Lisa looked down eagerly, but the engraving was very limited. There were only two messages written on it, one was called "Faulk Chemical Plant" and the other was "Saxton is alive."

"What?" When Lisa, Kayla and others saw the information on the slate, their expressions changed drastically, as if they knew something terrible.

"What do you think?" Du Xingyu asked Lisa.

Lisa calmed down and said, "The Falk Chemical Plant is a chemical plant in the Lost Land. What my father meant is that there should be secrets hidden in the Falk Chemical Plant."

"As for Saxton, he is the legendary space physicist who created the wormhole. He existed more than three hundred years ago, and he was already over eighty years old at that time. How could he still be alive? ?”

The average lifespan of Blue Star Civilization is only 130 years old, and even those who live long lives can live to 150 years old at most. If Saxton were still alive, he would be 430 years old now!

"Really or not?" Keira was surprised, "He broke through the lifespan limit?"

"I don't know." Lisa shook her head and said, "If you want to know more information, you should go to Falk Chemical Plant."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly!" Keira is extremely excited and is about to reveal a secret that has been hidden for three hundred years. Now she just needs to keep him awake for seven days and seven nights!

"I have a bad feeling." Hua Bao said, "But Master Bao also wants to know the truth. If that guy Saxton is still alive, Master Bao will kill him with his own hands! Damn, where did they get these monsters to harm people? ?”

"Let's go." Du Xingyu exchanged information with others in the communication channel as he walked.

"Falk Chemical Plant, have you got any information?" Du Xingyu asked.

"There is information about alien civilizations there, but we have not found information about wormholes." Jiang Jun said.

"The key lies in Saxton," Pei Jia said. "I checked a lot of information, but no one knows what happened to Saxton after he opened the wormhole. I even suspect that this person is an alien!"

They don't have a map of the Lost Land, but Du Xingyu does. The detection robot has searched the place inside and out.

"Why is Mr. D so familiar with this place?" Heilong and others opened an internal chat room in the mecha communication channel. Of course, they didn't know that Du Xingyu could hear the content of their chat at any time.

"I don't know, until now I don't know which side he is from!" Yunque wondered, "I have never heard of such a number one figure in Deao City. Could he be from other cities?"

"I haven't heard of him in other cities!" Hua Bao said. "Our mercenary organization has an intelligence system in every city. I just asked again and there is no information about him."

"What is he looking for? What's the point of finding a wormhole? Can it still be opened?" Keira asked Lisa.

"I don't know, but I don't think he has any ill intentions towards us." Lisa glanced at Du Xingyu's back and spoke in the chat room.

As everyone walked forward, they discovered that the situation in the Lost Land was very strange. They often saw the corpses of some giant beasts on the road, and they had just been killed.

"Its brain was pierced!" Skylark climbed down from the corpse of a hill-like giant beast and said, "Someone arrived in advance and killed it!"

"Oh my god, this is a mountain-shaking beast! If this beast hits the city, even missiles can't stop it, but it is killed instantly? What kind of mecha has such power?" Hua Bao was horrified. road.

"It went so smoothly!" Lisa muttered in her heart. She couldn't help but glance at Du Xingyu again. Ever since she met this mysterious man, everything had gone so smoothly that it was terrifying!

The Lost Land used to be regarded as a dead end in people's minds, with all kinds of giant beasts and all kinds of dangers. In the past, tens of thousands of mecha troops attacked the Lost Land, trying to regain it. As a result, that army was destroyed by the giant beasts, and this place has become a forbidden land since then.

But now, all those terrifying giant beasts had been killed in advance, and Lisa had to suspect that this had something to do with Du Xingyu.

"Falk Chemical Plant, here we are!" The group of people had arrived at the place mentioned by the stone slab.

Falk Chemical Plant was once a large factory in this ruined city. Now, the situation here makes everyone stunned.

Steel-cast walls, tall factory buildings, and the roar from the power workshop. Everything shows that after more than three hundred years, this factory has not only not been abandoned, but has also been transformed, expanded, and is still in operation!

"Who on earth built this factory in the Lost Land?" Lisa couldn't believe her eyes.

The three mercenaries looked at each other and saw incredulity in each other's eyes. They realized that they might have come into contact with an astonishing truth!

"This is simply... this is simply..." Keira was so surprised that she couldn't speak.

"Stop being so naive." Du Xingyu shouted, "Lisa, look for clues."

"Yeah!" Lisa nodded and walked into Falk Chemical Plant with an uneasy mood.

Originally, there were various weapons outside the Falk Chemical Plant, but they were all destroyed at this time. Otherwise they would never be able to break in.

The first second she walked into Falk Chemical Plant, Lisa froze on the spot. Her face was pale and her delicate body couldn't help but tremble, "How could this be?"

"What's wrong...this!" Keira opened her mouth and couldn't close it for a long time.

"Behemoth? Behemoth!" The three battle-experienced mercenaries were also stunned.

In front of them was a large factory building covering hundreds of thousands of hectares. There were various transparent biological culture tanks in the factory building, and a large number of giant organisms were soaked in the operating fluid.

They could clearly see that those were giant beasts! It’s something that has invaded Blue Star civilization for hundreds of years!

Within hundreds of years, countless people have lost their lives. They have been devoting their lives to resisting the giant beast, but now, they know that the giant beast was created by someone! How do they accept this?

"Were giant beasts artificially cultivated? Who are they? Why did they do this?" Lisa looked at Du Xingyu.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either." Du Xingyu shrugged and said, "You'd better find the answer yourself."

Lisa continued to go deeper. She couldn't control her expression at first. Later, after seeing all kinds of giant beasts, her expression became numb, and her eyes only had the determination to find the answer.

"Who is destroying the Behemoth Factory?" A majestic voice came, echoing in the factory.

Everyone noticed that a light appeared in front of them, or in other words, a sleeping creature opened its eyes!

Its eyes are like huge dials on a bell tower. Even those giant beasts are just tiny in front of it.

Everyone couldn't tell how big it was, because most of its body was under the soil, with only one head exposed. Even so, this terrifying creature shocked everyone.

"Run!" The mercenaries' first reaction was to escape from danger.

However, Lisa did not escape, "The talking beast!"

"Who are you?" Lisa asked, standing in front of it.

Du Xingyu also took a step forward, but he didn't say a word.

"Ignorant intruders, don't even think about leaving here alive!" The giant beast didn't answer. It was about to attack Lisa. Du Xingyu was already ready to attack, but Lisa suddenly shouted: "Saxton!"

"Saxton?" When the giant beast heard the name, its movements stopped, and it murmured: "It's been a long time since anyone called me this name."

"What? He's Saxton?" Keira said in horror, "He turned into a giant beast!"

"I guessed it right!" Lisa said. "My father has been studying giant beasts all his life. He once said that the brain of giant beasts is very strange and does not seem to have evolved naturally. It seems to be just a memory-carrying device. !”

"And you, Saxton, were the first to study this device!"

"Father said that Thaxton is still alive. If he is still a normal person and cannot live to be four hundred years old, then it is possible that his life form has completely changed. So, you are Thaxton, and you have become a giant beast!"

The giant beast stared at Lisa with its huge pupils and said, "I remembered that you are very similar to the man named Lambert more than ten years ago. You should be his relative, right?"

"I am his daughter, Lisa!" Lisa asked quickly, "Where is my father?"

"Where to go?" Saxton said. "Anyone who knows the secrets here cannot leave. Of course he is dead."

"Did you kill him?" Lisa said angrily.

"No." Saxton said, "I let him go, but he didn't let himself go. He tried to create a wormhole to destroy this place, and was killed by the adults."

"Where is the wormhole? How did you create it?" Du Xingyu asked.

Saxton looked at him and said, "I've said enough. I won't make the same mistake a second time. Although it's a pity, you still have to die here to avoid the adults being angry."

"Run!" Hua Bao and others shouted from behind, but when they turned around, they discovered that a dozen giant beasts had appeared behind them. These giant beasts were looking at them eagerly, and they were still communicating with each other. .

"It's really interesting that these long-tailed people can actually find this place."

"They should be adventurers from the Long Tail Tribe. They have good courage."

"That's Lisa. I know her. She's very popular. Why is she here?"

"Lisa has a nice body, I want it."

"It's just a benefit delivered to your door. Then I want the man in the leopard mecha."

"What are they talking about?" Lisa and others were confused as they could not recognize their language.

Du Xingyu was also observing these giant beasts. He found that these giant beasts were constantly experiencing subspace information fluctuations. He was very familiar with this method because he himself was in this situation now.

His true body is not here, but he controls this body through subspace communication.

And these giant beasts also adopt the same method!

In other words, these giant beasts are just man-made carriers, and their true bodies are not here!

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