Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 236 The Death Star reappears! (Please subscribe and get a monthly pass!)

"How could it be so fast?" The senior leaders of Tianying Civilization were shocked by the speed at which the front line fell.

"They are also third-level civilizations, why are they developing so rapidly?"

"Hundreds of years ago, wasn't our Tianying civilization like this?" said a respected old man. "At that time, the entire civilization worked together and developed together. We quickly changed from a second-level civilization to a third-level civilization, and we also created A super weapon like the Death Star!”

"But now, what have we become?" the old man said sadly, "There are strong enemies outside, there are constant struggles internally, and the development of science and technology has completely stagnated!"

"The Sky Eagle civilization has probably lost the power to compete with human civilization!"

"Withdraw all the fleets on the front line, and we can still hold the base camp!" Someone suggested.

"That's all we can do now." Tangier sighed inwardly, knowing that doing so would only delay his destruction.

"It's best to ask for support from civilizations of the same camp."

The Sky Eagle Civilization began to contact the demon civilization camp and requested support from other civilizations.

A month has passed, and humans have almost repaired their problems. They have begun a hyperspace jump and are preparing to go straight to the current base camp of the Aquila civilization, the Cass star system.

"Humanity is about to go on an expedition again. Is there no news from other civilizations yet?" The senior officials asked the Academy of Sciences of the Sky Eagle Civilization.

The way they contact other civilizations in the demon civilization camp is to communicate in specific subspace communication channels.

The liaison officer said with a bitter look on his face: "There is no news at all, and our communication has been cut off."

"What?" Tangier and others were horrified, "The demonic civilization camp has abandoned us!"

"I should have thought of it a long time ago! I should have thought of it a long time ago!" Tangier murmured to himself.

For the demonic civilization camp, they are just pawns in the demonic civilization camp’s battle in the Orion Arm.

If this piece can open up the situation, then reuse it. If not, then give up decisively.

Allowing advanced civilization to directly support the Sky Eagle Civilization is tantamount to declaring war on the Angel Civilization camp. But currently they don't want to have a head-on conflict, so they chose to abandon the Sky Eagle civilization.

"Sir, the fleet of human civilization has been discovered outside the star system. More than 40,000 starfield-level warships have surrounded the entire Cass star system!" News came from the front line.

"Hold!" Tangier gritted his teeth and said: "Our galaxy also has 20,000 star field-level warships, as well as various defensive weapons. There are also two stars as energy support. As long as we hold on to the defense line, we will consume them to death sooner or later! "

On the outskirts of the Cass star system, the fleet of the Skyhawk civilization relies on various deep space bases and space fortresses to defend the human fleet from the outside.

"It's really a bit tricky!" Child, the commander of the fourth main fleet of mankind, looked at the battlefield projection in front of him.

More than 20,000 star field-level battleships defend a star system, which can be said to be impregnable!

"If we attack by force, we'll probably lose a lot of money!" Huang Qi analyzed calmly, "It's not worth it."

"In that case, let's use super weapons!" Wei Xuan grinned and said with a smile: "Let them know what it means to treat others with their own treatment!"

On the outskirts of the Cass star system, the fleets and deep space bases of the Skyhawk civilization were nervously defending. Relying on a large number of annihilation rays and gravity cannons, they formed a defense network that made it difficult for the human fleet to break through.

"Hold on, the enemy jumped two hundred light years to attack us, and they have no supplies!"

"As long as we persist for more than three months, the enemy will retreat without attacking!" The officers of Tianying Civilization encouraged their subordinates to increase their confidence.

"Sir, it's... it's..." an intelligence officer reported in horror, "It's the Death Star!"

"What Death Star?" Before the officer could react, hadn't the Death Star been destroyed long ago? In the first year when it was swallowed by a micro black hole, it collapsed due to the collapse of its gravity system, and everything became nutrients for the micro black hole.

"It's humanity's Death Star!" the intelligence officer shouted, "They also built the Death Star!"

In the surveillance screen, behind the human fleet, a metal planet is flying at sub-light speed.

It looks exactly like the Death Star, the super weapon of the Skyhawk civilization, and these soldiers are all too familiar with it!

Relying on the Death Star, the Skyhawk civilization is invincible in its battle! However, this time, the Death Star appears in the local lineup, and they don't have any means to conquer the Death Star!

"The Death Star is out!" Du Xingyu is also paying attention to the situation of the Death Star. This Death Star was created by him based on the analysis of the enemy's Death Star.

Not only is the process of manufacturing the Death Star complicated, the materials required are also very rare!

It would take an entire planet of metal! In order to create a Death Star, humans searched dozens of surrounding star systems before finding a planet that barely met the conditions.

Then it took a hundred years to transform the planet, and only a quarter of it has been completed until now!

Just like the Death Star originally designed by Tianying Civilization, Du Xingyu also planned to leave room for upgrading this Death Star so that it could have the opportunity to become a star-level master battleship!

The Death Star came to a defense line of the Skyhawk civilization, which was a triangular defense point consisting of a deep space base and two space fortresses. There were a thousand Starfield-level battleships escorting the surrounding area. The human fleet could not capture this stronghold even after several attacks.

The Death Star did not slow down and continued towards the stronghold.

"Fire!" the commander of Tianying Civilization shouted.

Annihilation rays and gravity cannons bombarded the Death Star, and this time there was a tachyon torrent!

After studying the captured Flying Ball Civilization warships, the Sky Eagle Civilization also mastered some super-light weapons.

This is a force that is enough to destroy a fleet. When they come to the Death Star together, millions of cannon ports appear on the Death Star, firing various weapons to intercept all the firepower.

"Continue to attack!" Even if they know they can't defeat the Sky Eagle Civilization, the commander must still order the attack, because as soon as they retreat, the Sky Eagle Civilization will be completely destroyed!

The deep space base and the battleships attacked together, consuming the Death Star's energy.

"Open the gravity cage!" Inside the Death Star, human commander Zhuang Xin ordered.

A super strong gravity field was generated around the Death Star, binding all those battleships.

"867,278 targets have been targeted, launch an attack!" The cannons on the Death Star fired again, and the warships, armed satellites, etc. imprisoned in the gravity cage were all killed at fixed points!

Outside the stronghold of the Sky Eagle Civilization, the defensive weapons that were densely packed just now were cleared by the Death Star in an instant!

"Everything has been cleared!" In the stronghold, the soldiers of Tianying Civilization were filled with fear.

They knew how powerful the Death Star was, and when it was used against them, they realized the fear that the Flying Ball Civilization and the secondary civilization that they destroyed felt!

"Keep pushing!" Zhuang Xin asked the Death Star to keep moving forward. Soon, the Death Star's gravitational cage enveloped the deep space base and space fortress of the Skyhawk civilization.

"Turn on the gravitational oscillator!" The Death Star's second-largest range weapon was turned on, and the gravitational field around it began to vibrate violently, generating gravitational waves that shook the target.

The Sky Eagle Civilization's deep space base only lasted 80 seconds before the internal gravity balance system was broken. Without any extra attacks from humans, this deep space base was blown to pieces by itself!

"As expected of the Death Star, it actually has such power!" The human commander himself was shocked.

Mo Caiwei said thankfully: "Fortunately, Commander Du developed a method to restrain the Death Star a hundred years ago, otherwise we would have been destroyed a hundred years ago!"

"The front line was lost in less than a day!" The top leaders of Tianying Civilization soon learned the news. Now, even their last hope of resistance was shattered!

"Let's negotiate peace!" someone sighed.

"Humanity won't agree to peace?"

"No matter what, let's negotiate peace first. It's really not possible. We have only one way!" Everyone knew very well that if humans did not agree, they could only give up all their territories, take some people to flee, and become a star pirate civilization.

With luck, the star thief civilization can still find a place to live, take root again, and even wipe out a few first- and second-level indigenous civilizations and develop again.

The star thief civilization that is unlucky may be hunted down, massacred by more advanced civilizations, or wiped out by other star thief civilizations, etc.

As the leader of the Skyhawk civilization, Tangier requested dialogue from human civilization.

"Tangir?" Du Xingyu answered the conversation with Tangir.

Tangier was taller than ordinary people from the Skyhawk Civilization. He said, "I am Tangier, the leader of the Skyhawk Civilization. I hope to negotiate peace with human civilization."

"I am Du Xingyu, the supreme commander of human civilization." Du Xingyu introduced himself and said: "I think you don't have the option of peace talks now, the only options are defeat or direct surrender!"

In the past, Tangier would have started to curse loudly, but now, the situation is pressing. He had to be strong and calm and said: "Du Xingyu, human civilization has not won the victory now."

"We still have more than 20,000 warships and more than 20 star systems. If the war continues, we can fight humans for thousands of years!"

"Do you believe this?" Du Xingyu said with a smile, "Your 20,000 battleships are far less numerous than ours, and their performance is worse. And you have absolutely no way to deal with the Death Star!"

"As for those twenty-odd star systems, most of them have been abandoned. You only have the most basic guard fleet. Our fleet will soon bulldoze it!"

"As long as I give the order, I guarantee that our fleet can capture all the territory of the Sky Eagle Civilization within three years!"

Tangier was speechless. In the face of the absolute power gap, those negotiation skills and game methods were in vain.

"I can't reply now." Tangier closed the communication.

"Everyone, human civilization has rejected our peace talks." Tangier said to the top leaders of the Skyhawk civilization, "We have no choice?"

The senior officials were silent, but Tangier was already mobilizing the fleet at this time. He made up his mind to lead the fleet to escape from here and preserve the last fire of the Sky Eagle civilization.

As for surrender? He never thought that the Sky Eagle civilization and human civilization had a bloody feud. How could the enemy be kind to them?

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