Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 242 Those who pursue the truth

"Do you really have so much money?" Lisa was extremely shocked. All her belongings combined were only five million. This person wouldn't even blink an eye at 100 million. Who is he?

She took a deep breath to calm herself down, and then said, "I'll make arrangements now!"

Lisa immediately began to prepare for the trip. She first asked for leave from her workplace, and then contacted several friends.

"I am going to take four people with me on this trip, all of whom are experienced mercenaries. Each person's remuneration is 20 million, and I will prepare a set of equipment for the remaining 20 million." Lisa explained her plans to Du Xingyu in detail Budget expenses, but Du Xingyu was not interested.

Lisa was very efficient. Ten hours later, Du Xingyu met the four team members Lisa was looking for in a private club in Ode City.

"Huabao, a senior mercenary, drives the Leopard mecha." Lisa introduced Du Xingyu one by one, "He is good at tracking giant beasts and can help us avoid danger."

As the name suggests, Leopard Man has leopard print tattoos on his body.

"Black Dragon, retired mecha warrior, drives the Black Dragon mecha. He has very strong combat power and can protect our safety." Black Dragon is the strongest and doesn't like to talk.

"Skylark, a senior mercenary, drives a medical mecha and can provide us with logistics." Skylark is a female mercenary.

"Keira, an archaeologist and a partner in my team, pilots a Beetle T9 mecha."

Ever since she met Du Xingyu, Kayla had been observing Du Xingyu vigilantly. Lisa's abnormal behavior made him suspicious.

Du Xingyu looked at these "teammates" and found that he was not interested in them.

In fact, Du Xingyu could ensure Lisa's smooth journey to the Lost Land without them, but Lisa didn't know where the information about the wormhole was and needed to search at some locations along the way.

"Lisa, is this our mysterious boss?" Hua Bao came to Du Xingyu and said with a smile: "Hello boss, I like to deal with rich people the most."

"Let me explain in advance." Heilong stepped forward and said, "Under normal circumstances, we will protect the employer. But if the employer does not listen to our advice and causes danger, we will give priority to saving lives."

"Okay." Du Xingyu agreed, "We're ready to go."

"It's really crazy!" Hua Bao said with a smile, "Master Bao has never been to the Lost Land. I heard that there are terrifying giant beasts everywhere. For the sake of 20 million, Master Bao will take a gamble!"

Going out of the city requires going through strict security checks, but of course this is not a problem for Du Xingyu.

Soon, the six people arrived outside Deao City. For safety reasons, everyone drove a mecha. Even Du Xingyu bought an expensive Adventurer E2 mecha.

"This is my first time walking out of the high wall!" Keira looked back at the huge city wall that was hundreds of meters high. He said with emotion: "I never expected that with today's advanced technology, we would be trapped within the high wall by wild beasts. .”

"Beasts?" Hua Leopard sneered and said, "You nerds have never seen giant beasts, have you? They are not wild beasts. Their intelligence is no less than ours, and their abilities exceed your imagination!"

"Look at your shabby mecha and it doesn't have much fighting power. If there is a fight later, hide quickly. I want to protect the boss." Hua Bao looked at Du Xingyu. Du Xingyu said nothing along the way. He didn't care about anything. Just care about the clues to the wormhole.

Privately, these people were also guessing about Du Xingyu's origin, but they couldn't guess the answer.

Deao City, Military Parliament. This is the highest power center in Deao City, which controls the defense and all public security issues of Deao City.

"Lisa is out of town, do you want to take action?" Lisa is one of the scholars closely monitored by the military, and her movements have always been controlled by the military.

"No. Since she wants to pursue the answer, let her go. Adults like this kind of emergencies very much." Speaker Rasev didn't care, "On the contrary, the mysterious Mr. D continues to trace his background. "

"There is a character that I don't even know appears in Deao City. Is he one of those adults?"

"Yes!" The subordinates immediately went to investigate everything about Mr. D. They did not discover any of Du Xingyu's methods. They noticed Du Xingyu only because of Lisa's surveillance.

Of course, Du Xingyu didn't bother to pay attention to these. He was only staying on this planet temporarily.

After leaving the city, there are various ruins of Blue Star Civilization.

Archaeologist Keira is excited all day long because he can discover various relics of the former Blue Star civilization.

The three mercenaries, Leopard, Black Dragon and Skylark, were on high alert, ready to deal with the giant beasts that might appear at any time.

As for Lisa, she has been studying the notes left by her father.

"Over the past three hundred years, not only my father, many people have been interested in the information about wormholes. They have various purposes. Some want to explore the truth, some try to find a way to eliminate the giant beasts, and some try to obtain wealth. But in the end, they all disappeared!" Lisa said, "My father is the person closest to the answer!"

"On May 14th, we encountered a giant beast. Our mecha couldn't hurt it at all, but it didn't hurt us. It actually understood our language and was very interested in me. He told me not to pursue it. The more I know about the answer, the more disappointed I will be, but my thirst for knowledge tells me that this is simply impossible!”

"The truth is torturing me. I want to know everything, even if I pay for it with my life! In two days, we will reach the Lost Land..."

This was the last content in the note left by Lisa's father. Keira exclaimed: "The giant beasts can talk and understand our language? How is it possible? Are they intelligent creatures?"

"Of course!" Hua Bao said matter-of-factly, "I heard that a mercenary once knew an intelligent giant beast. With its help, he hunted many giant beasts and became a legend among mercenaries!"

"Why? Since they are intelligent life forms, why do they attack us? Even if we, the long-tail tribe, are used as food, we are not enough for them to eat!" Keira couldn't understand.

"If I knew this, I would be a bullshit expert!" Hua Bao complained.

"Don't make any noise, there's something going on!" the black dragon who was exploring the road ahead shouted in a low voice through the communicator.

"It's a giant beast!" Skylark found the target. Right in front of them, a crocodile dragon with a length of more than 40 meters was approaching them. The target of this crocodile dragon was them!

"Boss, step back, brothers, let's get to work!" Hua Bao had already taken action, and he was lurking in the bushes in his mecha.

Skylark escorted several people to find a safe position, while Black Dragon took the initiative to attract the attention of Crocodile Dragon.

He came up with a cannonball, hitting the Crocodile Dragon's skin. Most of the power was blocked by the Crocodile Dragon's hard skin, but this angered the Crocodile Dragon, and the Crocodile Dragon pounced on him.

Although this guy is huge, his movement and reaction speed are not slow at all. As long as the black dragon makes the slightest mistake, he may be bitten to death by it!

"Leopard!" The black dragon ran away wildly, leading the crocodile dragon towards where the leopard was, and the crocodile dragon chased after it!

"Big guy, look here!" The leopard climbed up the tree at some point. The black dragon controlled a 5-meter-high individual combat mecha with high firepower and higher defense. The Huabao is a lightweight mecha that is more than two meters long and is more flexible.

So the leopard jumped down from the tree, and inserted a single-molecule blade in his hand directly into the brain of the crocodile dragon. The crocodile dragon struggled wildly. The three mercenaries pulled the body while using thermal weapons to output. After a few minutes, the crocodile dragon was killed. The dragon was killed.

"It's really rare for the three of us to go on a mission together." Hua Bao said with emotion, "Usually, we have to lose at least one or two people to deal with this guy!"

The three of them are all elites among the elites. Not only are their individual operations superb, but they also cooperate perfectly with each other.

"It's a pity that the materials on the Crocodile Dragon cannot be sold for money." Skylark cut off a piece of leather from the Crocodile Dragon, washed it with water, and put it into his backpack.

"Let's go quickly, the other giant beasts will arrive soon!" Black Dragon reminded.

Everyone immediately evacuated and continued moving forward.

During the rest of the journey, they rarely encountered giant beasts. Because in order to save time, Du Xingyu directly arranged robots to kill all the giant beasts that might attack them.

A few days later, on the outskirts of a ruined city, an exploration team arrived.

"It's outrageous. I have been a mercenary for so many years, and this is the first time it has gone so smoothly!" Hua Bao wondered, "I didn't encounter many giant beasts along the way. Where did those giant beasts go?"

"It's weird!" Black Dragon frowned, "Logically speaking, there can't be so few giant beasts!"

"Yeah, we just arrived at the Lost Land?" Yunque couldn't understand. They were all prepared for this mission to be very dangerous. Who knew that except for the crocodile dragon they encountered a few days ago, they didn't encounter any danger. .

"Anyway, it's good to be here." Lisa also became excited, "The truth is finally revealed."

"Where is the wormhole?" Du Xingyu looked up at the ruined city in front of him. He already knew the situation in the city.

It's just that the detection robot couldn't find any information about hyperspace. Du Xingyu guessed that it was probably the same as the records. The wormhole created by the Long Tail Tribe only existed for a short period of time and was closed due to insufficient energy.

Lisa's father left some clues, and this time it's up to Lisa to find the answers.

"Let's go!" Du Xingyu shouted.

"Boss, the front is very dangerous, you'd better stay behind." Hua Bao reminded.

"It doesn't matter." Du Xingyu disagreed.

"People who talk like this in movies are often the first to receive their lunch boxes," Lisa complained in a low voice.

The periphery of the Lost Land is full of tall trees, and from time to time you can see collapsed high-rise buildings, as well as vehicles such as cars and trains.

There are also many traces of giant beasts here, and further inside is the core area.

"It's a whirling tree!" Lisa made a discovery. "I had one planted in my house before. My father once said that the whirling tree would give me inspiration!"

The whirling tree is a tall tree here, which can grow up to more than 400 meters and can be seen even from a long distance away.

In their field of vision, there is such a whistling tree. It should be an ancient tree planted in the park in the ruined city. After hundreds of years of growth, it has become taller than those high-rise buildings.

"Go over and take a look." Du Xingyu said.

The group of people groped over cautiously, and Lisa immediately began to look for evidence under the whirling tree.

Perhaps because of the tacit understanding between her and her father, Lisa quickly found the clue.

On a stone slab at the base of the whirling tree, she found a few words.

"Lisa, my dear daughter, I know you will come. How I wish you knew all this, but I am afraid you know it all."

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