Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 238 Heading to the Butterfly Star Cluster

"Where is the free and civilized market?" everyone asked.

"M6 Butterfly Star Cluster." Jin Qiu said.

A star cluster refers to a group of stars with more than 10 stars and physical connections (gravitational effects) between them. A star cluster composed of a dozen to hundreds of thousands of stars with a loose structure and irregular shape is called an open cluster; a star cluster composed of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of stars with a round shape and a dense center is called a globular cluster .

For example, humanity's current territory is within the Pleiades open star cluster. This open star cluster contains a total of more than 3,000 stars!

At the pinnacle of level three civilization, the territory should rule one or more open star clusters, and only by reaching level four civilization can one have the strength to rule globular star clusters with hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of stars.

Thinking about it the other way around, globular star clusters are more likely to give birth to advanced civilizations because of their dense matter and rich resources.

"The distance between the M6 ​​Butterfly Star Cluster and the M45 Pleiades Star Cluster is more than 2,000 light years! Even if our high-level starfield-level battleships keep making hyperspace jumps, they can't jump over in one go." Xu Lianqiu said, "There must be resources in between. Supplement, and the battleship also needs a certain amount of time to cool down."

"No matter what, we must go to the M6 ​​Butterfly Star Cluster and take a look at the Free Civilization Market. Whether it is technology or intelligence, we are particularly in need of it." Du Xingyu said that at present, human civilization is in the dark in the Milky Way and does not know anything.

They must know how the situation in the galaxy is developing now.

Jin Qiu suggested: "If you are going to the M6 ​​Butterfly Star Cluster, you must remember to keep your own civilization information secret, and do not let other civilizations know the location and technological strength of human civilization. To avoid being targeted by star-stealing civilizations or malicious civilizations."

"I'm afraid that Tianying Civilization has leaked our information." Chen Hong said worriedly.

"Then don't worry too much." Jin Qiu said, "Under normal circumstances, no civilization will attack the enemy across a distance of thousands of light years, because it is very risky. When they attack the enemy, they will also expose their position. "

"Only those star thief civilizations who rob each other could do such a thing."

Du Xingyu nodded and said: "No matter what, we must take precautions first, stay safe and be prepared for danger."

After careful discussion, the commanders unanimously agreed to send a fleet to the M6 ​​Butterfly Cluster to explore the free civilization market.

"In order to adapt to long-distance space navigation, all ships in this fleet must be high-level star field-level battleships. They must also have self-destruct mode to avoid leaking information after being captured by advanced civilizations."

"All the ships use robots to communicate with the command center through subspace communication equipment." Du Xingyu said.

Level three civilizations are not yet capable of intercepting subspace messages. If it is a level four civilization, Du Xingyu doesn't know.

There are not many Level 4 civilizations in the Milky Way. The more advanced civilizations require more resources, and they will not easily reveal their position to avoid being targeted by other advanced civilizations.

"Since we are going to the trading market, we also need to carry some materials or information that can be traded." Du Xingyu stored some scientific and technological information and special material resources on these battleships, such as equipment used to make force field generators, biochips, and electronics. Chips and more.

These things may not be important to the third-level civilization, but they must be very precious to the second-level civilization.

"There are a total of twelve high-level star field-level battleships, equipped with various weapons and 12 million robots of various types. The battleships are also equipped with interstellar mining, repair and other spaceships. This fleet is enough to crush any second-level civilization. Even A third-level civilization can easily escape as long as it does not encounter a star-level master battleship." In the space dock, the supervisor reported to Du Xingyu.

"There is also your bionic robot here." In front of Du Xingyu, a bionic robot that looked similar to him appeared.

He is about the same size as Du Xingyu, but there are some differences in appearance.

"The robot has rudimentary intelligence, and its body is equipped with subspace communication equipment, so you can directly control it remotely and serve as your stand-in!" Supervisor introduced.

Humanity's robotic technology can only be said to be average. We can now create some advanced robots, but we have not created real silicon-based life - or in other words, humans have deliberately not created silicon-based life.

Before the emergence of silicon-based life with independent consciousness, humans had brain chip implantation and biochip implantation technology. The human brain is not weaker than any computing system, and there is naturally no need to create silicon-based life.

"Not bad." Du Xingyu reviewed the fleet and robots. In addition to him, there were also bionic robots from Jin Qiu, Chen Hong, Lu Xing, Tours and others.

"Get supplies ready and set off immediately!" Du Xingyu ordered.


The human trade fleet set off, and Du Xingyu and others controlled it remotely through subspace communication. For safety reasons, before each hyperspace jump, they sent two battleships to make the jump to confirm safety before setting off.

With a distance of two thousand light years, the fleet only jumps fifty light years each time and needs to jump forty times! Every four jumps, the fleet needs to find a star belt to replenish resources.

A thousand light years away, the fleet came to a halt again.

It is still half way from the Butterfly Star Cluster, and the surrounding star systems are relatively sparse, making it very difficult to replenish energy.

"About one light-year away, there is a blue dwarf star that can be used as a resource extraction point." The water droplet detector detected the information ahead and passed the information over.

In the ship, Du Xingyu and others connected their consciousness to their own androids through thinking connection. Space journey is a very interesting process, so many robots in the fleet have human consciousness.

In order not to miss this space voyage, many academicians of the Special Academy of Sciences have created their own bionic humans to conduct research on the spacecraft.

"Go over and rest." Du Xingyu ordered, "Replenish energy and adjust your position."

"Yes!" The fleet started sailing at warp speed, heading to the resource point at a warp speed hundreds of times faster.

A few days later, they had entered the star system.

"This blue dwarf star has not yet been named. A total of thirteen planets have been discovered around it, one of which is suspected of having a primary civilization!" Scientist Jiang Jun explained the situation.

"Is there a primary civilization?" Everyone became interested, "Tune it out and take a look."

It’s not like they haven’t encountered civilization along the way. About 760 light years away from human territory, the fleet had detected fluctuations in hyperspace jumps, proving that there were technological creations of level three civilizations nearby.

However, the fleet did not contact them, but chose to jump continuously to avoid contact with them.

It is difficult to judge what will happen when encountering advanced civilization. If you encounter a primary civilization, then there is no need to worry.

Jiang Jun brought up the screen, and everyone saw that it was a rocky planet with a mass about 1.5 times that of the Earth.

Because it is within the habitable zone of its own star, it has a moderate temperature and has an ocean that occupies a quarter of the planet's surface area.

"Strange, there are some very low-level space exploration equipment in the outer space of this planet, but they have been abandoned for a long time!" Jiang Jun wondered. There are some debris of satellites and space equipment in the low-Earth orbit of this planet.

"Have they given up on space exploration?"

A scientist wondered, "To give up exploring space means to give up on scientific and technological progress. Why is this? Is there a war?"

"The cities in this world are also very strange." A cosmologist said, "This world has three continental plates, and the cities on each continental plate are highly concentrated."

"It's so concentrated that there are less than seven major cities in total, and the rest are all in ruins."

In the water droplet detector, they discovered that most of the world is urban ruins, and many places have been occupied by vegetation and wild animals.

"The oxygen content in this world is also very high, and there are many large creatures!"

They saw that in forests, grasslands and urban ruins, strong biological signals could often be detected, which were strange large creatures of many kinds.

"There are so many creatures in this world?" Du Xingyu said in surprise, "If they had the ability to launch space probes, these large creatures would have been extinct long ago, or they could only exist in zoos and specimen rooms."

"Could it be that this civilization's advanced biotechnology was cultivated by them?"

"Commander, do you want to explore?" the crew members asked.

Du Xingyu thought for a while and said: "It will take about a few months for energy and warship maintenance, so just keep an eye on it."

"Then let's collect information immediately!"

A large number of water droplet detectors were released from the battleship and flew to every corner of the planet.

Soon, the probe entered the cities of this world.

Much like humans, intelligent creatures in this world also have limbs and five senses. Unlike humans, they all have a flexible, hairless tail.

Their technology is similar to that of the Earth in 2000 AD. They have vehicles such as cars, trains, and airplanes, and they can also build computers, tanks, and cannons.

Logically speaking, such a civilization should expand rapidly and completely control the planet. But here, they all live in very large cities that can accommodate hundreds of millions of people. Outside the very large cities, high walls and defense equipment have been built.

"They are afraid of those large creatures." This is the conclusion Du Xingyu came to. Such a scene reminded him of the scene of human beings encountering Zerg in another universe and time. The same was true for human society at that time.

Those large creatures are extremely tenacious and very similar to the Zerg.

"Is there also Zerg here?" Du Xingyu had doubts in his heart. In order to find out more, he decided to go to this society to see for himself.

"The model of the Long-tailed Tribe is being built...starting to make bionic skin." The laboratory in the battleship immediately began to transform bionic robots based on the appearance characteristics of these indigenous people. Soon, a new Long-tailed Tribe was born.

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