Near Sirius B, thousands of Starfield-class battleships are ready to "die"!

The humans above have already evacuated, leaving only the intelligent system controlling the warship.

When Du Xingyu's order was issued, these warships began to project weapons towards the white dwarf star.

The antimatter missile explodes on the surface of the white dwarf, and the annihilation of matter and antimatter releases a large amount of energy. Sirius B absorbed the hydrogen and helium from Sirius A over hundreds of millions of years, and the hydrogen and helium transported by humans were "ignited" and nuclear fusion reactions occurred again.

Numerous nuclear fusion reactions occurred again on the surface of this white dwarf star that had been "extinguished" for billions of years. The surface temperature of the white dwarf star increased sharply because the huge gravity of the white dwarf star tightly adsorbed these expanding gases to its surface, causing it to The pressure also began to increase dramatically.

Human warships began to project gravity bombs and gravity fields, and thermal runaway began to occur on the surface of the white dwarf. More matter participated in the nuclear fusion reaction, and energy explosions began to occur.

"It's coming!" Through the subspace communicator on a Starfield-class battleship, the human commanders quietly watched this cosmic spectacle.

"A large amount of thermal energy reaction detected..."

"No, a nova has exploded! Battleships in the entire star system will be destroyed by gamma ray bursts!"

"Run away!" The captains of Tianying Civilization have realized that something is wrong, but it is too late to escape at this time.

Some of the close warships left and started hyperspace jumps, but under the influence of the white dwarf's gravity and gamma rays, the hyperspace ripples turned into hyperspace waves!

The space-time matrix is ​​distorted, and all warships trying to make a hyperspace jump are torn apart by the power of space!

"Quick, sail at warp speed!" the captain of a high-level starfield-level battleship ordered.

As soon as the warp bubble covered their warship, gamma ray bursts were already flying in. These ultra-high-energy ray bursts instantly penetrated the warp bubble, and the high-level starfield-level battleship was evaporated by the ray burst in an instant. !

"Crazy, crazy, humans are crazy, they want to die with us!" Gargamel finally understood what humans were up to.

The human warships approaching the white dwarf were the first to be destroyed, but they didn't care!

The other human warships had no intention of escaping. They began to frantically attack and intercept the fleet of the Sky Eagle Civilization, preventing them from escaping the gamma ray burst!

"Quickly retreat! Evacuate as much as you can!" Gargamel hurriedly ordered. In fact, he did not need to give the order. The captains were trying their best to escape.

The new star bursts out and reaches its peak within seconds. Its light will illuminate the entire star system!

By then, no matter whether you are at the Second South Gate Base Camp of humanity or the Hegu First Base Camp of the Sky Eagle Civilization, you will be able to clearly see this nova explosion!

"Intercept the enemy!"

"Intercept the enemy!" The unmanned warship's suicide attack prevented the enemy ship from escaping smoothly.

Moreover, humans have deployed many gravity field traps in the space zone before, and now these gravity field traps are all activated.

Hyperspace jumps and warp navigation are all blocked!

And sublight speed navigation only delays death by a few minutes!

Soon, the entire Sirius star system was enveloped by violent gamma ray bursts. Man-made battleships, space fortresses, and armed satellites were all damaged, and their nuclear fusion or antimatter reactors were all exploding!

The explosion of tens of thousands of starfield-class battleships is undoubtedly a very spectacular scene!

It's a pity that no one can appreciate it now, because the light of their explosion has been obscured by the light of the nova explosion!

"A new star has exploded! The Sirius star system has been wiped out!" In the alliance headquarters, even the five commanders who had gone through great storms could not calm down at this moment.

The power of nature destroyed all the main fleets on both sides at once!

"It's so magnificent!" Chen Hong sighed with emotion.

"Now, we only have one last chance left!" Yang Shaolin whispered. Now being attacked by the Sky Eagle Civilization, humans don't have much power to stop it.

"All we can do now is wait patiently." Mo Caiwei adjusted the screen to the raid fleet. The raid fleet was currently sailing at warp speed outside the Hegu-1 star system and would soon be discovered by the enemy.

"Success or failure depends on this!" Tours and Lu Xing couldn't help clenching their fists.

Du Xingyu said nothing. The real decisive battle begins now!

"Twenty-five thousand battleships, all star field-class battleships of the main fleet!" Tangier's heart was bleeding, "Just gone like this?"

There were no more than a thousand warships that had successfully escaped just now. It was all because they were far away from the core of the nova explosion and escaped by making a hyperspace jump at the risk of death.

"Tangir!" When the leader of the Skyhawk Civilization, Siti, contacted Tangir, his tone was extremely angry: "Twenty-five thousand star field-level battleships, the accumulation of the Skyhawk Civilization over the years has been reduced by half in an instant!"

"In the war with Feiqiu Civilization, we only lost 10,000 battleships!"

"This time the loss is so huge, how do you explain it to us?"

Tangier was speechless. He had been very careful in his command this time, but he didn't expect that these 8,000 star field-level battleships were all the power of mankind!

Since they are willing to give up everything? You know, the Skyhawk civilization still has a main fleet and the Death Star. The result of human beings doing this is tantamount to committing suicide!

"Leader, I will take responsibility for this!" Tangier gritted his teeth, "But now I must command the fleet and completely wipe out human civilization!"

"The nova explosion also destroyed their main fleet, and human civilization no longer has the power to resist!"

"I'll say it one last time!" Steve said, "Don't make any more mistakes!"

"Never again!" Tangier promised.

However, just as he finished saying this, Steve received another message.

"Leader, traces of human warships were found outside the base camp!"

"What?" Si Ti was surprised and asked quickly: "Quantity and scale?"

"There are only about 2,000 ships. They are already close to our defense line!" a subordinate reported.

"Two thousand ships?" Tangier was shocked just now, thinking that humans had hidden their strength and attacked their base camp. Who knew that there were only two thousand star field class battleships.

"There are more than 5,000 defensive warships in the base camp, and there are even Death Stars. They are going to die!"

"No!" Steve said with doubts: "We don't know much about human civilization, but every move of this civilization is definitely not as simple as committing suicide or being reckless! They must have a plan!"

"Send a fleet to intercept them immediately, annihilate them all, and enter a state of war with everyone!"

"Yes!" The subordinate immediately carried out his order.

Tangier said: "Leader, this is all the power of human civilization. Since they chose to sneak attack our base camp, the first main fleet can go straight to the base camp of human civilization!"

"I will send 2,000 warships back to support, and 10,000 warships will capture the Nanmen 2 star system! I will leave the Death Star behind for defense, and nothing will go wrong!"

"Let's do it like this!" Steve had no objection. The enemy's strength could not break through their defense line, but their attack was something that humans could not stop!

Tangier immediately led 10,000 starfield-class battleships of the first main fleet to the Nanmen 2 star system, and another 2,000 ships returned for reinforcements.

Because of the failed hyperspace jump to Nanmen 2 star system last time, this time Tangier first sent an unmanned warship to jump a few light years away from Nanmen. After confirming that there was no attack, the large force jumped over. .

Then they carried out warp sailing in batches and headed to the Nanmen star system.

In this way, the human mass shadow caster is of little use.

"Ten thousand star field-class battleships!" The alliance headquarters became nervous. In the current Nanmen II star system, there are no more than 300 star field-class battleships. These 300 ships are used to prevent humans from escaping if they cannot be defeated. of.

The others are all star-class battleships equipped with gravity weapons and annihilation rays.

It is a joke to say that the fleet of the Sky Eagle Civilization can be stopped. The Alliance can only try its best to delay time.

"Wei Xuan, we can delay it for at most fifteen days!" Du Xingyu said, "If the battle fails in fifteen days, we will choose to leave the Nanmen Star System!"

"I understand!" Wei Xuan had already begun to arrange the battlefield, and a large number of water droplet detectors were released to detect the enemy's intelligence.

They have only one goal now, the Death Star!

As long as the black hole weapon hits the Death Star, the micro black hole can grow into a natural black hole and then swallow the entire Hegu-1 star system!

As the base camp of Tianying civilization, the Heguyi star system is full of various defenses, making human raids difficult!

One-tenth of the two thousand warships were lost before they even got close to the real Heguyi defense circle!

"Where is the Death Star? Find it for me quickly!" Wei Xuan shouted, "It's so big, I don't believe it can't be found!"

If it were an enemy warship hidden in the vast space, humans would not be able to find it for a while.

But the Death Star is a metallic planet with a mass twenty times greater than that of the Earth. It would be too difficult to hide it.

Soon, the raiding fleet discovered this super weapon of the Sky Eagle Civilization!

The Sky Eagle civilization is extremely confident in the Death Star, which is located on the periphery of the star system's defense line. This metal planet floats quietly in the vacuum, like the guardian of hell!

"We found the Death Star. The coordinates hasn't moved." A subordinate reported.

"Soon!" Wei Xuan's eyes lit up and he shouted: "All battleships obey the order and attack the Death Star at all costs. Don't let it escape!"

"Yes!" Although the human army is small, its power is concentrated. Moreover, the raiding warships contained almost 99% of humanity's high-level star field-class warships. They broke through in one direction, and their advancement speed skyrocketed.

"The human fleet is headed in the direction of the Death Star?" Steve, Tangier and others were also confused after learning the news.

"In the past, it was okay to cause a nova explosion and to die. Now, sending a raid fleet to deal with the Death Star? Are you going to die again?"

"Is there a fraud?" Steve thought, "Relocate the Death Star?"

"Leader, this is a conspiracy of mankind!" A senior executive said, "The most powerful defensive force in our entire base camp is the Death Star. If we move the Death Star away, they will come straight to the planet where we live and destroy it. It took us tens of thousands of years to build a civilization!”

"If the enemy really had the technology to destroy the Death Star, human civilization would have declared war on us long ago, instead of being cornered by us!"

Steve thought for a while and said: "The Death Star is not moving for the time being. We still need to be more prudent and evacuate all senior officials from the main planet. In addition, let the fleet intercept the human raid fleet from the rear and form an encirclement with the Death Star."

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