"We still don't know the strength of hive civilization!" This is the most worrying issue for the commanders. Apart from the free civilization trading market, they have not really come into contact with hive civilization.

"As long as the hive civilization has not reached level 4 civilization, the Death Star 2.0 will be invincible!" Du Xingyu is extremely confident in his weapons. Any fancy attack methods will be useless in front of the black hole bomb!

"The Beehive Star Cluster is more than five hundred light years away from us. It will take a lot of time for the Death Star to jump this distance. We must distract the Hive Civilization. In addition, reconnaissance intelligence will also take a certain amount of time." Fleet Commander Xiong Zhengqing said.

Because the Death Star is so massive, it consumes as much energy as an entire star field fleet! It is indeed difficult to send it five hundred light years away in a short time.

As for wormholes, humans have not yet understood them. And given the mass of the Death Star, ordinary small wormholes are probably not enough, so dispatching the Death Star still requires the use of multiple hyperspace jumps.

Everyone continued to discuss and finally reached a consensus. It is necessary to destroy or conquer the Pleiadian civilization. As for the hive civilization, first send a Death Star over and observe the situation. If we can hold back the Hive Civilization’s fleet on the battlefield of the Pleiadian Civilization, then we can go straight to the Hive Civilization’s home nest!

If not, the three Death Stars will attack the Pleiades civilization together and completely occupy the Pleiades star cluster first.

"I declare with the order of the Supreme Commander of the Human Guardian Alliance: From now on, human civilization's journey to dominate the Orion Arm and the Milky Way has officially begun!" Du Xingyu stood in the center of the headquarters and swore loudly.

"Our human civilization has emerged from crisis, including the asteroid crisis, the sea civilization fleet, the solar helium flash, and the invasion of the Sky Eagle civilization. Crisis after crisis has not knocked us down!"

"And in this galaxy, powerful enemies are everywhere and dangers abound. We have lived enough days wandering around and living in the shadows!"

"We must change from passive to active, no matter whether our enemy is the Pleiadian civilization, the hive civilization, the angel civilization camp or the demon civilization camp, or even the enemies hidden in the high-dimensional world. We must raise the battle flag to them, Conquer the galaxy and keep moving forward!"

"Conquer the galaxy, keep moving forward!" The five commanders Chen Hong, Yang Shaolin, Lu Xing, Tours, and Mo Caiwei swore loudly together. Their faces were full of excitement. After more than 10,000 years of development, human civilization is finally about to begin. Start your own StarCraft journey.

"Conquer the galaxy, keep moving forward!" Fleet commanders such as Wei Xuan, Xiong Zhengqing, Huang Qi, and Childe also swore loudly. As soldiers, they are even more motivated and enthusiastic. They are always blocked and beaten at the door of their home. Now, they want to take the initiative and kill in other star fields!

"Conquer the galaxy, keep moving forward!" Xu Lianqiu shouted with the scientists from the Academy of Sciences. Their years of hard work and research are to make human civilization stronger!

"Okay!" Du Xingyu nodded, "Then I declare that the war against the Pleiades civilization and the Hive civilization has officially started!"

"Immediately execute the military order as planned!"

"Yes!" Everyone immediately began to make arrangements. They did not announce this war to the whole society because it was a secret battle.

Neither the Pleiadian civilization nor the Hive civilization would have thought that human civilization would dare to take the initiative.

"Death Star-001, as well as the fourth, fifth, and sixth main fleets, immediately dispatched and secretly headed to the battlefield of the Pleiades civilization!" Huang Qi, Child, and the commander of Death Star-001 Zhuang Xin set off with the first team .

The two main fleets now add up to a total of 80,000 star field class battleships, of which 13,000 are high class star field class battleships! Coupled with the upgraded version of the Death Star, this power is enough to make the Pleiadian civilization tremble!

"Death Star-002, as well as the third, seventh, and eighth main fleets, follow me to the vacuum zone of the Pleiades star cluster and the Beehive star cluster." Xiong Zhengqing took 10,000 main fleets and a Death Star to the two evacuated Ambush in the vacuum zone between star clusters.

The Beehive Star Cluster and the Pleiades Star Cluster are separated by a vacuum zone with a diameter of hundreds of light years. As long as the Beehive Civilization sends out troops, they will definitely pass by here!

Because if they want to cross this area, they must either use the most advanced star field class battleship to jump directly over, or pass through the wormhole. But wormholes are a technology only possessed by level four civilizations.

The Academy of Sciences concluded that the hive civilization must not have wormholes. Otherwise, they would have directly created wormholes in the hive star cluster and the Pleiades star cluster, and would have destroyed the Pleiades civilization and human civilization in one go. There would be no need to wait so long.

"Death Star-003, and the first and second main fleets, let's set off." Wei Xuan brings the power to attack at any time. It is also the most elite fleet in mankind, with fifteen thousand star field class battleships, and currently The most powerful Dominator weapon, Death Star-003.

Although Death Star-003 is number three, it is currently the only Death Star in human civilization that has been directly built as a master weapon. Death Star-001 and Death Star-002 were both modified and upgraded from the original Death Star. Although they barely reached the level of dominator weapons, they were still much worse than dominator weapons like the Mechanical Throne.

Death Star-003 was redesigned and manufactured by Du Xingyu with a team of one million people. In addition to inheriting all the functions of the original Death Star, it also has a gravity crusher, hyperspace disruptor, four-dimensional barrier and the most powerful attack Weapon - black hole bomb!

Pleiadian civilization, main star.

This is a gas giant planet, about the same mass as Jupiter, with a small rocky planetary core.

In the atmosphere, there are large "islands" floating in the sky, which are sky islands condensed by lightweight objects. There are buildings on the sky islands. Most of the winged people of the Pleiadian civilization live in such cities.

At this time, in the highest authority of the Pleiadian civilization, a floating city in the sky, the Sky City, the current leader of the Pleiadian civilization, Kong, was talking to the queen bee of the hive civilization.

"Song, it's been ten years! Why haven't you conquered human civilization yet?" The appearance of the Queen Bee has changed from last time. Now he has the image of an old man with wings.

It is said that the queen bee is different from other intelligent insects. Other intelligent insects can generally only parasitize one body, but the queen bee can parasitize multiple bodies at the same time!

Looking at this body, Kong was already filled with anger. Because this old wing man is the previous leader of the Pleiades civilization, Xiao.

Xiao led the fleet to fight against the hive civilization, but surrendered after being defeated, and his body became one of the parasites of the Queen Bee.

Queen Bee used Xiao's body to obviously intimidate Kong and make him understand his situation.

"My Emperor, the strength of human civilization is not weaker than ours. We have just experienced a war and our vitality has been severely damaged. It is difficult to achieve a comprehensive victory for a while. We need more time." Kong Qiang suppressed the anger in his heart and said respectfully .

"Hmph!" Queen Bee snorted coldly, "They're all excuses! I see that you clearly don't want to contribute and preserve your strength!"

"Does the Pleiadian civilization really not want to continue?"

"Don't dare!" Kong said quickly.

The Bee Queen threatened: "I'm not afraid to tell you that we are the ones who bought the Mechanical Throne in the free civilization market. With the Mechanical Throne, the Hive Civilization is now invincible in the seven surrounding open star clusters!"

"By taking these star clusters, we can advance to a fourth-level civilization!"

"Congratulations to our emperor!" Kong was respectful on the surface, but he was horrified in his heart. Originally they were no match for the Hive Civilization, but they didn't expect that a powerful domination weapon like the Mechanical Throne would be purchased by them. Now it becomes even more difficult!

"I give you three years to defeat human civilization. No matter how much it costs, otherwise, when the Emperor's fleet is dispatched, both human civilization and the Pleiadian civilization will have no choice but to be destroyed!" The Queen Bee gave him the order. Ultimatum.

"Yes! We will definitely destroy human civilization!" Kong responded.

After the communication with the hive civilization was cut off, Kong immediately shouted: "It's too much! This disgusting old insect is actually gesticulating on my head! If this revenge is not avenged, I will not be relieved!"

"Leader, calm down!" His think tank advised, "Now that the Hive Civilization has obtained the Mechanical Throne and its strength has increased again, they will naturally become more arrogant!"

"Now they want to force us to break our alliance with human civilization, so that both we and human civilization will suffer losses, and then they will reap the benefits!"

"Even if we try our best, we can't destroy human civilization within three years. The bugs did this on purpose! Once we fail to complete it, they will have reason to attack us!" Kong knew very well that they have no crushing power over human civilization. Strength.

"They attack us for no reason at all," a senior official said.

"What should we do now?" someone asked, "Are we really going to do what they do? We have agreed with human civilization not to do anything for a hundred years!"

"Now we have to do it even if we don't do it!" said a strategic expert. "It is an alliance that has no weight in the first place. If it is torn, it will be torn. The key is that we cannot be at the mercy of the hive civilization."

"Everyone, I think it's better to follow the wishes of hive civilization and attack human civilization!" said a senior executive.

"What do you mean?" Kong glared at him.

He explained: "Leader, everyone, think about it carefully. Is the territory of human civilization very close to the camp of demon civilization? They are on the edge of the third cantilever. In the past one or two thousand light years, it was occupied by demon civilization. The fourth cantilever of the Milky Way, the Perseus Arm."

"The Sky Eagle civilization was originally a second-level civilization. Thanks to the help of the demon civilization camp, it quickly became a third-level civilization and almost had a war with us!"

"If we eliminate human civilization and occupy their territory, and then join the demon civilization camp, we can also get help from the demon civilization camp. At that time, even the hive civilization will not dare to attack us!"

Everyone in the Pleiadian civilization thought about it and said, "It does make sense."

"How can we guarantee that the demonic civilization camp will help us?"

"Don't worry, leader, there are informants from the demon civilization camp in the free civilization trading market, and we have already contacted them!"

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