy attack.

Judging from this situation, it is probably that humans plan to invest all their main fleets in Sirius and use Sirius's military equipment to destroy the Skyhawk civilization fleet.

"It's a pity that your strength is too weak. This kind of tactics has no effect on us." Gargamel whispered. At the beginning, humans' crazy attack did cost them more than two thousand battleships.

But with the addition of the third main fleet, they quickly reversed the situation. Now the fourth main fleet has also completely captured the Hegu II star system and rushed to support, forming an encirclement of humanity.

The control area of ​​the human fleet in the Sirius star system is getting smaller and smaller. If this continues, the human fleet will be destroyed in less than twenty days!

"How is the situation?" Tangier, Commander-in-Chief of the Skyhawk Civilized Fleet, contacted Gargamel.

"Commander-in-Chief, if you give us another twenty days, we will definitely capture the Sirius star system." Gargamel replied.

"Not only must we capture the Sirius star system!" Tangier emphasized, "We must destroy the fleet of human civilization! Don't let them make the hyperspace jump this time. Move all the high-level starfield-level battleships there to seal off the outer space. At the same time, use Gravity cannon interferes with hyperspace jumps!”

"I don't want to hear the news that the fleet of human civilization has escaped again!"

"Yes!" Gargamel and the commanders of the third and fourth main fleets received the order and immediately deployed warships to block the space around the Sirius star system.

A high-level starfield-level battleship is comparable in size to an asteroid, and the space blocked by its gravity field is about the same as that of Jupiter.

Even so, this amount of space is not worth mentioning in the star system, so the Sky Eagle civilization has to mobilize more warships to enclose all the escape space of human civilization.

The gravity cannons fired by advanced starfield-class battleships can interfere with hyperspace jumps to a certain extent. Once there are too many, the human fleet will be unable to make hyperspace jumps.

Only in this way can we catch them all in one go!

"They are encircling them!" The human civilization side naturally noticed the enemy's movements.

"The enemy has invested more than 25,000 warships!" Yang Shaolin said, "It can almost trigger a new star explosion."

"The enemy still has at least 10,000 Starfield-class battleships that haven't shown up yet!" Chen Hong said.

"It is estimated that they will not be released." Du Xingyu analyzed, "The 25,000 warships are equivalent to the main combat power of the second, third, and fourth main fleets of the Sky Eagle Civilization."

"It's worth it for us to be able to exchange for these battleships!"

"At the same time as the new star broke out, the assault fleet began to attack!"

Four more days have passed, and on the battlefield of the Sirius star system, the human fleet has been defeated faster than the Skyhawk civilization imagined.

The deep space bases and planetary fortresses on the outskirts of the star system have basically been captured by the Sky Eagle civilization.

Human civilization has lost more than 3,000 star field-class battleships, and another 5,000 battleships are gathering at the base near Sirius B.

"Aren't they ready to escape?" This situation made Gargamel very confused. If human civilization wanted to escape, they would never choose to gather near Sirius B.

You must know that the hyperspace jump will be affected by the gravity of massive celestial bodies. If they are near a white dwarf, the hyperspace jump is likely to fail!

"Gargamel, why isn't your fleet moving forward? Continue the encirclement!" Tangier ordered.

"Commander-in-Chief, I suspect that the enemy is deceitful!" Gargamel expressed his thoughts. "Their current behavior is almost like sending death. If they also hide a super weapon, we may lose too much."

Tangier thought for a while and said: "Let the unmanned warships approach first. Don't stop the gravity interference. You can withdraw some warships to the outer areas to avoid danger."

Tangier also chose a cautious combat method this time, but he still did not completely withdraw the fleet from the Sirius star system, because he did not expect that humans would be crazy enough to bury their main fleet and all the military facilities in this star system. Lose!

"The enemy has entered the encirclement!" In the alliance headquarters, the expressions of Du Xingyu and the five commanders became solemn.

"Trigger a nova explosion!"

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