Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 240 Mecha Expert (the number in the previous chapter was wrong, it was Chapter 238)

"Now adjust the mission and collect information about the wormhole." Du Xingyu ordered, and everyone started working.

As a group of relatively highly civilized "invaders", they have many ways to obtain information. For example, network intrusion, memory reading, going deep into forbidden areas that the long-tail tribe dare not set foot on, etc.

One day later, Du Xingyu received reliable news.

"At the First Military University in Deao City, there is a team that specializes in studying monster disasters. Among them is a female scholar named Lisa who is studying the wormhole legend. She should know some information." The spy robot sent back the news.

Deao City is the city where Du Xingyu is located, and it is also one of the three largest cities in Blue Star Civilization.

"Send her information and I'll ask her!"

Information about a woman from the Long Tail tribe appeared in front of Du Xingyu. Although she was a scholar, she had a healthy body and wheat-colored skin. A pair of royal blue eyes and a long blue tail.

Even from a human aesthetic point of view, her image quality is very good.

"Name: Lisa."

"Gender: Female."

"Age: 24 years old."

"Identity: Professor of mecha design and driving at the First Military University in Deao City, academician of the Academy of Military Sciences in Deao City, and member of the Explorer Mecha Club."

"Detailed introduction: Lisa's father Lambert was once a famous mechanical expert and historical expert in Deao City. He was very interested in the changes in the Blue Star civilization three hundred years ago and was a firm supporter of the wormhole invasion theory."

"In order to find evidence of the existence of wormholes, Lambert led a scientific expedition team to explore the lost ruined city and then disappeared and was suspected to be dead. His daughter Lisa inherited his legacy and has been studying the information left by Lambert , and prove the existence of wormholes.”

"Note: There are various signs that Lisa is a staunch supporter of the military and hates giant beasts. She is not only a scholar, but also an excellent mecha designer and pilot."

"Home address……"

The information is very detailed. Du Xingyu noticed the ruined city where Lambert disappeared, the Land of Lost Things.

The Lost Land is the city where the legendary wormhole appeared, and it is also the city of the Blue Star civilization more than three hundred years ago.

"I'll go find her." Du Xingyu said.

Following the information, he easily came to the First Military University of Deao City.

This is a closed school with strict supervision. Especially the scholar area where Lisa lives is patrolled by mecha soldiers.

But this couldn't stop Du Xingyu, he easily sneaked into Lisa's house.

"Should be back by now." Du Xingyu looked at the time and the information showed. After class every day, Lisa would go to the mecha training room for two hours of mecha training, and then go home to rest.

As a famous scholar in Deao City, Lisa's residence is relatively spacious and comfortable.

It's just that this place doesn't look like a girl's home, because there are various mechanical parts everywhere in the house, and mecha drawings are hung on the walls. There are no flowers, famous paintings, etc., and there are very few things in the wardrobe and shoe cabinet.

"Du la la la..." A cheerful singing sound came from the bathroom. It seemed that Lisa was back.

Du Xingyu sat in front of her workbench and waited. He invaded Lisa's computer and checked some of Lisa's information.

There is indeed some records about "wormhole" information, but it is not detailed.

Other than that, it is all information related to mechas.

In a mechanical design software, Du Xingyu found a mecha that Lisa was designing.

"Blue Shadow Hunter-127." Du Xingyu looked carefully. This was a military mecha. It seemed to be Lisa's design commissioned by the military.

This mecha is 3.6 meters tall and is an individual armor. After wearing it, your speed and strength will be significantly improved. It is also equipped with mechanical cutting weapons as well as a cannonball launcher.

"What an ancient armor!" Du Xingyu said with emotion. The long-range firepower of this Blue Shadow Hunter-127 is insufficient. It seems to be a relatively mobile armor, but its speed is not high enough. If it is used in actual combat, it is likely to be The giant beast fights back.

Du Xingyu couldn't help but make some modifications, changing the 3.6-meter-tall mecha into a 2.3-meter portable mecha. All the materials were replaced with carbon nanomaterials. As for the power source, he also improved the small nuclear battery, allowing Its storage capacity and discharge capacity are improved.

"The design idea of ​​the Blue Shadow Hunter should be similar to the assassin mecha. Mechanical cutting is too weak. It needs laser cutting anyway!"

Du Xingyu became more playful and changed the mechanical cutting weapon of the Blue Shadow Hunter into a plasma sword. This is a weapon that uses a magnetic field to control the formation of plasma clusters. Its high temperature can instantly cut any part of the giant beast.

In the language of science fiction movies, this plasma sword is the so-called lightsaber!

"It's done." Du Xingyu had just finished changing it, and the sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

Lisa walked out of the bathroom wearing slippers, water droplets falling from her hair, twisting and turning, Lisa's whole body trembled before she hit the ground, her eyes were frightened, and she was about to scream, but her mouth was covered by Du Xingyu.

"Sorry, please calm down first. It's best not to speak. Do you understand?" Du Xingyu said in the language of the Long Tail tribe.

"Hmm..." Lisa was very frightened. Du Xingyu had no choice but to say: "You promise not to speak, and I will let you go. Don't worry, I am not a criminal. I have important things to do with you."

Lisa blinked and agreed, and Du Xingyu emphasized: "No need to scream, and no need to think about calling the police, no one from the guards outside will come to save you."

With that said, he let go of Lisa.

"Rogue!" Lisa rushed into the bathroom in embarrassment, wrapped herself in a bathrobe, and then walked out angrily, asking: "Who are you? Why are you at my house?"

"Ahem." Du Xingyu coughed to relieve the awkward atmosphere and said, "It was just a small accident. I have something to discuss with you."

"In this way?" Lisa had already approached one of her armors. She was obviously wary of Du Xingyu, "You illegally invaded a house, and... and you also saw my personal privacy!"

Her face turned red. Who knew that outsiders would appear in her home.

"I apologize." Du Xingyu said calmly, "But this is the fastest way to cooperate with you."

"You can put on your mecha, if this will make you feel safe." Du Xingyu said, "Let me introduce myself, you can call me Mr. D. I want to cooperate with you!"

Lisa quickly put on a portable mecha. She felt a little relieved and asked: "No matter who you are, you leave my house immediately, otherwise I will not be polite!"

Du Xingyu shook his head and said: "I don't have much time to explain to you. Forget it, let's use simpler methods."

With that said, Du Xingyu pushed towards Lisa step by step.

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