What kind of material can block the energy of space annihilation? Du Xingyu already has the answer in his mind, that is a four-dimensional barrier!

Black hole bombs can create holes in the four-dimensional barrier in a short period of time. But as long as the mass of the black hole is reduced, that is, its power of "space annihilation" is reduced, the four-dimensional barrier can wrap this energy and then use it.

"Start simulating a space energy reactor." Du Xingyu started his own design. He controlled the mass of the micro black hole. This will prevent it from evaporating too quickly or causing the reactor to explode due to excessive expansion.

The four-dimensional barrier serves as the "fireplace" of the reactor, and then the energy converter is used to convert and use the energy released by space annihilation.

A few months later, Du Xingyu finally successfully simulated a space energy reactor on a simulator for the first time. After the first time, the second and third time will be much easier.

Finally, he handed over the model he built to the Academy of Engineering, which started construction.

In addition to space energy reactors, human civilization is also studying the principles of wormholes.

Humanity now controls two star clusters, and the longest distance under their jurisdiction is more than 700 light years. Warships at such a distance can make hyperspace jumps, but it is not convenient for large-scale military operations and economic activities.

So they plan to build a stable, long-term wormhole in the Pleiades and Beehive clusters.

While human civilization was concentrating on building and developing science and technology, the situation in the Orion Arm also changed dramatically.

In order to seek shelter, some low-level civilizations have begun to seek refuge in the angel civilization camp and the demon civilization camp.

There are also some civilizations that have begun to attack other civilizations, some in order to obtain a "certificate of nomination" to join the camp, and some want to develop and grow themselves and gain the qualifications to negotiate conditions with the camp's civilization.

Others take the opportunity to cause chaos. On the eve of a large-scale war in the galaxy, even the most peace-loving civilization has to be prepared for war at any time!

Because human civilization conquered the two surrounding third-level civilizations, it has not been attacked by other civilizations for the time being.

Pleiades, a space base.

This is one of the experimental bases of the Supreme Engineering Academy of Human Civilization. What is built here is the device that humans attempt to break through to the fourth level of civilization-the space energy reactor!

Today is the day for the space energy reactor test. Many big guys from the Academy of Sciences and the top brass of the Human Alliance are paying attention here.

"For safety reasons, the first-generation space energy reactor is larger, about the size of the Earth." Pei Jia introduced to the senior officials who came to observe, "If this test is successful, our second-generation space energy reactor will be The size of the reactor can be reduced by more than a hundred times!”

In the virtual world, everyone stood in space and observed the situation.

In the real world, nothing can be seen here because the four-dimensional barrier blocks people's view. What they saw were three-dimensional images restored by internal monitoring equipment.

"This space energy reactor is like a large four-dimensional bubble!" Tours commented, "In such a large bubble, only a small point reacts, and it also has super energy. It's incredible!"

"If we succeed, human civilization will become a Level 4 civilization!" Chen Hong was looking forward to it. Level 4 civilization was an unattainable and mysterious existence in the eyes of previous human civilizations. Nowadays, humans also have the opportunity to become a level four civilization. How can we not make people excited?

"Get ready to start!" Du Xingyu carefully checked one side of the equipment and found no major problems.

"Space Energy Reactor No. 1, start igniting!" Pei Jia shouted.

Ignition is an ancient starting slogan, passed down from generation to generation by mankind. This time the fire burned space!

In the space energy reactor, a small micro black hole is formed, which swallows the space in the four-dimensional bubble. The black hole itself forms a "micro space".

Some human scientists once wondered whether the black hole itself could be another "universe". Humans don’t know this yet, but they know that black holes can distort space and time, swallowing energy, matter and space.

As antimatter inputs negative mass into the miniature black hole, the internal stability of the black hole is quickly disrupted, and its internal space begins to expand, then exceeds its gravitational limit and violently explodes.

The energy of space annihilation is produced!

The space energy of a small, micro black hole mass far exceeds that of an antimatter reactor.

"Energy level four!" The detection equipment showed that the energy level of the space energy reactor at this time has reached the level of the fourth-level civilization imagined by humans!

Reactions begin to cycle and energy is continuously released.

"Basically successful! Space energy reactor!" Pei Jia reported excitedly to the headquarters and the Academy of Sciences.

If we want to verify the stability of this reactor, it is estimated that it will take tens of thousands of years.

But now humans don't need to pay so much attention. As long as the energy can be used stably, they consider it a success.

"Okay!" Du Xingyu praised, "The next step is to reduce the size of the space energy reactor and try to apply it to battleships!"

Human civilization does not need this kind of reactor in this star cluster. Because the stellar furnace is enough to provide sufficient energy.

Space energy reactors are mainly used for military purposes and the creation of wormholes.

"We can finally use space energy!" Chen Hong exclaimed, "From today on, human civilization has officially become a level four civilization!"

"Level 4 civilization, Galaxy-class battleship!" Yang Shaolin said excitedly, "I will go to the Academy of Military Science to prepare to supervise the construction of the Galaxy-class battleship."

"Wormholes can also be created!" Lu Xing said, "Then we can take down all the surrounding open star clusters!"

"With space energy, the territory of human civilization can be truly unified!" Mo Caiwei's pressure was greatly reduced. Since the expansion of human territory, the internal management of human civilization has become increasingly difficult.

Especially the affiliated civilization Pleiades Civilization and the new territory Beehive Star Cluster, because they are too far away from the core of human civilization, even if trouble occurs, it will be difficult for the headquarters to solve it in time.

With wormholes, human civilization can truly control star clusters!

When the headquarters announced this news to all human civilizations, all mankind, including other races, the Sea Tribe, the Furball Tribe, and the affiliated civilization Pleiades Civilization, all celebrated it together and designated this day as the Level 4 Civilization Memorial Day. .

After the first-generation space energy reactor was made, it only took humans three years to create the second-generation space energy reactor, which was reduced in size one hundred and fifty times.

At the same time, the wormhole that humans wanted to build was finally completed.

In the vacuum zone inside the Pleiades and Beehive star clusters, a stable hyperspace wormhole powered by space energy reactors and stellar furnaces appeared!

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