"Don't blame me for being rude if you come over again!" Lisa raised the muzzle of the mecha, "You may die immediately if you use this!"

Du Xingyu didn't care about his danger. He suddenly stepped forward, as if teleporting to Lisa. When his hand came into contact with the mecha, an electric current immediately destroyed the mecha's electronic system and paralyzed Lisa's body. .

"Now you can listen to me quietly." Du Xingyu said.

"You...what do you want to do?" Lisa looked at the man in front of her in horror. Who was he? How could he lose the ability to move in an instant?

Although this mecha is not a military mecha, it was designed by himself. Even if it goes against a military mecha, it will not be a problem. He has no use for anything, so he just let the mecha go down?

"That's it." Du Xingyu explained, "I'm looking for information about wormholes, and I heard that you have done a lot of research on it. So please tell me everything you know about wormholes."

"Where is it, and where are the materials to make it?"

"So you want to find a wormhole!" Lisa calmed down and snorted: "What are your intentions? Are you one of those crazy guys? You want to find a wormhole and destroy this planet!"

"???" Du Xingyu said in surprise, "I don't know who you are talking about, but it must have nothing to do with me. I am just simply interested in wormhole technology."

"If you can help me, I will reward you handsomely, anything you can think of!"

"Wormholes are all legends, and you actually believe them to be true?" Lisa smiled, "Are you too naive?"

"Really?" Du Xingyu smiled, "Don't you want to know if your father is dead or where he is?"

Hearing Du Xingyu's words, dozens of thoughts flashed through Lisa's mind instantly. Her tone changed and she asked eagerly: "Do you know where he is?"

"I have to ask you," Du Xingyu said, "Do you want to find him, or do you want to find out what he is researching?"

"I can help you."

"What if I say I don't want to?" Lisa asked tentatively.

"Then I can only take some extraordinary measures." Du Xingyu said, "For example, reading your memory, but that is likely to turn you into a vegetative state. Under normal circumstances, I am not willing to use such methods on ordinary people."

"Memory reading? Are you kidding? There is no such technology!" Lisa didn't believe it.

"My patience is limited, thirty seconds, if you don't make a choice, I have to help you make a choice!" Du Xingyu stopped talking nonsense.

Lisa was thinking quickly. She didn't know the background of the man in front of her who claimed to be Mr. D. But he was able to successfully reach the scholar area of ​​the tightly guarded First Military University, and was able to shut down his mecha in an instant. He was definitely not an ordinary person.

Asking for support seems out of the question, and he does seem to have unconventional means. If you refuse, something terrible may happen to you.

After weighing the situation, Lisa said: "If I say that my condition is to let you kill all the giant beasts, can you do it too?"

"Of course." Du Xingyu stood up and resumed Lisa's actions. He smiled and said, "Miss Lisa, I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Haha." Lisa didn't believe Du Xingyu. The giant beasts had forced the Blue Star civilization into a high wall for more than three hundred years. Even nuclear weapons could not destroy them. No matter how powerful this man was, what could he do?

The situation is stronger than the people, so Lisa can only compromise temporarily.

She began to tell Du Xingyu about the information she knew about wormholes, "Wormholes do exist, but I don't know where they are."

"Miss Lisa, can you please tell the truth?" Du Xingyu said, "Your brain waves tell me that you just lied, so where is the wormhole?"

"You...you lied to me?" Lisa still didn't believe it. How could anyone feel other people's brain waves? Did he think he was Superman?

"Where is the wormhole?" Du Xingyu asked again.

"Well, I'm not sure, it might be in the Lost Land." Lisa said.

"Continue." Du Xingyu was chatting with her while asking other people on the communication channel.

A robot has already gone to the Lost Land to inquire. Robot Report: "Master, we have not detected hyperspace fluctuations in the Lost Land."

"The wormhole may have been closed, so it's normal that it can't be detected. Is there any information about advanced civilizations found?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Yes! A lot!" The robot sent the information and said: "Master, I can't advance in some areas of the Lost Land because technological weapons of advanced civilizations have appeared."

"I understand." Du Xingyu was already sure that there was something wrong with the Lost Land. Otherwise, why would there be technological weapons of advanced civilizations?

"The wormhole does not exist now." Lisa continued, "Because according to the data, the wormhole only existed for a short period of time, and then was closed due to lack of energy. The giant beasts invaded our planet at that time."

"Only the original scientist Daiya knew the information about the creation of the wormhole. However, various records show that Daiya disappeared after the wormhole appeared. My father suspected that the information he left behind was hidden in the lost place... He I found some guidance, and it is said that it is a special space that can only be achieved by completing the tasks on the guidance."

"Let's go." Du Xingyu stood up.

"Ah?" Lisa was stunned, "Go now?"

"Of course, otherwise when will we wait?" Du Xingyu said.

"Wait! Are you mistaken? That's the Lost Land, at least 50,000 kilometers away from here. It's also the area where behemoths move most frequently. Even if a mecha unit passes by, it will be destroyed by the group! How do we get there? ?" Lisa felt that the person in front of her was a lunatic.

"Of course, just walk over there. By the way, take the guidance with you. It's best to solve it at once." Du Xingyu said.

"Are you serious?" Lisa asked again.

"I'll give you ten minutes to prepare." Du Xingyu's answer was ruthless.

"Madman, really madman. Even if you want to go to the Lost Land, you need at least a team. One person can never do this. Give me half a day and 100 million Deo coins."

Lisa is also testing Du Xingyu. Deao coins are the currency here, and the currency has a high gold content. If Du Xingyu can't come up with 100 million, then he is a madman and he has to find a way to get rid of him.

If he really could come up with 100 million, he would go with the flow and use his money to explore the Lost Land.

"Okay." Du Xingyu didn't hesitate for a second, "One hundred million has arrived."

"So fast?" Lisa was completely confused. Her smart device reminded her that there was already an extra 100 million in her account.

For Du Xingyu, it is easy to hack into the banking system here, and it is difficult for people here to trace the whereabouts of the money. Even if it is found, it is estimated that no one among them will care about this 100 million issue at that time.

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