Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 249 The Four-Dimensional Barrier (Please subscribe and vote monthly!)

"How is this done? The star system of the three-star system, plus so many planets and space cities, can actually be hidden in front of our eyes, and our detection equipment has not noticed it at all!" Chen Hong exclaimed in the communication channel.

"It's amazing. What kind of technology is this?" Lu Xing was also puzzled.

"How could this be? If it's a space city that's invisible, how can three stars that big be invisible? How can their heat and light be shielded? And gravity - since we entered the Butterfly Star Cluster, the gravity detection system has been interfered with and failed. Yes." The academicians of the Academy of Sciences were thinking and discussing.

"Your Excellency Green Chrysalis, our bodies need to communicate through subspace to have self-awareness. Is it okay to enter it?" Du Xingyu asked.

"No problem, this place is not isolated from subspace information." Green Chrysalis said, "Hurry in, the time to open the channel is limited."

After receiving a positive answer, the human trading ship flew in from the passage. Along the way, the ship has been recording data.

"There are fluctuations in hyperspace here. This channel is very much like a wormhole!" Pei Jia said, "It is similar to the wormhole data we got from Blue Star Civilization."

"This should be a wormhole." Jiang Jun analyzed, "Is it possible that the free civilization trading market is not in the Butterfly Star Cluster, but in a more distant space in the universe, and we can go there through the wormhole?"

Just a moment after entering the channel, the channel was closed, and the trading ship came into this market space.

"It's better to ask directly." Du Xingyu asked Green Chrysalis directly, "Your Excellency Green Chrysalis, did we enter here through the wormhole just now? Is the Butterfly Star Cluster still here?"

"Of course!" When Green Chrysalis was talking to them, he looked like a human. He explained: "What you just passed through is indeed a wormhole, but it is not a wormhole connecting two time and space, but a wormhole that opens a four-dimensional barrier. Hole."

"Since you are a third-level civilization and have not yet come into contact with space technology, I will explain a few more words."

"The four-dimensional barrier is simply a barrier in the four-dimensional space. Creatures in the three-dimensional world cannot see the scene in the four-dimensional world without special methods. Therefore, when you are sailing in the universe, all your perception of the outside world is blocked by the four-dimensional barrier. ”

"And within the four-dimensional barrier, you can clearly observe everything in the three-dimensional world."

"The free civilization market is here, inside the Butterfly Star Cluster. You have not gone to the distant universe and space."

Green Chrysalis' explanation opened the eyes of human commanders and scientists.

"There is such a thing!" Chen Hong said, "If our star system is also covered with a four-dimensional barrier, wouldn't it mean that enemies who are also level 3 civilizations can't see us at all?"

"It should be more than that!" Du Xingyu said, "The four-dimensional barrier not only blocks the 'line of sight' of the three-dimensional world, but also blocks the matter of the three-dimensional world!"

"Commander Du's awareness is that this barrier can withstand our weapon attacks?" Tours asked.

"That's right!" Du Xingyu nodded, "As you can see, most of our weapons are made of matter in the three-dimensional world, and they will be blocked before they come into contact with the four-dimensional barrier. From low latitudes to high dimensions, one needs to improve his ability Level! And from high dimensions to low latitudes, energy can be released itself, which means that the enemy can attack us wantonly!"

"It's terrible!" Tours realized the horror of this technology. "As long as the enemy has a four-dimensional barrier, it will be easy to defeat a third-level civilization!"

"More than that, the emergence of the four-dimensional barrier means that the fourth-level civilization has come into contact with the technology of dimensions and space. This will crush the third-level civilization in all aspects!" Du Xingyu said, "Fortunately, the butterfly civilization is not our enemy, otherwise they will destroy us. Easy as pie!"

"Dear guests, let me introduce the areas in the Free Civilization Trading Market." Green Chrysalis continued, "We have three main markets, namely the Level 2 Civilization Trading Market and the Level 3 Civilization Trading Market, as well as a star Stealing the civilized trading market.”

"The secondary civilization trading market is mainly a place for the affiliated civilizations of our butterfly civilization to trade. Guests can go to the third-level civilization trading market."

"Star Thieves Civilization Trading Market?" Chen Hong asked curiously, "Your Excellency Green Chrysalis, can Star Thief Civilizations also trade freely here?"

As the destroyer of galactic civilization, the star pirate civilization is hostile to many civilizations.

Green Chrysalis said: "Of course. The Star Thief Civilization itself is just a wandering civilization, and they often need transactions more than ordinary civilizations. We are willing to provide them with this place."

When everyone thought about it, they thought it made sense.

Most of the original civilizations, the predecessors of the Star Thief Civilization, were destroyed. At this time, they will sell whatever resources, population, and technology can be sold. They can even sell their own affiliated civilizations in exchange for the opportunity to survive.

For the Butterfly Civilization, instead of letting the Star Thieves Civilization Alliance establish its own trading locations, it is better to incorporate these transactions into its banner and benefit itself.

"Let me take you to familiarize yourself with the third-level civilization trading market first." Green Chrysalis said, "As for the Star Thief Civilization Trading Market, you can visit it later."

"Okay." Du Xingyu agreed, and their trading ship flew to one of the space cities.

This is a circular double-layered super city, with a surface area equivalent to the surface of twenty Earths spread out flat!

This space city also has another name, called Upside Down City. Because it has two sides, on one plane, the building extends upward and downward respectively, and the artificial gravity causes the gravity of both planes to point to the flat layer.

If we want to define an upper level for Upside Down City, it would be the third-level civilization trading market; as for the lower part, it would be the Star Thief Civilization Trading Market.

In the Upside Down City, most people go to trade in small spaceships, and human civilization is no exception.

Under the guidance of Green Chrysalis, they digitally entered the third-level civilization trading market. The first stop was the "Star Coin" bank.

"Welcome guests from human civilization to the Bank of Stars and Coins." In the Bank of Stars and Coins, the staff are real members of the butterfly civilization. All of them are very dazzling. Even from a human aesthetic point of view, they can be called "Beautiful as a flower".

However, the gender of these butterfly civilization tribesmen is different from that of humans. They are hermaphrodites. If a pair of butterfly civilization people fall in love, one of them will become a male and the other will become a female. Once they give birth to offspring, they will return to hermaphrodite gender status.

At this time, their marriage will also come to an end and both parties will become single again. Maybe the next time they fall in love, the male and female identities will be reversed.

This is somewhat difficult to accept from the perspective of human morality. But after entering the new era, human beings all abide by one rule: mind their own business!

"In the Star Coin Bank, you can exchange the trading resources you carry into corresponding star currency points, which can be used to purchase items in the trading market. You can keep these star coins, or you can buy the resources you need when you leave. We Butterfly Civilization ensures the safety of star coins." Green Chrysalis said.

Star Coin is a currency provided by the Butterfly Civilization to facilitate transactions. It is only useful in this civilization's trading market, so it is also called Butterfly Star Coin.

Basically all civilizations who come here will exchange star coins, because even if the transaction is unsuccessful, they can return the star coins and take away their trading items.

If that doesn't work, you can also directly purchase some items sold by Butterfly Civilization. In this trading market, the biggest seller is actually Butterfly Civilization itself!

"Resources, population, technology, information, affiliated civilizations, territory... everything can be used to exchange for star coins." said the salesperson of the Star Coin Bank.

"Then let's take an inventory of the information we brought!" Du Xingyu took out the list. These are the trading items they brought during this trip.

There are some rare materials, antimatter, some technological information and so on.

The salesman quickly finished counting and handed Du Xingyu a ball of light.

Yes, it is a ball of light! This is using some kind of technology to bind a group of photons together, and information is recorded in the photons. These photons are equivalent to a supercomputer. A ball of light the size of a thumb can record all the information on the earth!

"Your resources have been assessed, and the total value is approximately 301.2 million star coins. These star coins have been stored in this ball of photons. If you want to exchange for more star coins, you can do so at any time through the light ball. Star coin evaluation and exchange," the salesman said.

"I suggest that our distinguished guests go to the trading floor first. There will definitely be something you are interested in." Green Chrysalis suggested.

"That's it." Du Xingyu walked while looking at the manual of the trading market to understand the various information here.

The place where the trading floor is located is a giant polygonal building.

Once inside, everyone can see all kinds of creatures.

Carbon-based organisms are the most numerous, including humanoid organisms, insectoid organisms, marine organisms, and other civilizations such as giant beast civilization and plant civilization.

Here, Du Xingyu also saw the silicon-based civilization in the Milky Way for the first time. Their number was much smaller, and they usually appeared in robot form. If it weren't for the logos hanging on their bodies, Du Xingyu wouldn't have known they were creatures of silicon-based civilization.

In addition to them, I heard that there are some special races of civilizations here. They were born in special environments in the universe and are even rarer in number than silicon-based civilizations. Du Xingyu has not seen them here yet.

"Information trading window, here is the galaxy's complete intelligence system, technological information, resource information, everything you want to know!"

"Resource trading window, are you still troubled by the lack of rare resources in civilization? We have a shortage of any scarce resources. Today's recommendation - photon materials are on sale at 10% off!"

"Population trading window, we have populations of various races, whether they are scientists, artists, partners, or pets, we also accept genetic customization..."

Du Xingyu's information light group automatically received advertisements in the trading hall. There were countless products here, which dazzled everyone.

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