"Three.6 billion star coins, fifteen star systems!" After Kong reported this price, he felt his whole body go weak.

He wanted to raise the price in one fell swoop to scare off competitors, but he knew it well. Unless the Aungsu Civilization sells itself, it is impossible to buy the Mechanical Throne.

This glimmer of hope to revitalize civilization will eventually pass before his eyes!

"Four billion star coins, eighteen star systems!" Queen Bee bid, and the price of hive civilization directly scared off half of the competitors.

Some civilizations living in barren lands only have dozens of star systems in their territory, and the total is not worth so much money.

The Hive Civilization is so rich because there are no other competing civilizations in the Hive Star Cluster.

"Thirty seconds countdown, no civilization bids yet." A countdown message has appeared on the photon group, and the high price of the hive civilization has suppressed other civilizations.

For level 3.9 civilizations, they have the ability to bid, but they are wondering whether it is worth it because they also have the ability to make similar weapons.

For lower civilizations, you need to weigh the cost-effectiveness of resources and weapons.

"Countdown to 10 seconds." There is no civilized bid yet.

"The Mechanical Throne belongs to our hive civilization!" The Queen Bee is already excited. The hive civilization that gets the Mechanical Throne can rule all the surrounding open star clusters, and it will be a natural thing to become a fourth-level civilization!

"Do you still want to bid? We don't have enough collateral!" Lu Xing asked.

Du Xingyu thought for a while and said: "One more time! We shouldn't have reached the bottom line of hive civilization yet!"

If you bid again, human civilization will have to mortgage at least half of its territory. But Du Xingyu is certain that other civilizations will not give up the Mechanical Throne easily.

The galactic war has begun. Which third-level civilization doesn’t want such a weapon of war?

"Four.3 billion star coins, twenty star systems." Du Xingyu quoted again.

"This offer is really crazy!" When other civilizations saw the offer, this offer could buy a level 3.4 civilization! In order to exchange for the Mechanical Throne, the bidder seemed very crazy!

"Who is it?" Queen Bee was angry, "They actually want to increase the price, and now it's more than four times the price!"

"Is it a civilization that is at war and is in urgent need of the Mechanical Throne?" There was also discussion within the hive civilization.

"Thirty seconds countdown, no civilization bids yet." The photon group's reminder came again.

Du Xingyu held his breath and waited patiently.

"If we quote a higher price, will the anonymous bidder bid again?" The senior leaders of the hive civilization discussed.

"If they bid again, can we afford it?"

"It's too high. The money to buy the Mechanical Throne is enough for us to make four Dominator weapons, which will consume a lot of our resources!"

"But you only have one chance! If we thoroughly study the Mechanical Throne, we can also become a level 3.9 civilization!"

"Finally, one last bid!" Queen Bee made a bet and raised the price again: "Four and a half billion star coins, twenty-three star systems!"

Even the hive civilization cannot afford this price, at least it is their total output value for hundreds of years!

"Someone has taken over." Seeing the bid, the top leaders of human civilization breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't plan to buy it anyway. At the current price, the civilization that bought the Mechanical Throne would not make a profit.

A lot of resources were lost, and time was spent researching the Mechanical Throne...

"Ten seconds countdown!"

"The countdown is over, congratulations on successfully photographing the Mechanical Throne!" After receiving the news from the Butterfly Civilization, the Queen Bee was not happy at all. The price cost their civilization too much.

It would be great if you can successfully understand the technology of the Mechanical Throne, but if not, you will lose money!

"After eating the Mechanical Throne, we have to rest for a while. Immediately urge the Angsu Civilization to send troops to take down human civilization!" Queen Bee ordered.


The journey of human civilization in the free civilization trading market has been completed. Half of the trade fleet has turned back, and the other half has stayed in the free civilization trading market, stationed there permanently so that it can obtain information at any time.

As for Du Xingyu and others, it is enough to disconnect from the bionic robot.

The territory of human civilization, Alliance Academy of Sciences.

"Start analyzing the scientific and technological data obtained from the Civilized Trading Market immediately!" Du Xingyu arranged the task while entering the information into the scientific and technological simulator.

In the technology simulator, he has already established the "black hole bomb" project.

They gained a lot from this trip. First, the Blue Star Civilization obtained observational data on wormholes and methods of detonating micro black holes.

In the civilization trading market, we also obtained observation data of natural black hole explosions from level 3 civilizations, as well as various intelligence, technology, and a four-dimensional bubble.

Technology simulator: "Black hole bomb, information perfection, 73%!"

"Invest one billion energy points and start simulating a miniature black hole."

The research progress of the black hole bomb has reached over 70% since the beginning, and Du Xingyu is confident that it will be completed within ten years.

As long as the Death Star has a black hole bomb, it can definitely be called a dominating weapon. If four protective shields are added, the Death Star will become the top-level existence among the domination weapons!

Three days later, Butterfly Civilization delivered the four-dimensional bubble as promised.

Outside the boundaries of human civilization, a burst of hyperspace fluctuations appeared, followed by a transport warship.

Its entire appearance is obscured by a four-dimensional shield, and observation equipment cannot see it clearly, but gravity detection equipment shows that it has at least the mass of a planet!

"Human civilization, the four-dimensional bubble you purchased has been delivered, please check it!" Butterfly Civilization delivered the four-dimensional bubble and returned directly.

The human warships are studying this four-dimensional "bubble".

At their delivery location, it looked empty!

If the butterfly civilization hadn't built a channel on the four-dimensional bubble, it would have been difficult for them to get in!

"Let the detection robot go in first!" Du Xingyu ordered. No one knows what is in the four-dimensional bubble, so it is best to let the robot go in first.

Tens of thousands of detection robots entered the four-dimensional bubble through the channel. This is a space cut by the four-dimensional bubble.

The space is about the size of the moon, with the remains of various space weapons floating in it. The radiation is very strong and the heat is extremely high.

The detection robot probes one by one, scanning and collecting every piece of debris. These wrecks may contribute to human scientific and technological research.

The search took several days and everything was cleared. Just as Du Xingyu had guessed, there was nothing valuable in this four-dimensional bubble except for the wreckage.

"Those wreckage can be used for material research." Du Xingyu said, "The most critical thing is this four-dimensional barrier. We must study it before it completely dissipates."

The four-dimensional barrier also requires energy support. In the three-dimensional world, these high-dimensional substances follow the law of entropy increase and constantly release energy. Its volume is constantly shrinking, and in another hundred years, it will completely disappear.

In addition to the research conducted by scientists, Du Xingyu himself also recorded the information of the four-dimensional barrier and analyzed it using the analysis function of the technology simulator.

The time for research is always short, and ten years have passed in a flash.

During this period of time, human civilization has been acting out with the Angsu civilization, sending some old warships to fight, causing damage to each other.

The Hive Civilization is still busy studying the Mechanical Throne and has not personally launched an attack.

"The model of the black hole bomb was finally successfully built!" Du Xingyu spent ten years completing the simulation of a black hole bomb on a technology simulator for the first time!

"The four-dimensional barrier has also made progress." After the efforts of many scientists from the Academy of Sciences, they finally developed a method to create a four-dimensional barrier.

Relying on powerful energy to compress space, a thin layer of three-dimensional space temporarily becomes four-dimensional.

Human civilization is not yet able to maintain a four-dimensional barrier for a long time, but current technology is sufficient.

"Immediately upgrade the Death Star and build multiple Death Star 2.0s! Death Star 2.0 will be the top dominating weapon!"

Human civilization is upgrading existing Death Stars while building more Death Stars.

With the completion of the first Death Star 2.0 upgrade, the High Command of the Human Guardian Alliance also began to discuss the next combat strategy.

"The attacks on us by the Sui civilization have become more and more fierce recently. It doesn't seem like they are acting. The pressure from the hive civilization is increasing. It is estimated that it will not be long before the Sui civilization will break its promise and really take action against us!" Huang Qi, who is in charge of defense, said.

"Command, I request you to prepare for war!" Wei Xuan suggested.

"Okay!" Du Xingyu nodded, "If they want to fight, we will naturally accompany them."

"If there is a war, we will launch a blitzkrieg and take down the Aungsu Civilization in one fell swoop!" Yang Shaolin analyzed, "Otherwise, we will be in trouble if the Hive Civilization comes to support us!"

"Yes!" Chen Hong said, "Either fight, or if you want to fight, destroy the Angsu civilization directly!"

"The Pleiades civilization does not have a master weapon. One Death Star 2.0 can guarantee our victory." Du Xingyu said, "But we are not sure whether the Hive civilization has given them a master weapon, so at least three Death Star 2.0 must be dispatched together. Within a week, Destroy them within!"

"Destroying a level 3 civilization within a week is still a level 3.7 civilization!" The captains wondered, "Can we do it?"

"The power of Death Star 2.0 is definitely beyond your imagination!" Xu Lianqiu said with a smile, "Although our human civilization is not very big now, in terms of technology, it has definitely reached level 3.8!"

Tours continued: "If we can quickly capture the Aisi civilization, incorporate their fleet, and obtain their resources and territory, then we will be able to fight against the Hive civilization!"

"We must be prepared to attack the Aisi civilization and face the Hive civilization at the same time." Wei Xuan suggested, "During this period, we can have up to three Death Stars 2.0. In this case, it is better to use only one and the other two. An ambush hive civilization!"

"Fighting on two fronts, challenging two major third-level civilizations at the same time?" Everyone couldn't help but sigh at Wei Xuan's courage.

"It is feasible, and it can even be bolder!" Du Xingyu touched his chin and said: "One Death Star will attack the Pleiades civilization, one will intercept it, and the other, with the main fleet, will directly attack the Hive civilization. How is your old lair?"

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