"According to our intelligence, the current internal situation of Angsu Civilization is not appreciable." Soon, the think tank made suggestions.

"According to reliable information, the Angsu civilization should have had a war with the Hive civilization, and they were defeated. The specific process and results are not available in the intelligence market, but it can make a third-order civilization surrender. We can judge the general situation of the war."

"The resources and manpower consumed in the war have caused huge losses to the Angsu civilization. Now the Angsu civilization is in a period of violent political, economic and cultural shocks."

"So we judge that at this time, not only our human civilization does not want to fight with the Angsu civilization, but they do not want to fight with us! As long as we show enough strength, we can buy time."

"Okay, let's get in touch with the Angsu civilization first." Du Xingyu immediately sent someone to invite Kong, the leader of the Angsu civilization, for talks.

Angsu Civilization did not refuse, and the two parties held talks in the privacy of the Civilization Trading Market.

"Your Excellency Du Xingyu, now we are declaring war. Do you contact me to change your mind?" Kong said, "If you want to surrender, I can introduce you."

"Surrender?" Du Xingyu shook his head and said with a smile: "Becoming a parasite of those insects? No civilization with backbone would choose this, right?"

"Du Xingyu, are you here to declare war?" Du Xingyu's words made Kong feel very angry, because the Aisiu Civilization had already surrendered to the Hive Civilization.

"It depends on your attitude." Du Xingyu said in a relaxed tone, "The Sky Eagle Civilization spreads information about our human civilization everywhere. I believe you already know about our civilization!"

"Since the beginning of the first-level civilization, our human civilization has been tempered in wars. In the entire civilization, no one is afraid of powerful enemies and death!"

"Want to fight? Just fight!"

"Although our current civilization evaluation is level 3.6, the weapons we have are no weaker than most level 3.7 civilizations! As far as I know, the Angsu civilization was defeated by the hive civilization and is about to fall apart. At this time, it is different from our human civilization In battle, your winning rate is zero!" Du Xingyu's tone was full of confidence.

"Du Xingyu, what Queen Bee said is right, your human civilization is really arrogant!" Kong said angrily, "The territory and strength of our Angsu civilization are more than three times yours! Defeating you is a matter of hands!"

"Really?" Du Xingyu smiled, "You should know that we have Death Stars and can create micro black holes, right? What if we have a hundred Death Stars? Do you have the same power to deal with them?"

"One hundred Death Stars?" Kong's heart was filled with uncertainty, and the senior officials of the Aisu Civilization were also discussing this matter.

"The Sky Eagle Civilization has announced the data of the Death Star. This is a super weapon that is very close to the Dominator weapon! If they really have a hundred of them, it would be more powerful than a million Starfield-level battleships!"

"Our military strength is not as good as human civilization?"

"This is a lie. The war between human civilization and the Sky Eagle civilization has just ended. They have at most ten Death Stars, but our strength still has the upper hand!"

"But in our war with human civilization, both sides will definitely lose in the end! The hive civilization won't give us any help! It's not worth it!"

"Yes, fighting human civilization, no matter we lose or win, our Aisiu civilization will be greatly damaged! Now there are voices within the civilization that propose a bloody battle with the hive civilization, become a star thief civilization, and join the camp civilization! This As long as the war starts, Angsu civilization will definitely fall apart!"

"Du Xingyu!" Kong said, "Sooner or later you will see the strength of our Aungsu civilization. Tell us what your purpose is today!"

"It's very simple." Du Xingyu said, "Our two civilizations have formed an alliance to deal with the hive civilization!"

"To form an alliance? To deal with the hive civilization?" Kong said disapprovingly, "Do you know the strength of the hive civilization? They can definitely destroy us!"

When he said this, Du Xingyu knew there was something going on.

He continued to persuade: "No matter what your attitude is, our human civilization will definitely go to war with the hive civilization. Forming an alliance with you does not mean that you will send troops to deal with the hive civilization. As long as you do not interfere with our human civilization, we can form a friendly relationship with you. Alliance of Civilizations!”

"This is simply impossible!" Kong didn't believe it. "The hive civilization will also force us to go to war."

"Then let's act!" Du Xingyu said, "We are fighting with each other, and the hive civilization will benefit. Now both of our civilizations still have the power to resist, or have the opportunity to become a star thief civilization. Once they are parasitized by the hive civilization, At that time, everyone will only perish!"

"So in the war, we can lengthen the front, minimize losses, and prolong the war. Give the civilizations of both sides a time to prepare, at least a hundred years. As for the future, whether you want to negotiate a peace, form an alliance, or If the war begins, we, human civilization, will accompany you!"

"If you don't agree, then we can only fight with real swords and guns!"

Kong was thinking about the pros and cons, and Du Xingyu's suggestion made him very excited. The Aisiu civilization does need time to recover, and they do not want to be parasitized and controlled by the hive civilization.

If given the opportunity, Angsu Civilization still wants to become a free civilization. Even if it joins the civilization camp, it will at least gain a certain degree of autonomy.

The premise of all this is to kill the hive civilization, or buy time for them to get in touch with the camp civilization and get help from a certain camp.

"Leader, promise them!" the senior leaders of Angsu Civilization proposed, "We are not mortal enemies with human civilization, there is no need to fight to the death to let the Hive Civilization benefit!"

"Yes, if we can really delay it for a hundred years, and we get help from the civilized camp, we may have a chance to turn around and kill both human civilization and hive civilization!"

"We cannot afford any more losses. If the war continues, the Aungsu civilization will fall back below level 3.5."

"I promise you, not to form an alliance, but to sign a temporary treaty." Sora quickly made a decision. Human civilization wanted to delay, and so did they!

Since the interests are consistent, there is no need to beat around the bush.

"Okay!" Du Xingyu said immediately, "For a hundred years, we will only conduct war exercises. Before fighting, both parties need to reach a consensus and not invest any substantive weapons. When dealing with hive civilization, both parties need to share intelligence. If one party violates the treaty, it will Consider it a declaration of war! Fight to the death!"

"Deal!" Kong nodded.

Their think tank had drawn up a treaty and both parties signed it in secret.

"Now that we have signed a treaty with Angsu Civilization, we can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being." The commanders said in the headquarters.

"However, we cannot trust the Angsu Civilization. Maybe this is their tactic to delay the war. This kind of treaty has no binding force. They will attack us at any time. We must be prepared!" Chen Hong said.

"This is natural." Everyone understands this truth. Unless there is a powerful advanced civilization as a notary and law enforcer, all official documents and treaties will be useless paper!

Everyone was discussing strategic arrangements when Du Xingyu's photon group received a new message from the Civilized Trading Market.

"Dear human civilizations, the civilization auction in the civilization trading market has begun. From now on, you can view the auction weapons and participate in the bidding through the photon group. I wish you a happy shopping."

"Auction?" Du Xingyu said, "Green Chrysalis just said that there will be something we are interested in. Let's take a look. The logistics department has prepared resources that can be mortgaged."

Their expenses have almost used up more than 30 million star coins. If you fancy something you want to buy, you still need to mortgage more assets.

"The first item to be auctioned is a starry sky beast. It is a star field-level pseudo-dominator biological weapon. It can perform hyperspace jumps and survive on stars. It has destroyed six second-level civilizations and was encircled and suppressed by the fleets of third-level civilizations. I was captured...the starting price is one hundred million star coins."

The first item to be auctioned has greatly interested the higher-ups of human civilization, because this starry behemoth is already as powerful as the Death Star! Its various biological weapons are no less powerful than the Death Star.

Du Xingyu has some doubts about the biological civilization he created in parallel time and space, and he doesn't know how the biological civilization is developing there.

If the development goes smoothly, they should be able to successfully advance to the third level biological civilization after acquiring the Void Zerg technology.

Human civilization did not bid on this weapon, and an anonymous bidder finally spent 180 million star coins to buy this starry sky beast.

"The second bidding item, information on the angel civilization camp, is only available for ten copies. Each copy has a starting price of 10 million star coins. There are also ten pieces of information on the demon civilization camp, which also have a starting price of 10 million star coins."

"We want to buy this!" Du Xingyu ordered, "Exchange it for star coins immediately."

They entered some redeemable information and technology into the photon ball, and the balance of star coins in human civilization increased to more than 40 million.

Du Xingyu directly spent 30 million to buy one copy of each of the two types of information.

"The third bidding item, 7 four-dimensional bubbles. These were found in the Level 4 Civilization War. The four-dimensional barriers wrapped these spaces to form independent four-dimensional bubbles. There are certain remains of Level 4 Civilization War weapons in each space. , varying in size, with increasing quality, and the starting price starts at 100 million star coins."

"Fourth-dimensional bubbles and things from level four civilizations are all for sale?" The top human beings were full of interest, "This is a treasure!"

"You can't explore the things in the four-dimensional bubble. The seller must have explored everything inside, and there won't be anything good left!"

"Buy!" Du Xingyu said, "Even if there are no important technological residues of the fourth-level civilization in the four-dimensional bubble, the four-dimensional bubble itself is enough for us to study!"

"If we can control the four-dimensional barrier technology, our Death Star will become a truly dominant weapon!"

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