"Then we can only use our latest weapons." Du Xingyu said, as a fourth-level civilization, how could they not have weapons belonging to a fourth-level civilization?

The first batch of Galaxy-class battleships has been completed. Although there are currently only two ships, they have been replaced with space energy reactors and the latest space weapons.

Its performance has exceeded that of the dominant weapon.

The main fleet of the Beehive Star Cluster and the Beehive Civilization is advancing all the way to capture a star system. They only need one day.

In the face of a hundred dominating weapons and bubble battleships, human resistance collapsed in one blow.

"Keep moving forward. I will regain the lost ground within a month and fight all the way to the core of human civilization!" The intelligent insects are full of fighting spirit. With such a powerful military force, they can't think of any way that humans can resist them!

"My Emperor, there are hyperspace fluctuations ahead!" His subordinates reported the military situation.

"Oh? Are humans finally going to be able to bear it?" Queen Bee was not only not worried, but also very interested. He was very much looking forward to the scene where the human fleet was destroyed by the bubble battleship!

In the space battlefield, battleships broke away from hyperspace one after another. That is the main fleet of mankind, most of which are high-level star field battleships.

No one in the army of the hive civilization takes these battleships seriously. In the face of the dominant weapon, it is meaningless to have more star field class battleships.

"Be careful of distractions and beware of the opponent's black hole bomb." The intelligent insect commanders spread out their formations, and they invested a large amount of detection equipment in the entire space battlefield. As long as there was a trace of the Death Star, they would know it instantly.

"The moment the Death Star appears, we must destroy them! Make it impossible for humans to use their black hole bombs!"

One hundred bubble battleships are ready, and most of them are hidden in the four-dimensional barrier, making it impossible for human detection equipment to detect the situation.

"With a hundred dominating weapons, the hive civilization really has a backup plan!" Du Xingyu already knew the enemy's troop deployment.

Because after entering the fourth-level civilization, humans have controlled some space technology and have been able to pass through the four-dimensional barrier and detect the information in the four-dimensional barrier.

The self-righteous invisibility of the hive civilization has actually been exposed to their vision.

"Pleiades, Hive, move out!" Du Xingyu gave the order, and the two Galaxy-class battleships were ready.

They are named after the two open star clusters controlled by humans. They are also the most advanced weapons currently possessed by humans.

The Pleiades and the Hive are both in the space dock of the human Southgate II star system, a full six hundred light years away from the battlefield ahead!

Even the Death Star would require three or four hyperspace jumps to reach, and would consume all of its own energy reserves.

But now, humans have wormholes, and two brand-new warships travel through them.

Three minutes later, they appeared in the Beehive Cluster.

"Start hyperspace flight!" The Pleiades and the Hive entered hyperspace. This time it was not a hyperspace jump, but a hyperspace flight!

The difference between the two is that in hyperspace jump, the battleship uses hyperspace ripples to carry itself forward. As for hyperspace flight, the battleship can adjust its direction and speed at any time, and can even fight when the enemy launches a hyperspace weapon attack!

In this way, the Galaxy-class battleship will not be affected by the hyperspace jammer and can fly directly to the frontline battlefield!

"Destroy their battleships first!" On the space battlefield, Queen Bee ordered that he would personally direct this war to vent his grievances for the past ten years.

Several bubble battleships are ready and starting to launch weapons. They can launch stable gamma ray bursts, which are ten times more powerful than the sun!

And there is also a substance that can destroy the four-dimensional barrier, and even the Dominator weapon cannot stop it.

That's why the Night Owl Civilization claims that this is the top domination weapon.

Just when the first few bubble battleships were about to launch their weapons, two planet-sized super battleships appeared in the center of the battlefield!

"You dare to hyperspace jump to the center of the battlefield. This is courting death. Use hyperspace interference immediately to make them annihilate in hyperspace!" Queen Bee shouted.

The bubble battleship immediately activates the hyperspace disruptor. Generally, after activation, the hyperspace will become extremely unstable due to gravitational interference, causing hyperspace turmoil and using the energy of space to destroy the battleship.

However, this time, the hyperspace jammer failed!

The hyperspace where the two battleships were located was extremely stable. They broke away from the hyperspace and appeared in the center of the battlefield!

"It must be the dominant weapon, attack!" The bubble battleship turned gamma ray bursts, gravity missiles and other weapons to the target, attacking the Pleiades and the Hive.

However, the four-dimensional barrier around them blocked most attacks. Even if there are a few special weapons that can pass through the four-dimensional barrier, they are blocked by the outer space barrier of the battleship.

"The attack is ineffective?" The officers of the Hive Civilization were dumbfounded. They had just attacked fifteen Dominator Weapons!

Even if there is a white dwarf star in front of us, it will blow it up!

But these two new warships of human civilization are safe and sound, moving forward steadily in the flames of war!

"What kind of weapon is this?" Queen Bee asked in shock.

"Maybe it's the latest domination weapon invented by mankind!" The top leaders of the hive civilization still think that this is the domination weapon.

Because decades ago, humans were reluctant to build the Death Star. How could they become a level four civilization in such a short period of time?

"No matter what kind of weapon it is, use a secret weapon!" Queen Bee said in a cruel tone, "There is a saying among humans that is to repay the enemy in the same way!"

"Today, let them verify this truth for themselves!"

"Black hole bomb, launch!" This is not the only method the hive civilization has. Their war preparations include black hole bombs that simulate humans!

Decades of research and the help of the Night Owl civilization allowed them to crack the secret of the human black hole bomb. Nowadays, those bubble battleships also carry black hole bombs!

It can cause devastating disasters to Juggernaut weapons!

Four black hole bombs were launched together. Around the Pleiades and the Hive, four miniature black holes were being formed, followed by the infusion of negative mass!

Once detonated, it is enough to clear out this space battlefield!

"Destroy it!" Queen Bee looked at the battlefield scene crazily, and four black hole bombs exploded together. The powerful black hole jet destroyed everything around it, and the four-dimensional barriers of the Pleiades and the Hive were also destroyed by the black hole bomb.

The black hole jets poured on the surface of the two Galaxy-class battleships, as if they would completely disappear in the universe the next moment!

However, when the detection equipment could clearly see the scene on the battlefield, the soldiers and senior officials of the hive civilization were all confused. The two warships of human civilization were at the very center of the black hole bomb, safe and sound, unscathed!

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