"Damn it, when did the natives have plasma weapons?" The silver behemoth's body was severely damaged. This was not fatal, but it would take a certain amount of time to repair the body.

"Run, Lisa!" Black Dragon shouted, "It's injured, let's evacuate quickly!"

"What a great boss, I'm almost moved to tears!" Hua Bao said as he ran, "Sacrifice one's life for righteousness, and sacrifice oneself for others. It's so great! Hey, if he hadn't died, I really wanted to be his little brother."

Lisa's eyes were red. Before she fled, she picked up a fragment of Du Xingyu's mecha on the ground, and then ran wildly with the mercenaries.

"We can't catch up." The silver behemoth didn't chase. It whispered: "The natives actually broke in here. What did Shaxton say to them? The entire factory's monitoring equipment has been destroyed."

"No, they must be killed for the insurance period."

"085, several long-tailed tribesmen broke into the Behemoth Factory. It seems that the mechas should be from Deao City. Erase them." The silver behemoth said in the communicator.

"Really? These natives are really shocking. Maybe someone violated the rules again, which is really a headache." The president of the Supreme Military Council of Deao City whispered.

Du Xingyu quickly brought Saxton's memory chip to a landing spacecraft and began to study it with the scientists on the ship.

"Where am I?" Saxton's consciousness awakened in the quantum computer.

"You are in the data world now." Du Xingyu said, "Saxton, I know you have a lot of questions, but you are not qualified to know some things now."

"I don't want to forcefully read your memory, which will cause damage to your memory. So you'd better cooperate in answering my questions. In exchange, I will agree to a condition for you, including giving you a new body."

"Are you aliens too?" Saxton asked in shock.

Du Xingyu didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either.

"I knew that this world couldn't have people like you." Saxton sighed, "Since you can read the memory, I have nothing to hide."

He sorted out his memory and began to tell his story.

"I was born 432 years ago in the capital of Duma. At that time, Duma was the country with the most advanced science and technology in Blue Star Civilization. We used nuclear energy, launched rockets and spaceships, and explored the universe. I have been interested in physics since I was a child. As an adult, I became an expert in physics, specifically astrophysics.”

"In an accidental experiment, the message I sent to outer space received feedback. The other party sent a string of messages, and I tried my best to decipher the message. It turned out that it was the manufacturing method of a subspace communication device. Following their instructions, I built that subspace communication machine, which was also the origin of my sin!"

"Sure enough, there is a connection with alien civilization." In the communication channel, Jiang Jun, Pei Jia and other scientists were listening carefully.

"Through subspace communication equipment, I started talking to alien civilizations. They claim to be free civilizations, love freedom and peace, and they are very willing to help lower-level civilizations develop technology." Saxton said, "I was still doubtful at first. Later, they told me a lot of knowledge, which is knowledge that is an era ahead of Blue Star Civilization!"

"In front of this knowledge, I fell! I regard them as teachers and develop various technologies according to their teachings."

"These technologies have made me more famous, and I have even been called the greatest scientist of Blue Star Civilization. I don't care about money, but this false reputation makes me enjoy it very much."

"Now that I think about it, it's really ridiculous." Saxton laughed at himself, "I was just a fool who was deceived."

"The teacher of the Free Civilization told me that this universe is very vast and contains various civilizations. And our Blue Star civilization is only the lowest first-level civilization. So I made a great ambition to lead the entire civilization to become an advanced civilization!"

"In order to achieve this goal, I used my fame, wealth and influence to create super energy equipment and prepare to create wormholes. And my teacher will pass on to us gifts from advanced civilizations through the wormholes... "

"How did you create a wormhole? Logically speaking, your technology and energy cannot create a wormhole." Du Xingyu asked.

"You are right. It is indeed impossible for the Blue Star civilization to create a wormhole. The method I used is only to open a short exit."

"Tell me more details." Du Xingyu became serious.

"A wormhole is a thin tube of space and time that connects the distant space of the universe. Assuming that our space and time is a vast ocean, the wormhole is a whirlpool in the ocean!" Saxton said.

"Through this vortex, we can quickly reach the distant space and time from one end to the other."

Du Xingyu naturally understands this principle, and the same principle applies to hyperspace jumps, but the distance and speed of hyperspace jumps are not as fast.

Hyperspace jump is equivalent to riding on the waves of the space ocean, while wormholes reach the other end of space in a very short time through underwater vortices.

"Wormholes in the natural universe are short-lived and fleeting. To exist for a long time, there must be a stable space-time vortex!" Saxton told him what the free civilization told him.

"Space-time vortices are generally caused by the rotation of stars and gravitational effects, and the required stars must have a mass of at least black hole level!"

"It's the space-time vortex effect of the Kerr black hole!" scientist Pei Jia said, "The Kerr black hole is an axially symmetric black hole that does not change with time. Its center is a strange ring with two horizons, inside and outside. It is not like the Schwarzschild black hole. There would be only one singularity, but a unique singular ring, a surface full of strange properties of quantum effects, lying quietly on the equatorial plane of the black hole."

"The Kerr black hole is formed by the collapse of a star with autotransmitted angular momentum, so this black hole also has angular momentum and is constantly rotating. Its gravity distorts space and time, forming a space-time vortex!"

"It seems that you also know a lot about the space-time vortex." Saxton said, "Yes, this is the principle. As a first-level civilization, how can we create a black hole?"

"In fact, the wormhole was created during the period of the free civilization." Saxton recalled the scene at that time, "And I used it to create a short-term 'hole' in space and time, allowing them to travel in the super A one-time exit was found in the space.”

"Time and space hole? How to create it?" Everyone asked curiously.

"Detonate a miniature black hole!" Saxton said. "The black hole continues to absorb mass, just like continuing to pump air in an inflated balloon. It will continue to evaporate the mass and finally return the mass to the universe with an explosion."

"Micro black holes often evaporate too quickly, causing the mass of the explosion to be too small and invisible. When the mass of the black hole reaches a certain level, the explosion will affect hyperspace and form a fleeting micro wormhole. . And if you want to trigger an explosion, you need to add negative mass to the black hole so that it can't digest it."

The negative mass he obtained is actually the mass of antimatter.

"In order to achieve this effect, we almost used up the nuclear energy stored by the entire civilization at that time, and spent decades building this equipment. When it was completed, we were extremely happy, and the entire civilization was celebrating!"

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