"We detonated a microscopic black hole, and the energy and gravitational fluctuations it produced affected hyperspace, creating a fleeting vortex of space-time," Saxton said.

"Detonating a black hole, do you have data?" Du Xingyu asked. This information is also very important to human civilization.

Human civilization has been able to create micro black holes. If they can master the data to detonate micro black holes, it means they can create black hole bombs!

The powerful power produced by detonating micro black holes will be more powerful than their current most powerful weapons, gravity cannons, annihilation rays and tachyon torrents!

Because the black hole bomb is a weapon that can truly attack hyperspace! With this weapon, it is possible to attack enemies while they are in hyperspace, without the need to utilize mass shadow casters.

"Of course." Saxton exported the data, and the data of detonating the black hole entered the spacecraft's database, and was quickly transmitted back to the database of human civilization.

"This is the data that detonated the black hole. Start studying it immediately!" Xu Lianqiu ordered in the Academy of Sciences. Everyone had been prepared. They immediately verified and analyzed the data.

"You continue to tell." Du Xingyu said.

Saxton continued: "While we are creating a momentary space-time vortex, the civilization of the free ones has long been prepared to send several 'teachers' from their side."

"We longed for the instructors to tell us the secret of becoming an advanced civilization, but we didn't expect that what we spent all our efforts to welcome was a group of demons!" Speaking of this, Saxton's tone was extremely regretful.

"The instructors were later the administrators of the Behemoth Factory. They used the technology of advanced civilizations to easily control the top levels of our civilization, and then built various equipment according to their wishes."

"At the beginning, I respected them very much, learned from them, and cooperated with their work - but gradually I discovered that they did not mean to help us develop, but were building a cruel game world!"

"Game world?" Du Xingyu guessed something, and he asked: "You mean, that so-called free civilization treats your Blue Star civilization as a playground?"

"Amusement park is not enough to describe it!" Saxton said angrily. "They treated this place as a slaughterhouse, launched wars wantonly, killed our people, and subverted the entire civilization. They created giant beasts and drove the long-tailed people into the high wall. Inside, war is their game, but we are the ones who die!"

"They have locked up our technology and do not allow us to conduct space exploration, energy research, particle collision experiments, etc."

He poured out his anger towards these alien colonists, and Du Xingyu and others fully understood.

"This is a real survival game!" Jiang Jun exclaimed, "The free civilization induced the Blue Star civilization to become its own colony."

"Then they developed this colony into a cruel entertainment game! The residents of the Freelander civilization sent their consciousness through the subspace to descend on the behemoths they created, and they wreaked havoc in the world."

"Perhaps their consciousness carrier is also the Long-tail tribe. Players of these advanced civilizations join the side of the giant beasts or the Long-tail tribe to play confrontation games in the real world. The administrators are responsible for maintaining the order of the game world and ensuring this While the world is not destroyed by the players, it also locks in the technological development of this world, allowing them to become the slave civilization of the advanced civilization forever!"

"It's really scary. The life, freedom and everything of intelligent life have been manipulated and become an entertainment for other civilizations." Chen Hong said with emotion, "Humans in the Blue Star civilization have been working hard to get out of the high wall, but they don't know that all of them All our efforts are in vain. This civilization makes people feel hopeless!”

Everyone was silent. They thought about themselves. If human civilization was colonized by an advanced civilization, would it end like this?

Everyone has become an NPC of an advanced civilization. They can be erased if they want. They are treated as dolls, and their personality, dignity, and body are played with at will. And everyone in this world is working for an ideal that is simply impossible to achieve - to get out of the advanced civilization. wall and work hard to restore the glory of Blue Star civilization.

"I am a sinner of Blue Star Civilization!" Saxton blamed himself. "If I hadn't contacted them, these things would not have happened. The entire civilization has become their toy. I tried to change everything, but the methods of advanced civilization It’s not something I can resist.”

"They promised me eternal life, but in the end they put my consciousness into the body of a giant beast and imprisoned me for three hundred years!"

"I don't know who you are, but I think you are not with them."

"What do you want to do?" Saxton asked.

"The wormhole data." Du Xingyu said calmly, "All the data you recorded back then. Including the data detected by the instrument when the wormhole was opened."

"Okay!" Saxton knew that he had no room to refuse, because his consciousness was in the chip. Even if he doesn't want to, these aliens can forcefully read it.

"You said before that you could agree to a condition for me." Saxton said to Du Xingyu.

"The premise is that it can be done without harming the interests of our civilization." Du Xingyu reminded, "Although I personally sympathize with your experience, it is impossible for us to fight against the so-called free civilization now, nor will we expose ourselves .”

According to Saxton's description, this so-called free civilization is obviously a fourth-level civilization. Their true location is not known yet, but they need to create a wormhole to come over. The Freelander civilization is estimated to be thousands of light years away from this planet, or even further!

Relying on a fleeting momentary space vortex, they can transport the "administrator" to this world. Human civilization is obviously no match for them.

As the supreme commander of human civilization, Du Xingyu will not act on impulse and become the freedom guardian of the galaxy.

"I understand." Saxton said, "I just hope that you can send me to the society of Blue Star Civilization. I don't want to die with my sins on my back. Even if I know it's impossible, I will do my best to contribute to my civilization." Do more!"

"Okay." Du Xingyu did not refuse, although they all knew that doing so would have little effect.

In the face of the fourth-level civilization, Blue Star Civilization has no room to resist no matter what it does. As long as the other party is willing, destroying their entire star system is not a problem.

"You can choose a body, a mechanical body, or a long-tailed body. Before sending you into the Blue Star civilized society, I will delete the information about us in your memory." Du Xingyu said.

"I choose a mechanical body!" Saxton's choice was beyond Du Xingyu's expectations. He originally thought that Saxton would miss his original body after being a behemoth for more than three hundred years. Unexpectedly, he chose to be a silicon-based life form. .

"The body of the Long Tail Tribe is too weak. If the administrators know my existence, they will definitely hunt me down. Without a mechanical body, I won't live long." Saxton's mind is very clear. What he wants to do must be done Let him have weapons that can escape pursuit. The mechanical bodies of these aliens in front of them are undoubtedly stronger than all the current mechas and defensive weapons of Blue Star Civilization.

"It satisfies you." Du Xingyu ordered, "Send a mechanical body over immediately."

"Yes!" In the battleship that was replenishing energy from the star, a mechanical body imitating the Long Tail tribe was immediately created and sent to the ground in a small spaceship.

After putting Saxton's consciousness into a brief hibernation, Du Xingyu was also discussing with everyone about Blue Star Civilization.

"We cannot interfere in the affairs of Blue Star Civilization, and we do not have the ability to interfere." This is the unanimous attitude of everyone.

"Now that we have obtained the information we want, we can use this information to study black hole bombs and wormholes. It is best to leave as soon as possible to avoid being discovered by the free civilization." Jiang Jun suggested.

"I don't think so," Pei Jia said. "I support not exposing our existence. But it doesn't mean we have to evacuate and abandon this civilization."

"What's the reason?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Commanders, look at the location of Blue Star Civilization." Pei Jia opened the star map and marked the location of Blue Star Civilization.

"This place is about a thousand light-years away from the Butterfly Star Cluster and the Pleiades Star Cluster where our human civilization is located. It happens to be an excellent interstellar transit station."

"From the information we currently know, we know that a large-scale civilized war will occur sooner or later in the Orion Arm. The Butterfly Star Cluster has its own civilized market and will definitely become an interstellar fortress. Whether it is obtaining intelligence, competing for resources or seizing points, Blue Star Civilization will It can be used as a springboard for us to advance and attack, and to retreat and defend.”

"What if we interfere with Blue Star Civilization and let the fourth-level civilization discover it?" Chen Hong asked.

"I think the possibility is too small, and there must be an advanced civilization that knows about our existence." Pei Jia said, "The Sky Eagle civilization will spread our news, there is no doubt about it."

"In addition, the Freelander civilization may not be the civilization of the Orion Arm. Otherwise, they would not have to go to great lengths to have the Blue Star Civilization create a space vortex, but would directly send warships to hyperspace jump here. The administrators sent here, They are just some intelligent robots. This shows that their influence on this star system is limited and they will not invade here on a large scale. What's more, this civilization is just a game ground for them, not of much value, and they will not spend resources to Create a wormhole to invade this low-level civilization."

"It makes sense, let's continue." Du Xingyu said.

"We can secretly support a force, let it control the Blue Star Civilization, eliminate all administrators and players of the Free Civilization, and then build this place into our interstellar transit station to prepare for future interstellar wars." Pei A suggested.

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