Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 239 Information about Wormhole Technology

It should be Chapter 238

"Not bad!" Du Xingyu's consciousness controlled this Long-tail tribesman. His appearance was also one of the handsome ones among the Long-tail tribe. This was a face simulated by the intelligent system based on the appearance of the Long-tail tribe on billboards in the city.

Because experience shows that handsome creatures in low-level civilizations can naturally gain the favor of this group.

"It's interesting. This tail doesn't seem to be a decoration." said the biology expert who put on the new body. "It is very flexible and can be used to maintain body balance. It also functions like a hand to grab objects. It should be There are other effects, it would be nice if they could be studied carefully.”

More than a dozen people have put on bionic bodies, and they are preparing to enter the long-tail society for research.

"I will bring two robots, and everyone will do their own research." Du Xingyu said, "If there is any information, share it in a timely manner."

"Set off!"

Everyone took small spaceships, landed on the surface, and blended into different cities.

Du Xingyu took two bionic robots and sneaked into the largest city in the world.

"You two, go to the military base here and explore the information here." Du Xingyu ordered.

"Yes, Master!" The two robots immediately went to execute the order.

As advanced intelligent robots created by level three civilizations, apart from having no autonomous consciousness, their abilities can be called superhuman here!

Even Du Xingyu's own body is made of tens of billions of nanorobots and liquid metal materials. Not only can it change its appearance freely, but it can also run, fly, fire weapons, repair itself, etc.

Du Xingyu first transformed into the image of a passerby, walking and watching in the city of the long-tail tribe.

Perhaps because the body shape is similar to that of humans, the buildings of the Long Tail tribe are not much different from those of humans. The asphalt and cement roads almost made Du Xingyu think that he had come to a human world in a parallel time and space. Only the long-tailed people walking on the road reminded him that this was indeed an alien planet.

"Fried black silkworms, three yuan a skewer, ten yuan five skewers! Fragrant black silkworms!"

"Meiwei Beauty Salon is offering a great opening bonus. Now apply for a membership card and get 10,000 for free!"

"10 days to the release of "Walkers"! Stay tuned!"

"Government notice: Behemoths have been active in the outer city area recently. If you have urgent business, please do not go near the outer city!"

"Iron Armor Insurance Company, we have the most powerful private mecha to protect your personal safety and property safety!"

Du Xingyu, who has deciphered the language here, can understand the information here at any time.

Most places here are quite normal, including daily life, entertainment, companies, schools, etc.

What surprised Du Xingyu the most was the various military facilities and mecha weapons that can be seen everywhere here!

Yes, it is the mecha that humans have briefly studied. A weapon that uses a machine-made metal shell to arm itself and attack the enemy.

During the development period of human civilization, some mechas or armors were also studied. At first, it was used as a space combat suit to protect the human body and provide power.

Later, human genes were improved to be directly exposed to space, and with the development of robotics, this good-looking but useless technology became a niche hobby. It was only popular in virtual world games and among fleets. There is rarely such a thing.

But in the city of the Long Tail Clan, Du Xingyu saw various mechas. Not only the army, but also many can be seen on the roadside.

There are people driving engineering mechas to build real estate, there are patrol policemen wearing police mechas, there are personal bodyguards wearing high-end mechas, and there are even people wearing portable mechas to go shopping on the streets!

"Dean, the mechanical technology here is very advanced." Jiang Jun sent a message on the communication channel, "I just invaded their network and found out that they are researching mechas to deal with the monsters outside!"

Jiang Jun shared a piece of information with Du Xingyu, and Du Xingyu read it over.

It turns out that the indigenous people of this world call it "Blue Star Civilization".

This blue star is not the "blue star" that people on earth once believed that their planet was a blue planet, but because the blue dwarf star in this star system emits blue light, it is called a blue star civilization.

Three hundred years ago in Blue Star Civilization, everything was in order, and the long-tailed people of Blue Star occupied most of the world.

They also had countries and wars, and their civilization continued to develop. From the steam engine to the electrical age, and then the emergence of computers and other technologies, the Blue Stars have even built rockets and begun to explore outer space.

They also left footprints on their own "moon", which is too similar to the past history of mankind.

If nothing else happens, the Blue Star people should slowly develop into a second-level civilization, or self-destruct in the first-level civilization due to technological obstacles.

But things changed about 345 years ago when an electromagnetic storm destroyed their space equipment. Immediately afterwards, various giant beasts suddenly appeared all over the world!

They are powerful and terrifying, and they feed on Blue Planet people! These creatures are not indigenous creatures of the Blue Star civilization at all, because the powerful individual creatures here have been slowly exterminated by the long-tailed tribe during their evolution, and only a few exist in the zoo.

No one knows where these giant beasts come from. They only know that the giant beasts attack the city and devour the Blue Star people.

A war began between the Blue Stars and the giant beasts, and they used various weapons, including nuclear fission bombs!

But this did not allow them to win. Not only were these giant beasts not eliminated, but they became more and more numerous.

In the end, the Blue Star civilization was completely defeated. They built tall fortress cities and huddled in them.

The behemoths are still active on this planet, and will attack them at regular intervals.

"So, these giant beasts are all alien creatures!" Du Xingyu said.

"It's very possible!" Jiang Jun analyzed. "It's so strange that the outer space equipment of Blue Star Civilization was suddenly destroyed. Maybe they exposed their position to advanced civilizations."

"These behemoths must be caused by other civilizations. I don't know what that civilization is going to do. Logically speaking, their technology should be able to easily destroy the Blue Star civilization, but they did not do so."

"Is this also a 'breeding farm' for some advanced carbon-based civilization?" Du Xingyu thought, but felt something was wrong.

For example, the previous Zerg civilization used the solar system as a breeding ground, and their food was not humans. In other words, they don't take humans seriously at all. Their food is planets and stars!

Humans are just one of their recipes. The giant beasts in this world have existed for hundreds of years, and it is not logical that they have not wiped out the Blue Star civilization.

"Commander Du, I found in the military's database that things are not that simple." Jiang Jun continued, "In fact, the giant beasts were able to destroy the Blue Star civilization many times, but in the end they retreated due to various reasons."

"Sometimes a hero appears and kills the giant beast, sometimes some advanced weapons are used to destroy the giant beast, and sometimes the reason is completely unknown. Only a few times, the giant beast destroys human cities, but in the end They all retreated, allowing human cities to rebuild."

"There's something fishy!" Du Xingyu said, "It seems that this civilization involves other advanced civilizations. Everyone, please be careful not to be discovered."

"Yes!" Everyone became more vigilant. It was now clear that there must be forces behind the scenes controlling this civilization. If they discovered humans, unnecessary friction might arise.

"Commander Du, I have made a shocking discovery!" said a physicist named Pei Jia on the communication channel.

"What discovery?"

"It's a wormhole!" Pei Jia said excitedly, "I entered their university and found such information in the database!"

"The first giant beast attack was not without warning!"

"It is said that for more than three hundred years, the most powerful country in Blue Star Civilization once created a wormhole, and those giant beasts emerged from the wormhole!"

"What?" Everyone, including Du Xingyu, was shocked. Can this low-level civilization create a wormhole?

Humanity, as a level 3.6 civilization, cannot create wormholes.

Wormholes are stable hyperspace passages that can be maintained for long periods of time. Wormhole technology is one of the technologies of the fourth-level civilization!

Because of the wormhole, there is no need for hyperspace jumps, and you can jump freely within a star system or even a star cluster, whether it is transporting materials or troops!

Nowadays, it is very difficult for humans to control more than thirty star systems. Communication and material exchange between galaxies rely entirely on the hyperspace jump of star field-class battleships.

If the territory continues to expand, and the star systems under control are more than 500 light-years apart, it will be difficult for star field-level battleships to communicate. At this time, wormholes are needed!

"How accurate is the news?" Du Xingyu asked.

If humans can acquire the technology to create wormholes, it will definitely be a super enhancement to the entire human civilization!

"This news is regarded as rumors and legends." Pei Jia said, "It is recorded in the research notes of some scientists. But I think it is very feasible."

"The characteristics of the era in which this story appeared are very consistent with the current situation of this planet. It is said that that country received help from mysterious powers, and its technology advanced by leaps and bounds. Until the wormhole experiment was carried out, disaster struck!"

"I suspect that there may be an alien civilization that guided them to build a space-time distortion point, which is not a real wormhole. Then that alien civilization created a wormhole entrance on the other side, and then came here! In the end, the planet became It’s like this… Of course, this is just speculation.”

"Now that country has perished, wormholes are regarded as stories, some say science fiction."

"No matter what, we come here and find out!" Du Xingyu said, "If we can get some information about creating wormholes, even if we don't go to the free civilized market, we will make a lot of money this time!"

Humanity has mastered the hyperspace jump technology. If we can get hints, it is not impossible to create a hyperspace wormhole!

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