"Close your eyes and run!" The mercenaries realized that if they didn't run at this time, they would have no chance. They threw several smoke bombs and flash bombs, and then ran towards the exit as hard as they could.

"Want to run?" Several giant beasts were disturbed by flash bombs and smoke bombs, but there were also a few that were not disturbed.

One of the giant birds with huge wings flapped its wings a few times, and the smoke was blown away.

Lisa and others were running wildly in the mecha, and Du Xingyu was following them. He was very dissatisfied with these guys who interfered with his good deeds.

But it is still unknown which advanced civilization the consciousness that occupies the brain of the giant beast comes from, so Du Xingyu did not expose it rashly.

"Hunting games are my favorite!" A smaller, swifter giant beast caught up first. It knocked down Keira, who had the weakest control over mechas among the crowd, and then tore open his mecha. Swallow Kayla in one gulp.

During the whole process, Keira didn't even let out a scream!

"Asshole, why did you eat him?" the giant beast behind cursed, "We want their bodies!"

"Sorry, I was too quick." The swift giant beast chased again, and other giant beasts also caught up.

"Use bombs!" The black dragon retreated while attacking with cannonballs. However, the behemoths here were extremely resistant to strikes, and their cannonballs had almost no effect.

"There's one ahead too!" Everyone was horrified to find that at the exit where they escaped, several giant beasts were waiting for them with their fishy mouths open.

"Damn it, we have no choice but to fight! Mr. Leopard will fight you!" Leopard rushed towards a giant ape-like beast. While he controlled the mecha to roll and jump to avoid the opponent's hammer blow, he used the nail hook to drive into the opponent's body. A single molecular blade slashed wildly.

The sharpest point of this single-molecule blade is so thin that there is only one layer of metal molecules! Therefore, ordinary biological materials cannot stop its cutting, and it is really like cutting iron into mud.

Black Dragon and Skylark also found a giant beast each and started fighting.

Even Lisa was not to be outdone and started fighting with a giant beast.

They are all experienced mecha operators. If they were one-on-one in the wild, they would probably win. But there are too many giant beasts here, and their strength is obviously much stronger than the giant beasts in the wild.

In less than a minute, all four mechas were damaged by more than 40%!

Du Xingyu, on the other hand, was also trying his best to fight the giant beast. He didn't want to leave. If he walked away like this before finding the answer to the matter, wouldn't it be in vain?

Du Xingyu looked around and saw that there were about eight awakened giant beasts and five of them were fighting. Saxton and the other two showed no intention of taking action and were watching the show from the side.

"We will die if this continues!" Black Dragon gritted his teeth, "These big guys are too difficult to deal with!"

"Listen to my command!" Du Xingyu shouted, "I say start, you try your best to hold down those giant beasts, don't let them escape!"

"Boss, what are you thinking about? It's good to be alive at this time..." Hua Bao shouted.

"I'm going to start!" Du Xingyu's robot body has been integrated with the mecha, achieving a true integration of man and machine.

The giant swift beast was trembling with him, and it smiled ferociously: "Come on, little one, let me see your..."

Before the swift beast finished speaking, he was cut in half by a lightsaber! Its blood was instantly evaporated by the high temperature of the plasma, leaving only two pieces of cooked meat on the ground.

"Did the Long Tail Tribe come up with a new weapon?" The other giant beasts didn't care about the "death" of their companions. Du Xingyu could also notice that when the giant beast died, the consciousness attached to it exited at the same time. In other words, its real owner is not dead.

"I've never heard of this person among the legendary mecha masters!"

"It wouldn't be a bad idea to capture him as a slave." The giant beasts chatted easily.

Du Xingyu opened fire and started to rush towards the troll man who was attacking Lisa. The troll man waved his mace and hit Du Xingyu hard.

Du Xingyu made a leap for life, slashed horizontally with his lightsaber, and the troll's head was cut off.

"So fast! How did he do it?" Lisa was shocked. Du Xingyu's operation just took less than three seconds. Including accurately predicting the attack location, adjusting the height, the attack distance and speed of the sword, etc. Is this a reaction that humans can complete?

"Holy shit, this is our boss? Isn't this too fierce?" Hua Leopard was kicked away by the giant beast. During this period, he glanced at Du Xingyu and almost made his eyes pop out.

In less than twenty seconds, Du Xingyu had killed two giant beasts. When the leopard fell from the air to the ground, the third giant beast was also killed by Du Xingyu.

"Kill him together, this mecha master is a bit strong!" The giant beasts also realized something was wrong.

However, Du Xingyu's consciousness carrier is much stronger than the giant beast. The bionic robot he uses can be regarded as the terminator of civilization in a first-level civilization! A robot kills an entire civilization!

"The third head!" Du Xingyu swung his sword to kill the giant ape.

"The fourth one." Another earthly beast was killed by Du Xingyu.

"The fifth head, the sixth head..." Hua Bao and others were dumbfounded. The powerful and terrifying beast in their eyes was like a chicken or a dog in front of Du Xingyu!

Except for Saxton, only the last awakened beast is left.

"I'd better withdraw. I spent 30,000 free coins to buy this body..." The giant beast ran away and complained: "It's really unlucky. When I landed before, I didn't say that the natives were so strong?"

"Death!" Du Xingyu fired a plasma beam, killing it instantly from a distance of several hundred meters.

Only Saxton was left. Saxton did not attack Du Xingyu because he knew that he was no match for Du Xingyu.

"Are today's mechas so powerful?" Saxton was also surprised.

"Don't ask us, we are also confused. This is not us protecting him, he is clearly protecting us!" Hua Bao complained.

"Boss, are you taking on an apprentice? I'm very good at running errands and doing odd jobs. If I can't do that, I can also warm the bed!"

"Get out!" Du Xingyu cursed.

"Who are you?" Lisa asked Du Xingyu. She was now full of curiosity about Du Xingyu. This man is so mysterious, handsome, rich, and a top mecha operator with a mysterious mecha.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters now is the truth, doesn't it?" Du Xingyu asked, looking at Saxton.

"This is unscientific." Saxton said in confusion. "The Long Tail tribe cannot have equipment to control plasma. They will not allow it."

"Who are they?" Lisa asked.

"I suggest you tell the truth." Du Xingyu stepped forward, "Otherwise, your life span of more than four hundred years will end today."

"Death?" Saxton grinned, "I hope you kill me. I've had enough of this!"

He leaned out, and everyone discovered that except for his head, which could move freely, his huge body was locked by chains made of special alloy and could not move.

"Saxton! We need to know the truth, and I hope you can tell me the truth!" Lisa said seriously.

"I suggest you leave quickly," Saxton said. "You kill those adults. The administrator will appear soon."

"We will never leave until we know the truth!" Lisa said firmly.

"It's too late," Saxton sighed.

"Why are there such ink stains?" Du Xingyu couldn't help it and said, "Saxton, let me ask you, do you want to leave here?"

"It's impossible. Even if you cut off the chain, they will catch me soon. No, I have no use value now. I might be killed immediately..." Saxton was quite pessimistic.

Du Xingyu took out a chip and said: "I can take you away, as long as you cooperate, remember, don't resist consciously!"

This is a memory chip, and Du Xingyu carries a device that can transmit consciousness to the memory chip.

He rushed directly to Saxton and inserted a brain probe into its brain.

"Ah!" Saxton screamed.

"Remember, don't resist consciously!" Du Xingyu warned.

"I..." Saxton instinctively wanted to resist, but he was vaguely looking forward to it. He would be trapped here for hundreds of years, and maybe thousands more in the future. Would it be good to die like this?

Saxton closed its eyes and its consciousness fell into coma.

And its brain waves and memories are all recorded by the memory chip.

The beast possessed by Saxton is dead!

Du Xingyu has obtained the information he wants. After Saxton's memory is recorded into the memory chip, he can directly view the contents of his memory.

"This body is useless!" Du Xingyu swung his lightsaber and cut off Saxton's head.

"Did you kill him?" Lisa said in horror, "How could this be possible? I don't know the truth yet!"

"Let him tell you later." Du Xingyu said, "Hurry up and leave now!"

"The boss must have his own plans for doing this, let's go!" Yunque knew that this Mr. D was definitely not a human being, and he must have his own reasons for doing this.

"Let's go, I'm so scared when I see so many giant beasts!" The leopard has been wary of the petri dishes of giant beasts around it. There are estimated to be tens of thousands of giant beasts in these petri dishes. If they wake up, I don’t know what will happen!

Everyone fled in a hurry, and only when they arrived at the entrance of Falk Chemical Plant, a giant silver beast woke up.

It is only over twenty meters tall and is relatively small among the giant beasts, but its body is covered with spikes and its jumping ability is extremely strong. It can catch up with everyone in just a few breaths.

"Indigenous people, you have caused a small BUG to appear in our world!" the silver behemoth said, "Now I want to fix it."

With that said, it rushed towards Lisa, who was closest to it. Its speed instantly reached supersonic speed, and it was impossible for Lisa to react.

"Run!" A mecha stood in front of Lisa. It was the Adventurer controlled by Du Xingyu.

The Adventurer's mecha was torn apart and exploded, and "Du Xingyu" also died! Before dying, he stabbed the silver beast with his lightsaber.

It wasn't that Du Xingyu didn't want to kill it, but he discovered that the genetic strength of this giant beast was very high, equivalent to a stellar-level Zerg body. It was probably impossible to kill it with just a plasma lightsaber.

So Du Xingyu chose to lose both sides, and Jin Chan escaped from his shell. His bionic body was destroyed, but the liquid metal had seeped into the ground. The nanorobot left here with Saxton's memory chip, and the silver behemoth did not notice this.

"Boss?" Hua Bao and others were shocked by Du Xingyu's operation again. The boss who was so fierce just now died like this?

"You!" Lisa's mind went blank for a moment. That man died like that? To help her block this attack?

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