"How to deal with yourself in a camp war is a matter for our human civilization." Du Xingyu said, "You two don't need to worry about this."

"Haha." Mog said with a smile, "Okay, let's not talk about the far things, then let's talk about the things close at hand."

"Our hive civilization, Aisu civilization, and your human civilization are bound to have friction within a few hundred years at the border."

"The Aisiu civilization is a level 3.7 civilization, which is more than three times stronger than your human civilization. And our hive civilization is a level 3.8 civilization, with dominant battleships, and its strength is dozens of times that of yours! If a war breaks out, what will happen? You must be able to calculate it clearly, right?"

This was an unabashed threat, and the commanders of human civilization were very unhappy, but they were unable to refute it.

The fact is that if a war starts now, the strength of the hive civilization is indeed far superior to them.

"Oh, there is one more thing." Mog reminded, "The Sui civilization has reached an agreement with us, and they will be merged into our hive civilization, so if there is a war, it is impossible for you to unite with the Sui civilization to compete with us. matter!"

Du Xingyu looked at Kong, the leader of the Angsu Civilization.

Kong was silent for a few seconds. Obviously, he was unwilling to accept this matter, but he didn't know what methods the hive civilization used. The Angsu civilization had fully surrendered to the hive civilization.

Kong said: "Mog is right. In the future, our Aisiu civilization will be merged into the hive civilization. Mr. Du Xingyu, for the sake of your civilization, I suggest that you also merge into the hive civilization. This is the best and only thing for you." choose."

"What if I disagree?" You don't need to think about Du Xingyu to know that the consequences of a weak civilization merging with a powerful civilization will be to become a subordinate civilization and a "slave civilization" of the hive civilization!

Subordinate civilizations will lose their own technological autonomy and military power, and will even be used as cannon fodder in wars by the main civilization and be bought and sold in the civilized trading market!

Queen Bee said: "I think Mog has made it very clear. Human civilization, I am not here to discuss this meeting with you, but to inform you!"

"Before the galactic camp war spreads to us, our Beehive Star Cluster, Pleiades Star Cluster and the seven surrounding open star clusters must be unified!"

"Only our hive civilization is the most promising existence to lead these civilizations to become level four civilizations!"

"If you merge into the hive civilization, we will not treat human civilization badly. Your development potential is very high, and you are also a third-level civilization. You will surpass the affiliated civilization and become our symbiotic civilization and prosper together with us!"

"Symbiosis? It's parasitism, right?" Du Xingyu ruthlessly exposed his lie.

He has bought enough information from the information trading channel. The intelligent insects of the hive civilization are very fragile. They only have abnormally developed brains.

During the process of growth and development, they need to continuously suck nutrients from the host's body, completely "drain" the host, and then change to the next host.

Once human civilization becomes their parasitic civilization, these intelligent insects will occupy the human body. In less than three hundred years, they will be able to completely devour the essence of human civilization and completely turn humans into puppets.

At that time, what was the difference between human civilization and its destruction?

"If human civilization refuses, then our fleet will trample the territory of human civilization!" Queen Bee did not hide her ambitions at all.

Du Xingyu sneered: "There is a saying in human civilization, without freedom, it is better to die!"

"Even if human civilization bleeds to the last drop of blood, it will not become a parasitic civilization of hive civilization! If you want to fight, I will fight!"

"Ignorant and arrogant weak civilization!" Queen Bee said disdainfully, "Wait to welcome the fleet of hive civilization! After we conquer human civilization, your bodies will become our petri dishes! Take away all rights!"

Du Xingyu stood up and declared loudly: "If the hive civilization dares to invade our border, human civilization will not stop until death, no matter how far away it is, it will be punished!"

"There is also the Aungsu civilization, although I don't know why you surrendered to the hive civilization. Our attitude is here, welcome friends and resist enemies!"

Sora didn't say anything, he was also very confused. Compared with the Hive Civilization, the Angsu Civilization does not have the strength to completely conquer human civilization, because their strength is only three times that of human civilization. It is hard to say whether they will win or lose when they attack human civilization across a distance of hundreds of light years.

This meeting was destined to end badly, and Du Xingyu left here directly.

Queen Bee and others did not stop them, because they were only possessed by consciousness here, and it would not matter even if all the bodies here were destroyed.

After Du Xingyu left, Queen Bee immediately ordered: "Song, immediately prepare to attack human civilization and find out their strength."

Kong cursed in his heart, he knew that the hive civilization would use them as cannon fodder to test human civilization.

Kong wanted to refuse, but he knew that the consequences of refusal would be to be destroyed by the hive civilization. It’s not that the Aungsu Civilization didn’t fight with the Hive Civilization, but the result made the entire Aungsu Civilization feel desperate!

It's obviously just a difference between level 3.7 civilization and level 3.8 civilization, but it makes them unable to cross over!

Sora still remembers the power of the Dominator Weapon. Their fleet has no room for resistance in front of the Dominator Weapon!

"I'll make arrangements right away," Kong said humiliatingly.

Du Xingyu was also discussing with the commanders how to deal with the Hive Civilization and the Aisu Civilization.

"The Beehive Civilization is too overbearing. They are determined to unify the Beehive Star Cluster and the Pleiades Star Cluster!" Lu Xing said.

"If you want to fight, then fight!" Yang Shaolin said, "I will start arranging defenses to prevent the enemy from sneak attacks!"

"I have released all the hyperspace wave detectors!" Xu Lianqiu said, "The mass shadow projectors of the major star systems are also on standby. As long as the enemy makes a hyperspace jump, they can be eliminated as soon as possible. In hyperspace!”

"Yes." Du Xingyu nodded, and then said: "The main thing is to resist the master weapon. Have you bought the information about the master weapon?"

"The transaction has just been completed!" Mo Caiwei and the intelligence department spent one million star coins to buy a piece of information about the star field master weapon. She shared the information with everyone.

"The star domain master weapon can be said to be the top super weapon of the third level civilization, surpassing all star domain class battleships!"

"The Dominator weapon has no fixed form. It can be a battleship, a creature, a mecha, a cannon or even a planet!"

"The weapons that have appeared in the Juggernaut weapon are as follows."

"Enhanced version of annihilation ray: The Dominator weapon has a powerful energy supply system, sufficient antimatter, and can emit a steady stream of annihilation rays. It is said that the maximum power can completely annihilate a star system!"

"Gravity Smasher: A super weapon made by using gravitational cage and gravitational wave shock. It can smash all matter within the force field!"

"Gravity missile: an ultra-long-range gravity weapon with amazing destructive power against large-mass targets."

"Typical weapons: weapons that use tachyon particles to strike."

"Hyperspace Jammer: The Juggernaut weapon can interfere with hyperspace jumps, causing surrounding hyperspace jumps to fail."

"Gamma ray burst: A ray burst with a powerful energy level that can instantly vaporize any target."

"Four-dimensional barrier: The Dominator weapon has come into contact with the power of some space technologies. It can temporarily create a four-dimensional barrier to invalidate conventional attacks in the three-dimensional world!"

"Thought Storm: An attack belonging to the biological master weapon, which can directly brainwash the thoughts of all carbon-based biological beings."

"Information tsunami: a kind of weapon dominated by silicon-based civilization, which uses information shock to kill the enemy's database and brain!"

The longer everyone looked at the long list, the heavier their hearts became. This dominating weapon was too perverted. Before, they thought that the Death Star was already very powerful, and beating the Death Star with the Dominator weapon was just for fun!

"No wonder 3.8 civilization is a hurdle for level 3 civilization. It is even rumored that this hurdle is even harder to overcome than level 3 civilization to level 4 civilization!" Chen Hong said with emotion.

"Others are fine. We can produce enhanced versions of annihilation rays, gravity missiles, hyper-light weapons, hyperspace jammers, and even gamma rays. They may not be as powerful as the Dominator weapons, but they are still usable." Tours said.

"It's this gravity crusher and the four-dimensional barrier. There's really nothing we can do about it!"

"Our weapons cannot penetrate the four-dimensional barrier at all, which means that the enemy can ignore our attacks. And we cannot defend against the gravity crusher, so we are at a disadvantage in attack!"

"This is only one aspect. The hive civilization is a civilization led by intelligent insects. Who knows whether their dominant weapon is a biological weapon? We know even less about biological weapons!" Lu Xing worried.

Du Xingyu said: "So we must have our own master weapon, so that no matter what weapon the enemy uses, I have the means to fight back!"

"Based on this information, it can be known that the energy level of the Dominator weapon does not exceed that of the anti-matter reactor. This should be considered good news."

"Our Death Star can continue to be upgraded. If it also has a gravity crusher, a hyperspace disruptor, and a gamma ray burst, then it will be very close to the master weapon!"

"If we can successfully create a black hole bomb, the Death Star will definitely be promoted to a dominant weapon!" Space physicist Pei Jia said, "The black hole bomb can distort time and space and attack to higher dimensions. Even a four-dimensional barrier cannot stop it. live!"

"Yes!" Du Xingyu nodded, "In terms of equipment, we must find ways to upgrade and improve ourselves. In addition, we must also think clearly about war deployment and try to delay the time of direct war with the hive civilization to give us time to develop."

"We can secretly form an alliance with the Angsu civilization!" Chen Hong said, "The Angsu civilization will never be willing to submit to the hive civilization. We can contact them privately."

"The truth is this. We must come up with a reason that can convince the Aisu civilization, otherwise it will be very difficult for them to ally with us!" After Turs finished speaking, everyone fell into thinking again. Not only them, but also the think tank. Thinking.

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