"It only takes about three minutes to go from one end of the wormhole to the other end six hundred light years away." In front of the wormhole, Du Xingyu explained to the people of human civilization.

At this moment, he is live broadcasting the completion ceremony of the wormhole for all civilizations.

Since the development of human civilization, the total population has exceeded 500 billion. Adding in other races and affiliated civilizations, the number approaches one trillion.

And the number of people watching Du Xingyu’s live broadcast exceeds 100 billion!

"A congratulatory message from the Nanmen II star system!"

"Hegu Yixingxing sent a congratulatory message!"

"Throw flowers to celebrate, and you can travel to other star clusters in the future!"

"Wormhole flight has finally been realized! Maybe we can travel across the Milky Way and go to other galaxies in the future!" The audience kept talking.

"Traveling across the Milky Way is not a dream." Du Xingyu said, "If the civilizations in the Milky Way can coexist peacefully, our new generation of Galaxy-class battleships can fly across the Milky Way."

"It's a pity that we don't live in a peaceful era. Everyone, I hope we can unite as one and let our civilization carry forward!"

M43 Nebula, an isolated star system, where the main fleet of the hive civilization is hiding.

They absorb star and nebula matter as energy to satisfy the survival of the hive civilization people.

"The material in the M43 nebula is too scarce, not enough for our civilization to survive!" The people of the hive civilization are complaining.

After arriving from the M44 Beehive Star Cluster to the M43 Nebula, every member of the Beehive Civilization is struggling to survive. All resources must be given priority to the army, and there are widespread complaints within the civilization.

Some intelligent insects even secretly doubted the authority of the Bee Queen, believing that he fled with the hive civilization without a fight and was not worthy of leading the hive civilization, so they wanted to elect a new Queen Bee.

"Xiao, it's been twenty years." Queen Bee herself was anxious and contacted Ye Xiao Civilization.

"We have become your subsidiary civilization. If you don't help me, I can't stand it anymore. Human civilization is developing faster and faster, and they will soon explore the M43 Nebula and force us away!"

A black mist-like owl appeared in the subspace communication image, and he said: "What's the rush? We have to make arrangements."

Queen Bee cursed in her heart, you are not in a hurry, we are in a hurry!

He could only say: "In more than two hundred years, the war between the two civilizations will begin. Human civilization will definitely join one of them. Doesn't the Night Owl civilization have any ideas?"

Xiao said coldly: "There is no need to inform you about what the main civilization wants to do!"

The queen bee was so angry that she became a subordinate civilization and lost her right to speak.

Xiao continued: "Don't worry, we have also agreed to completely eliminate human civilization. Regardless of whether he joins other civilization camps or not, human civilization is our fish and meat!"

"The weapons presented to you will arrive at the M43 Nebula in half a year. Be prepared for war. Remember, don't expose us!"

"I understand!" Queen Bee was overjoyed. The weapons given by the fourth-level civilization can finally take revenge!

Half a year later, M43 Nebula and a fleet arrived here through hyperspace jump.

The hive civilization has long been prepared to receive this fleet.

As the hyperspace fluctuations disappeared, the battleships in the fleet appeared in front of them one by one.

The warship sent by the Night Owl Civilization is like a "bubble ship", with a special, opaque film wrapping the inside. This is not a four-dimensional bubble, but the warship has a four-dimensional barrier function.

Each bubble battleship is the size of a planet.

Scientists from the hive civilization recognized it: "These are battleships made with gas planets as their main bodies. They are similar to our suns. Are they master weapons?"

"Dominator weapon?" The senior management of the Intelligent Insect saw that this fleet had a hundred warships, all of which had the same appearance.

"How come there are so many?"

Xiao said: "These are one hundred Dominator battleships, each of which is top-notch in Dominator weapons. Is it enough for you to wipe out human civilization?"

"There are really a hundred ships!" Queen Bee did not expect that the Night Owl Civilization would help them so much. With the help of civilization, they only built two suns and bought a mechanical throne.

Nowadays, the Night Owl Civilization has directly sent a hundred dominant battleships. This power is enough to defeat ten level 3.7 civilizations at the same time!

"That's enough!" Queen Bee was overjoyed and said, "We will definitely take down human civilization and avenge our shame!"

"Okay. Go out to fight immediately and be fast." Xiao said.

The Bee Queen immediately sent people to take over these bubble battleships. Intelligent insects are born with developed brains. After reading the battleships' information, they can control these bubble battleships in a short time.

Before that, the hive civilization was ready to go to war.

In front of the entire civilization, the Queen Bee was very high-spirited and swore: "My people, in order to preserve our strength, we have to give up our home, the Beehive Star Cluster, and let human civilization invade our home!"

"Now, we have enough strength! We want to regain the lost ground and retake the Beehive Star Cluster! Not only that, we also want to eliminate human civilization and the traitor civilization Pleiades civilization, and let them become our parasitic civilization!"

"Recover the lost land and support humans!" the intelligent insects shouted together.

One hundred Dominator battleships, accompanied by hundreds of thousands of star field-level battleships, are the entire power of the hive civilization. They begin a hyperspace jump and prepare to attack human civilization.

At the edge of the Beehive Star Cluster, when hundreds of thousands of Starfield-class battleships and a hundred Dominator battleships appeared, humanity's defenses in the outermost star system collapsed instantly.

"Hahaha!" Queen Bee laughed, "It's absolutely devastating. Go ahead and conquer the entire star cluster in one go!"

At the Human Alliance Command in the virtual world, the news was immediately transmitted back to the command, and the alliance commander and fleet commander immediately gathered in the virtual world for discussion.

"The Hive Civilization has appeared, and their strength has directly increased by a level." Lu Xing, the commander in charge of defense, said, "There are more than 200,000 star field-class battleships, and there are more than 30 master weapons!"

"The hive civilization shouldn't have so much power." Yang Shaolin frowned, "If they had had this kind of strength before, they would have destroyed us long ago."

"Maybe they have joined a certain civilized camp or received some help." Chen Hong guessed, "In any case, we must deal with it immediately."

"More than thirty domination weapons?" Du Xingyu was also thinking, "The black hole bomb has been used once, and the enemy will definitely be on guard now. And we have only reached ten domination weapons so far."

Human civilization has not rushed to produce the Dominator Weapon, because their main force is building Galaxy-class battleships, so the Dominator Weapon is no longer manufactured as a civilization guardian-class weapon.

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