"Everyone, let's take a look and see what we need or what we can sell." Du Xingyu handed over the task to everyone and asked experts in their respective fields to analyze one by one.

Soon, scientists came forward with their opinions.

"Dean, on the information trading channel, there is a piece of 'black hole explosion' observation data of a Level 3 civilization, priced at 6.88 million star coins. I suggest you buy it!" Pei Jia said, and he sent the information to Du Xingyu.

"This is a data record of the explosion of the MS 0735+74 star cluster. The mass of the exploded black hole is equivalent to 300 million suns, and the black hole jet lasts for more than 100 million years! This third-level civilization has a perfect observation angle and has recorded a lot of valuable information. It will It will be of great help to our research on black hole bombs."

Du Xingyu read some introductions and thought it was true, so he said, "Then buy this."

He immediately placed the order, and after the photon cluster deducted the Star Coin points, the observation data of the black hole explosion was immediately sent back. Du Xingyu immediately transmitted the data back to human civilization.

Green Chrysalis also made a suggestion on the side, saying: "For the civilization that comes to the trading market for the first time, there are some things that you will definitely be interested in. You can check them out in the recommendation list."

Information about the recommended list popped up in the photon group, and the first one above was a star map of the Milky Way!

This is a star map compiled by the Butterfly Civilization. As a fourth-level civilization, they have controlled wormhole technology. In theory, they can reach any corner of the galaxy.

This Milky Way Star Map is priced at 10 million star coins.

"Buy!" Du Xingyu didn't hesitate at all. Ten million star coins is too cheap!

To allow humans to explore these star fields on their own, I don’t know how many resources will be spent! Moreover, the territory of some known civilizations is also marked on this star map.

Of course, 90% of the territory of civilization has not been marked. What has been marked is a civilization like the butterfly civilization that announces its location to the outside world.

For example, the trading market in the angel civilization camp, the trading market in the demon civilization camp, etc.

"There is also information about our Pleiades star cluster!" Yang Shaolin couldn't wait to check it. The standard for the star cluster was not complete. It only standardized the stars that glowed and heated. As for the civilization of the Pleiades star cluster, it was not marked.

The map mark shows that there is a third-level civilization here.

"In terms of physical objects, we have some rare materials here. For example, body materials of advanced carbon-based organisms and silicon-based organisms." Green Chrysalis added something to the recommendation list.

For example, Du Xingyu bought some seeds of some kind of plant life that can collect stellar energy.

There are also larvae similar to the Zerg "Planet Devourer", silicon-based life chips, special materials, etc.

Du Xingyu spent more than 3 million star coins on miscellaneous things. As a result, their human civilization's trading ship only had more than 11 million star coins left.

In just a few minutes, the purchasing power they spent was enough to run all the stellar furnaces and factories of human civilization for ten years!

But these prices, in exchange for new technologies and breakthroughs in all walks of life, are completely worth the money.

"Your Excellency Green Chrysalis, are there any higher-tech products here?" Du Xingyu decided to save some money. The foundation of human civilization is too weak and there are not so many resources to exchange.

"Of course!" Green Chrysalis said directly, "Technology exceeding level 3.5, important information, etc. will not be hung directly on the trading floor."

Du Xingyu can also understand this. He observed that most of the products sold in the trading floor are finished products, and there are few hard-core products such as scientific and technological theories.

For example, the gravity cannons and other weapons sold are equipped with secret locks. Even if they are bought for a level 3.0 civilization, they cannot crack them. Once they are forcibly cracked, the weapons will self-destruct.

This is tantamount to saying that we only sell consumables to other civilizations without telling them the real core technology. It is equivalent to disguised economic plunder. Although other civilizations know this, they cannot resist the temptation of these advanced technological products.

Because these products are much more powerful than their own technological creations, if they have them and the enemy doesn't, they can defeat their enemies.

If the enemy has it, but they don't have it, the enemy will plunder them. From now on, even if the resources of civilization are exhausted, they still have to buy such weapons.

In such internal friction, the scientific and technological development of the civilization itself may be severely restricted.

"We have better recommendations for your human civilization." Green Chrysalis said, "The trading location is the Star Thief Civilization Trading Market on the other side of Upside Down City."

"Then let's go now." On the way to the Star Thief Civilization Trading Market, Green Chrysalis showed them other sites here.

For example, in the sensory entertainment center, the food, smell, light, and various items that stimulate the brain that are loved by carbon-based civilizations are sold and serviced here.

Even silicon-based civilizations can enjoy Mewtwo, an electronic technology that stimulates silicon-based chips. You can also replace body parts here, perform modifications and upgrades, etc.

Du Xingyu also saw the civilization game, where high-level civilization builds low-level civilization into a real game world, similar to Blue Star Civilization, for the entertainment and experience of residents of high-level civilization.

The Interstellar Museum has objects from various civilizations, racial specimens, including living specimens, etc.

The slave market, which was also a very popular place. Some civilizations like to come here to dig for gold. The most valuable ones are the captured scientists of advanced civilizations, who are often marketable but priceless. Secondly, there are some resource species, the opposite sex, etc.

The military weapons exhibition hall is also a popular spot here. Many civilizations would hang their military weapons that could be traded here. Du Xingyu and others went in specially to take a look around. He felt a little disappointed.

Most of the weapons displayed and sold in the exhibition hall are anti-matter weapons, primary gravity weapons, etc. These civilizations will not sell truly advanced weapons.

In some exhibition cabinets of high-end weapons, there are only virtual images and no physical items for sale.

After passing through the gravitational adaptation field in the middle of the Upside Down City, Green Chrysalis led everyone from human civilization to the trading market of the Star Thief Civilization on the other side.

"The transactions here are even crazier than before. The buyers and sellers here are confidential, so you can check with confidence." Green Chrysalis introduced.

On the photon ball, Du Xingyu received some more push messages.

He took a closer look and found that the green chrysalis was indeed not lying.

"The star system is for sale. The main star is a young star with a lifespan of 300 million years and a mass of XX. There are five rocky planets and three gas planets in the star system. The mass and volume are XX respectively. There are no third-level stars within a hundred light years around it. Civilization. The price is 500 million star coins. If you are interested, please discuss in detail. If you purchase, you can get a primitive civilization as a gift! (Show the interstellar coordinates after paying the deposit)."

"The affiliated civilization of the second-level silicon-based civilization is for sale. This civilization has huge potential and is very convenient for cultivating war weapons and resource miners. It has a current population of 18 billion, 300,000 star-level silicon-based organisms, and planet-level silicon-based organisms. Life 10 billion...priced at 789 million star coins, free shipping for the Orion arm, other cantilevers require additional postage."

"The star field fleet is for sale!!! One thousand medium star field class battleships, with a hyperspace jump distance of up to one hundred light years! Twenty thousand elementary star field class battleships, with a hyperspace jump distance of more than thirty light years. The mothership is a high-level starfield-level battleship, equipped with anti-matter weapons and gravity weapons... If you are interested, please contact us privately! Free shipping on the Orion Arm, and free returns and exchanges within ten years!"

The ones recommended to Du Xingyu were all big orders, and all the senior leaders of human civilization who saw the transaction information were moved.

Whether it is a star field-level fleet, an affiliated civilization of a silicon-based civilization, or a resource-rich star system, no matter which one is a huge wealth.

"I really want to add them all to the shopping cart!" Mo Caiwei said excitedly.

"If we want to buy these things, we have to sell more resources. All the resources we brought this time have been sold out. Next, we can only sell scientific and technological information and intelligence information." Lu Xing analyzed.

"Don't worry." Chen Hong said, "The authenticity of this information is not yet known, and we cannot guarantee that what we buy is a product of excellent quality."

"For example, in a star system, he said that there is no level 3 civilization within a hundred light years around. What if there is a level 3 civilization within 200 light years, or even multiple level 3 civilizations? Can this star system still be bought? It can be bought quickly. Will be occupied by other civilizations."

"There are also secondary silicon-based civilizations. Silicon-based civilizations are very difficult to control. They are not restricted by environmental conditions and can grow and develop just by throwing away a planet. If this silicon-based civilization rebels tomorrow, not only will we not be able to harvest resources, If we still invest troops to suppress it, wouldn’t that mean we lose money?”

"As for the star field fleet, I have doubts about the data inside. The maximum jump is one hundred light years, does it mean that all the energy is used up? The performance is not as good as our battleships. Maybe they are scraps eliminated by other civilizations. Because it was troublesome to deal with it, I just brought it over and sold it.”

It also costs a lot of money to deal with obsolete warships.

"Chen Hong is right. This is our first time here. We must stay calm and not be fooled." Du Xingyu agreed.

"Dear guests of human civilization? If you are interested in the content of the transaction, you can have a chat with their seller." Green Chrysalis said, "You may not believe some of the information. I must admit that some civilizations may exaggerate their propaganda. , but sometimes you may find some treasures.”

"For example, some star pirate civilizations are threatened by other civilizations and have to give up some precious resources and technology in exchange for a chance of survival. At that time, those who take decisive action will buy valuable treasures!"

He said, suddenly changing the topic, "I just received two messages, both of which are closely related to your human civilization."

"What news?" Du Xingyu asked.

"The first one is an invitation letter. Someone invites you to be a guest." Green Chrysalis said, "It is the third-level civilization of the Pleiades star cluster."

"Invite us?" Du Xingyu was surprised, "Do they know our origins?"

Green Chrysalis said: "Not long ago, a star pirate civilization called the Sky Eagle Civilization announced your coordinates and information on the public information channel. Now all civilizations in the trading market know you."

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