How to become a level four civilization has become something that all mankind is thinking about.

"Judging from the information we have obtained, the reason why level four civilizations are more powerful than level three civilizations is that they control space technology!" said Pei Jia, a space physicist at the Academy of Human Civilization Sciences.

"Space technology, what kind of space technology is it?" Scientists were discussing intensely.

"I think it mainly lies in the utilization of space energy and the development of space weapons and hyperspace technology." Pei Jia continued to express his views.

"The space of the universe, or the vacuum of the universe, is not a real vacuum. Throw away those microscopic particles, and there is still space in the universe. They are part of this three-dimensional world."

Everyone was a little confused, and Pei Jia said: "Let me use an analogy. For example, we compare the two-dimensional world to a piece of drawing paper. For two-dimensional creatures, the blank space on the drawing paper contains nothing. does not exist?"

"Yeah." Everyone nodded.

"But the blank part of the drawing paper is also the space of the two-dimensional world for us three-dimensional creatures. We can draw on the blank part. This is the transformation of space."

"We tear off this blank part, which is space cutting!"

"We can even burn this blank part as fuel. This is the space annihilation energy. This is a higher energy than the annihilation of antimatter!"

"If we roll up this part of space and twist it, it will temporarily have a three-dimensional dimension. That is, this two-dimensional space will enter the 'hyperspace', which is analogous to a wormhole!"

When Pei Jia explained this, everyone understood immediately.

"You mean, the key to level four civilization is whether we can use space annihilation energy?"

"Yes, that's my opinion!" Pei Jia nodded.

Du Xingyu was also thinking about his words. To become a level four civilization, space technology is necessary. Putting aside issues such as space weapons, if you want to use space technology, you must have a higher energy level.

For example, wormholes will be difficult to create stable wormholes if they exhaust human antimatter energy. If you have the energy of space annihilation, it will be enough to maintain the wormhole.

The same goes for more advanced weapons.

The weapons of the fourth-level civilization are called "Galaxy level", which is one level higher than the Star field level. Starfield-class battleships can perform hyperspace jumps, while Galaxy-class battleships can perform stable hyperspace flight and even create wormholes.

It has a space annihilation energy level that is enough to fly from the Milky Way to other galaxies across tens of thousands of light-years!

"Is there any data on space annihilation?" Du Xingyu asked.

Observation is the first step in learning. Before studying any new technology, you must have corresponding observation data. Just by imagination, that's theology.

"Yes!" Pei Jia said, "The four-dimensional bubble we purchased before is an independent space cut by the fourth-level civilization. After the four-dimensional barrier disappeared, we observed that the space barrier inside was also annihilated, and our three-dimensional The universe merges together.”

"Part of the release of space energy was recorded by our observation data. We also have a detailed analysis report."

He sent the analysis report to Du Xingyu, who already understood it.

Pei Jia's team has done a very good job. They have touched the threshold of space energy and are just one step away.

Du Xingyu immediately set up a "space energy" simulation project on the technology simulator. He wanted to figure out how to use the energy of space in the shortest possible time!

Space exists in every corner of the three-dimensional universe they live in, if this energy can be controlled. Civilization will no longer be limited by the environment. Even in an absolute vacuum area, battleships can replenish energy at any time, because space is everywhere!

This is like a ship sailing on the sea, which can obtain energy by burning sea water!

Such a battleship, such an energy device, in the words of humans in the past, is equivalent to a "perpetual motion machine"!

"Invest one billion energy points to simulate space annihilation!"

In Du Xingyu's mind, a spectacle of the universe appeared.

In the simulated universe, a piece of space "evaporated" and the space was annihilated and turned into real "nothingness". The simulated universe has truly become a smaller space!

And these spaces are converted into energy and released. In an instant, the energy it exploded was comparable to the black hole bomb previously developed by Du Xingyu!

This kind of energy can destroy the dominant weapon in an instant, and it can destroy stars in an instant!

Du Xingyu: "Carry out data analysis."

This scene of space annihilation is the data obtained by Pei Jia's team recording space ablation in a four-dimensional bubble, which he further analyzed.

"Space itself is stable. It is extremely difficult to destroy it or use its energy. It must be assisted by external forces." Du Xingyu conducted several simulations and found that it was really difficult to use space energy.

Can an ordinary engine burn space? That's a joke.

The paper man in the comic book, even the "god" in the story, cannot use his divine power to burn the comic book.

"Maybe I should change my thinking." Du Xingyu tried hard to let his consciousness not be limited by the inherent human thinking.

"If I want to use the energy of space, I have to jump out of my own dimension and look at the problem from a higher-dimensional perspective."

A word that can affect higher dimensions came to Du Xingyu's mind - gravity.

Gravity can travel through dimensions and distort time and space!

"So how to use gravity to annihilate space?" This question makes Du Xingyu very difficult.

For several years, he failed to find a suitable solution.

"Perhaps you can look at this problem from multiple angles." Xu Lianqiu suggested, "When Blue Star Civilization followed the instructions of the fourth-level civilization to create a wormhole exit, it detonated a miniature black hole and exploded a 'space-time hole.' , I think it should be a piece of space that has been annihilated. From the perspective of hyperspace, it is a space-time vortex."

"That's right!" An idea flashed in Du Xingyu's mind. Black holes will absorb everything around them, including space. A micro black hole is an independent space in itself!

Is detonating a micro black hole equivalent to annihilating the space in the micro black hole? The matter and energy in the black hole space are released, so the energy device of space annihilation is a device that continuously detonates micro black holes?

Du Xingyu began to rethink and simulate based on this idea.

He has experience in detonating micro black holes. The trouble is that he needs to build a reactor to absorb the energy and matter and prevent the container from being damaged by such a high-energy reaction.

To put it simply, Du Xingyu wants to create an engine that can not be destroyed by a micro black hole bomb!

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