"In the past hundred years, our development speed has exceeded that of the Sky Eagle Civilization. Now we are fully capable of attacking the Sky Eagle Civilization!" Yang Shaolin said, "Each of the ten main fleets can span fifty light years. War at a distance!"

"The Sky Eagle civilization almost destroyed our human civilization several times. It's time for revenge!" Chen Hong spoke with confidence. In the past hundred years, human civilization has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The advancement of science and technology in all walks of life, coupled with the science and technology brought by the Flying Ball Civilization, have not only consolidated the status of human civilization as a level three civilization, but can now be called a level 3.6 civilization.

It is a bit stronger than the 100-year-old Sky Eagle Civilization, but the current Sky Eagle Civilization has not yet been able to recover its strength, and the number of battleships and the performance of the battleships are worse than them.

The most important thing is that the Skyhawk civilization is not yet capable of building a "Death Star" again!

"Commander Du, our ten fleets are all ready!" Wei Xuan asked Du Xingyu to fight.

Du Xingyu looked around at the crowd. Everyone here is a human elite who has emerged since the new era. Including politicians, soldiers, scientists, etc., they have all experienced wars with the Sky Eagle Civilization.

They still vividly remember the fear that the Sky Eagle civilization once brought to human civilization.

"According to our intelligence," Du Xingyu said slowly, "the number of star systems controlled by Tianying civilization has been reduced from the original thirty-two to twenty-seven, five of which were captured by us. Including Tianyuan Four, Tianyuan Cangwu and other star systems.”

"From a territorial point of view, the territory of Tianying civilization is still wider than ours."

"But in terms of strength, the recovery of the Skyhawk civilization is limited. After its defeat, it fell into a serious economic crisis. The number of battleships has been restored to a limited extent, and it is unable to build super weapons similar to the Death Star. In terms of military strength, we are already at an advantage. "

After the defeat of Tianying civilization, the fleet was unable to expand outwards, and its territory was seized by humans. In particular, the Hegu-1 star system with the most abundant resources was destroyed by black hole weapons. Without resources, they would not be able to expand their armaments!

"How can we allow others to snore on the side of the bed! Let alone the enemies who once invaded us!" Du Xingyu said seriously, "As the supreme commander of the Human Guardian Alliance, I order that from today on, we will launch revenge against the Sky Eagle civilization. war."

"Destroy the Sky Eagle civilization!"

"Destroy the Sky Eagle Civilization!" Everyone shouted together. They have been developing silently for a hundred years, and this is the moment they have been waiting for!

"Now let's start making tactical arrangements." Du Xingyu called up the star map, in which the green planet represents the territory controlled by humans.

With Nanmen II as the center, humans control the main star systems surrounding it for about forty light years.

Farther away is the Hegu-1 star system that is still being swallowed by the black hole.

"The current civilization center of the Sky Eagle Civilization is here in the Cass star system. It is two hundred light years away from our territory."

Du Xingyu marked the enemy's new base camp. This Cass star system is very far away from the territory of human civilization. This is why the Sky Eagle civilization is afraid of human civilization, so it moved the new civilization center to the original border.

"Even if we jump from the front line, the Hegu 2 star system to the Cass star system, we have to jump through hyperspace at least four times! In this way, our battleship energy will not be able to keep up, and we will not be able to attack the Cass star system. " Du Xingyu said.

"So, we must capture the middle stronghold, the GE-78 star system."

The GE78 star system is a star system that is difficult to discover with astronomical telescopes because there is only one dim red dwarf star there, and the planets in the star system have long been swallowed up by the red giant before the red dwarf star formed, so the energy source is very limited.

But now the third-level civilization can exploit the resources of the red dwarf star, and it is completely possible to build a temporary space stronghold there as a springboard to attack the Cass star system.

"The attack on the Cass star system from the GE-78 star system will be the most important offensive route in this war." Du Xingyu said, "The three main fleets with the strongest combat effectiveness must be mobilized."

"Wei Xuan, Xiong Zhengqing and Huang Qi, your three fleets have participated in several space wars and are rich in experience. You are the main attacking team." Du Xingyu said.

"Yes!" The three of them accepted the military order.

"The fourth, fifth, and sixth main fleets." Du Xingyu continued to arrange, "attack the Tianying Civilization Hegu Three Star System."

"The seventh, eighth, and ninth main fleets attack the three star systems on the right banner of Tianying Civilization."

"The tenth main fleet is temporarily on standby in the Hegu 2 star system, waiting for support."

"Yunxiao, Thunder, Yufeng, Lingze and Flash Fleet are responsible for the defense tasks within the territory."

"Yes!" Everyone took the order one by one and began to coordinate combat matters.

Du Xingyu is responsible for macro-control, and the five commanders are responsible for internal matters, such as political orders, economic adjustments, cultural propaganda, war mobilization, etc.

The ten fleet commanders each mobilized their fleets and began to attack according to the instructed route.

At the same time, the Human Guardian Alliance Command also announced the news to the human society.

"After careful decision by the Human Guardian Alliance, we believe that the current military, economic and technological strength has met the requirements for war. From now on, we will launch a war against the Sky Eagle civilization, and the whole society will enter a state of war. All organizations and individuals You must unconditionally obey the arrangements of the alliance command..."

After years of propaganda, people have long realized that the current Milky Way is a hunting ground, and it is difficult to achieve peace among civilizations.

Therefore, the command from the headquarters was issued, and the masses unanimously expressed their support.

"I wish the fleet a successful start!" Countless companies put up wishing banners.

"We must come back victorious!" People left messages in the virtual world.

In front of the tomb of the martyrs, people held a major commemorative ceremony: "Heroic souls of mankind, starting from today, our fleet will set off! We will not forget your sacrifice, and we will use the blood of the enemy to commemorate you!"

"Human civilization has declared war on us! Their fleet is attacking our edge star system." Tangier, the highest authority of the Skyhawk civilization and has become the leader, convened senior officials from various departments to discuss the matter.

Compared to a hundred years ago, Tangier has matured a lot, and he has also aged a lot.

In order to clean up the mess, he worked hard. The decline in military strength, economic recession, and shrinking territory all made the people very dissatisfied with him.

Several civilizations have even held referendums on new leaders. If the fleet had not been firmly in his hands, his position would have been lost long ago.

"Fight immediately!" The main militant group had a clear attitude. "We should have fought to the end a hundred years ago. If it hadn't been for that shameful retreat, human civilization might have been destroyed long ago!"

The retreat from Tangier was attacked by the main station for a hundred years. They believed that human civilization at that time was just a bluff. If they really had the support of advanced civilization, they would have wiped out the Sky Eagle Civilization long ago!

"We should focus on defense, and it is best to seek help from advanced civilizations in the demon civilization camp!" the conservative said.

"Human civilization is not what it used to be. Logically speaking, their strength has surpassed ours. Blind war will only lead our Sky Eagle civilization to the abyss of destruction!"

"We should make peace with human civilization. Both of our civilizations are around civilization 3.5. War with each other will only hurt both sides! If we negotiate, we will buy time to restore our strength." The peace advocate also stood up.

The three parties kept arguing and almost stopped taking action.

Tangier took a deep breath. Human civilization was at home, but the top leaders of Tianying civilization were still attacking each other.

All this is because of his defeat in a hundred years, which caused his authority to plummet!

"Quiet!" Tangier shouted angrily, "Now is not the time to quarrel!"

"Immediately send out warships to resist and test the opponent's strength. Then make tactical adjustments at any time."

Nowadays, Tangier doesn’t know whether to fight, defend, or negotiate peace?

The war has begun!

The three main human fleets, led by Wei Xuan, Xiong Zhengqing, and Huang Qi, joined forces to directly hyperspace jump to the GE-78 star system to attack the defenders here.

This human civilization has nearly 20,000 star field-level battleships and more than 1,500 high-level star field-level battleships.

The Sky Eagle Civilization only has a defense force of 10,000 battleships. These warships are all "old models" from a hundred years ago. After the defeat of Tianying civilization, science and technology almost stopped, the economy regressed, and naturally there was no ability to update armaments.

"Unplug all deep space bases and be sure to take down the Red Dwarf Mine!" Wei Xuan shouted on the command channel.

His fleet is the same as his style, good at surprise attacks and charges.

Three thousand starfield-class battleships equipped with gravity cannons form a small phalanx of 30,000 battleships, attacking simultaneously from all angles in space!

Behind them, there are two thousand more battleships using tachyon torrents and annihilation rays of faster-than-light weapons!

Countless high-tech weapons bombarded the opponent's deep space base, and the opponent's defense system was unable to withstand it.

After the tachyon torrent breaks through their energy shields, thousands of annihilation rays and thousands of gravity bombs can destroy a deep space base in five minutes!

"Humanity's technological progress is too fast!" In the deep space base, the commander of the Sky Eagle Civilization looked desperate.

In the past, they could only install gravity cannons on high-level starfield-level battleships, while human mid-level starfield-level battleships could install gravity cannons. The damage this weapon does to base facilities is horrific and difficult to withstand.

Humanity's attack in the GE-78 star system was simply devastating, and the Sky Eagle civilization had no power to fight back.

In just one week, this star system was captured by humans. Immediately afterwards, the space engineering force began to repair the red dwarf mine here and build an antimatter factory to replenish energy for the fleet.

The human fleets of the other two attack routes did not encounter many obstacles and successfully eliminated their opponents.

In one month, humans have occupied the three main star systems of the Aquila Civilization, which are all military bases.

Senior leaders of Tianying Civilization, the main war faction has completely stopped and they dare not talk about war anymore!

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