"What are you afraid of?" the commander of human civilization said worriedly.

Now that the strength and coordinates of their civilization have been exposed, if there is a civilization that intends to attack them, they are probably ready to take action.

"We must strengthen our strength as soon as possible." Du Xingyu said in the communication channel, "Our coordinates have been exposed, and there is currently no Level 4 civilization taking action against us, which is barely good news. But we cannot guarantee Level 3 civilization."

Human civilization can only be considered a level 3.6 civilization at present. After digesting this wave of technology obtained in the free civilization market, it should be able to grow into a level 3.7 civilization.

But among level three civilizations, there is an order of magnitude difference between level 3.7 and level 3.8 civilizations!

The reason lies in the star field-level dominant battleship!

The Death Star is just a semi-finished product of the Skyhawk civilization's attempt to create a dominating battleship, and its power is already so terrifying. A true Dominator-class battleship can move sideways in a star cluster!

If a civilization with level 3.8 or above launches a war against human civilization, it will be a disaster for human civilization!

"Who invited us?" Du Xingyu asked Green Chrysalis.

"Hive Civilization and Aisu Civilization." Green Chrysalis sent the invitation letter and information to Du Xingyu.

Du Xingyu published the information at the alliance headquarters, and everyone looked at it together.

"The Pleiades civilization is a third-level civilization located in the M45 Pleiades star cluster in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way. The current assessment civilization level is 3.7, with a territory of 337 star systems. The remaining information is unknown. (Note: The absolute authenticity and timeliness of the information are not guaranteed)"

"Hive civilization is a third-level civilization from the M44 Honeycomb star cluster in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way. The current assessment civilization level is 3.8. The territory may exceed 800 star systems. The remaining information is unknown. (Note: The absolute authenticity and timeliness of the information are not guaranteed)"

"They are all civilizations with a higher level than ours, and they are right next to us!" The commanders have realized the seriousness of the matter.

As the saying goes, make friends from far away and attack close by. Both are level three civilizations, and they are nearby. It is strange that these two civilizations can be friendly neighbors with human civilization!

"What do they mean by inviting us to the discussion meeting?" Lu Xing frowned and thought, "Is it a military negotiation?"

"We haven't formally contacted them yet. It's hard to say whether they are enemies or friends." Du Xingyu analyzed, "The possibility of enemies is as high as 80% or more!"

"There shouldn't be any other third-level civilizations around, right?" Tours worried, "These two neighbors have already given us enough."

"Probably not." Xu Lianqiu said, "Our detector is directed towards the surrounding galaxies and star clusters. The Pleiades star cluster is only an open star cluster and is not rich in resources. It is very difficult to raise two third-level civilizations."

"As for the Beehive Star Cluster, it is also an open star cluster, and its total mass is much smaller than our Pleiades Star Cluster. At most, there is only one level three civilization!"

"That's fine." Yang Shaolin said, "At least we know what civilizations are around us."

"As for the invitation, let's go and meet him first," Du Xingyu said.

"Your Excellency Green Chrysalis, I have received the invitation. What about the second thing?" he asked Green Chrysalis.

"The second thing is that three days later, we will hold an online civilization auction. Only civilizations above level three are eligible to participate." Green Chrysalis said, "At that time, you only need to bid through the photon ball. The auction emphasizes that the highest bidder wins.”

"During this period, you can evaluate resources and information at any time and increase your star currency reserves."

"Internal news, there may be technological artifacts of level 3.8 civilization in this auction. I believe that your human civilization will be interested. Prepare your star coins in advance!"

"Thank you." Du Xingyu thanked him, "I will pay attention to it."

"Now let's go to the appointment first and see what the Hive Civilization and the Aisu Civilization are going to do?"

Du Xingyu and others followed Green Chrysalis to the stations of Hive Civilization and Aisiu Civilization in the Free Civilization Market. Many civilizations have stations here to facilitate their acquisition of galaxy intelligence and resource exchange.

Before human civilization leaves this time, it will also leave a station to facilitate future transactions.

The station of hive civilization, this is a honeycomb-shaped building, each hole is independent of each other, and is connected by a channel lock in the middle.

"The reception room is ahead." The receptionist brought Du Xingyu and several bionic robots possessed by the commander's consciousness into a reception room.

When they opened the door, what they saw was also a bionic robot.

Some people of different species sit in the main seat. They come from different races, including humanoids, animal-like creatures, and silicon-based creatures.

"That's the people from the hive civilization!" The intelligence officer just bought the information for one million star coins in the information market.

The intelligent creatures of the hive civilization are called "intelligent insects", and they are a kind of parasitic organism. Can parasitize in the bodies of other creatures and control them.

So the group of guys of different races and weird shapes in front of us are actually carriers of intellectual insect parasites.

"The other side is the intelligent creatures of the Aungsu civilization. They are a kind of winged creatures. In the common saying, they are bird people."

The parent star where the Pleiades civilization was born was a gaseous planet, and it evolved into a bird-man. No one was surprised. I heard that the Pleiades civilization also had balloon-shaped creatures, which were very similar to the furballs of the Flying Ball civilization.

"Are you the representative of human civilization?" said a representative of the hive civilization, "I am the mastermind of the hive civilization, the Queen Bee!"

It should be added that the social system of the Hive Civilization is very similar to that of the Zerg, and they all have their own Zerg King. The Queen Bee is the leader of this civilization.

"I am the leader of the Angsu civilization, Kong." A birdman also stated his identity.

"I am the supreme commander of human civilization, Du Xingyu." Du Xingyu briefly got to know them.

"Sit down." Queen Bee said. The three parties were located in a maglev venue with tight security around them.

Kong first said: "Commander of human civilization, Mr. Du Xingyu, we have actually wanted to contact you for a long time, but we never had the chance. This time I heard that you came to the free civilization market, and we just happened to discuss it together."

"What are we talking about?" Du Xingyu asked, "border or trade?"

"Both!" Kong said, "Of course, we must first agree on the principles of coexistence. We are all third-level civilizations with close borders. If we want to develop, sooner or later there will be friction and collision."

"So here, we better make a resolution."

"Please tell me." Du Xingyu knew that since Xingxiu Civilization and Hive Civilization had known each other's existence for a long time, they must have discussed it, otherwise he would not have seen the leaders of the two civilizations here at the same time.

"Before announcing the resolution, representatives of human civilization, you should know the recent situation in the Orion Arm, right?" Kong said.

"Both the angel civilization camp and the demon civilization camp have issued war orders, and they will invade the Orion Arm in large numbers! By then, we free civilizations without camps will be threatened by war."

"So at this time, we must gather our strength together. When the time comes, whether it is defense or other plans, the chance of survival will be higher."

"What's your plan?" Du Xingyu asked tentatively.

"Merge!" Queen Bee said directly, "Our three civilizations should merge together to become a powerful civilization and strive to break through to the fourth level civilization!"

"Large-scale civilized wars in the Milky Way are inevitable. Even the third-level civilization can only be reduced to cannon fodder in such a war. When our three third-level civilizations merge, there is hope to become a fourth-level civilization, and we will directly Rule the Pleiades and Beehive Star Clusters, and then occupy seven nearby open star clusters to become a powerful civilization in the Orion Arm!"

"Merge?" The commanders were discussing in the human command channel.

"A merger is about to happen all of a sudden. What's their plan?"

"It doesn't feel like a good thing!"

"Yes, we have not had any communication with them before. It is simply impossible to talk about a merger directly!"

Du Xingyu did not give an answer, but asked: "I agree with defending yourself against foreign enemies. What are your plans for a merger?"

"It's very simple!" Kong said, "Our Aisu civilization and your human civilization are not as strong as the hive civilization. The hive civilization is the civilization closest to the fourth-level civilization."

"So our two civilizations can just merge into the hive civilization directly."

As soon as Sora finished speaking, the human commanders went crazy.

"Incorporating into the hive civilization directly requires us to become their subsidiary civilization!" Chen Hong said.

"Absolutely impossible. We humans have finally gained a foothold in the new era and surrender directly to others? Impossible!" Yang Shaolin objected clearly.

"Cooperation is not enough, merger is wishful thinking!" Lu Xing also expressed opposition.

"Commander Du, I'm afraid these two civilization leaders have bad intentions!" Tours said worriedly.

"Yes, they are all civilized leaders, so they shouldn't be joking. If they dare to say that, they must have their own plan!" Mo Caiwei said.

Du Xingyu said directly to Queen Bee and Kong: "You two, human civilization is an independent civilization. We will not accept this statement."

"Du Xingyu, you represent the life and death of a civilization. Don't give up so quickly!" Queen Bee threatened, "Let my people explain the stakes to you, and you will understand."

"Mog, tell him."

"Yes!" A representative of the hive civilization stepped forward and said: "Human civilization, we can understand your unwillingness to accept the merger. But merger is the only option for human civilization to continue to survive."

"You destroyed the Sky Eagle civilization of the demon civilization camp. This is something that the entire galaxy knows. The demon civilization camp is attacking the Orion Arm. Some third- and fourth-level civilizations are already at war with them. Human civilization is on the edge of the Orion Arm. , the war will soon spread to you."

"When the time comes, you will be the first to be destroyed by the demonic civilization camp! And our hive civilization and star civilization can definitely join the demonic civilization camp to protect ourselves!"

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