"Why? The black hole bomb didn't destroy them?" Queen Bee thought of a possibility, "Are these two battleships not dominant weapons, but Galaxy class?"

"This is the only possibility!" said the scientist of the Hive Civilization. "The Galaxy-class battleship controls space technology and can cut the space where the explosion occurs from the space where they are."

"So the black hole bomb didn't hit their battleship at all!"

"Space technology? Humanity is now a level four civilization?" Realizing this terrible thing, Queen Bee immediately shouted: "Retreat, withdraw immediately!"

"Retreat quickly!"

"Retreat? What happened?" The battleship captains of the hive civilization have not yet reacted. They have been victorious all the way, and the battle situation is excellent. Why should they retreat?

Some warships began to carry out the order, while others were still hesitant.

At this time, Du Xingyu had already issued an attack order.

"Attack, the target is the enemy's one hundred dominant battleships."

"Space weapons, attack!" The Pleiades and the Hive have already locked their targets, and they are aiming at the two dominant battleships at the front.

The space energy reactor outputs super strong energy, and this energy annihilates the space where the bubble battleship is located from the middle to a layer as thin as a cicada's wing.

It is this small layer that divides the entire bubble battleship into two parts. None of the four-dimensional barriers, battleship armor, and other defensive measures worked.

Because the Galaxy-class battleship attacks the space where the target is located, no matter how powerful the defense of the Dominator weapon is, it cannot resist the attack of the space being cut.

In an instant, the two bubble battleships were destroyed!

"The master weapon was destroyed in one blow?" The intelligent insect commanders on the bubble battleship were frightened and immediately ordered the battleship to escape.

"Lock this space!" Du Xingyu's consciousness possessed the battleship and activated another function of the Galaxy-class battleship.

From the two Galaxy-class battleships, the energy of the space reactor is converted into a four-dimensional barrier, which is a kind of space barrier.

The space barrier quickly extended, enveloping all the main forces of the hive civilization, including the one hundred dominating weapons.

"Quick, forget about the hyperspace jump!" Queen Bee shouted eagerly. At this time, he could no longer consider the danger caused by interference with the hyperspace jump.

However, a subordinate reported: "The activation of hyperspace failed! A layer of space barriers has been reinforced outside us! Unless this barrier is broken down, we can't make a hyperspace jump!"

"Then penetrate it! Use the black hole bomb!" Queen Bee shouted.

Black hole bombs can indeed penetrate space barriers, but they will also affect the movement of battleships. It is impossible for a bubble battleship to stare at the impact of a black hole bomb and pass through it.

A black hole bomb was generated, punching a hole in the space barrier. The black hole jet was still erupting, making it impossible for warships to pass through.

And something happened that made the hive civilization insects despair. The space barrier that was penetrated was rapidly "healing"!

With the space energy reactor continuously providing energy, this space barrier Galaxy-class battleship can completely maintain it.

While the intelligent insects were frightened, the Pleiades and the Hive launched space cutting again, destroying four bubble battleships.

As for the star field-class battleships within the space barrier, which are not even the dominant battleships, they have long been smashed into dregs by gravity weapons!

"Charge, even if you are facing the black hole jet!" Queen Bee knows that if this continues, all the bubble battleships will be wiped out sooner or later!

A bubble battleship used a black hole bomb to break through the space barrier, and rushed out despite the impact of the black hole bomb, but was destroyed by the black hole bomb.

Even so, other bubble battleships did not stop this behavior. They even used their own energy to condense the four-dimensional barrier to help a battleship escape.

"That must be the battleship of an important figure in the hive civilization, destroy it!" Yang Shaolin shouted, "The battleships outside are ready!"

Outside the space barrier, the human fleet has formed an encirclement. Through the wormholes and hyperspace jumps seen in star clusters, human civilization mobilized forces hundreds of light-years away here in a short period of time.

The two Death Stars have locked onto the hole in the space barrier, and the gamma ray burst has covered it.

Five more bubble battleships were destroyed. At this time, the Queen Bee had completely lost the high spirits of a few hours ago.

"Level 4 civilization, human civilization is now a level 4 civilization, and we are going to die here!" Queen Bee hurriedly opened the subspace communication and contacted the Night Owl civilization.

"Xiao, we are ambushed!" Queen Bee asked for help urgently, "Human civilization is a fourth-level civilization, and they control space technology!"

"A hundred bubble battleships are surrounded by their Galaxy-class battleships! If you don't take action, our entire army will be annihilated!"

"Level 4 civilization?" Xiao was also surprised. "The time it took for human civilization to become a Level 4 civilization is beyond our imagination. It seems that they have indeed received the support of advanced civilizations."

"I need to think for a while!"

"If you think about it for a while, we will be dead!" At the critical moment, the Queen Bee couldn't care about anything else. He cursed, "Have you really given up on your own affiliated civilization?"

"Don't worry, I've finished thinking about it!" In the moment just now, Xiao Xiao's consciousness has communicated tens of thousands of times with the senior leaders of Ye Xiao Civilization, and they have reached a unified opinion.

They want to take action against human civilization.

"If we hold on for another hour, we will launch an attack on human civilization." Xiao said.

"Okay, then let's hold on for another hour!" Queen Bee thought calmly. The Galaxy-class battleship launched space cutting, which seemed to be very inefficient. It had to attack one by one.

As long as you adjust your position and attack at the same time to delay, you should be able to do it in an hour.

He continued to give the order and said: "Ye Owl civilization will support us, everyone, hold on, wait only one hour, human civilization will be destroyed!"

"Hold on!" The intelligent insects controlled the bubble battleship and launched a fierce attack on the Pleiades and the Hive, interrupting the rhythm of space cutting.

"They're not running away anymore?" The commanders of human civilization discovered the anomaly.

"Their attacks are of no use to us, they can only delay time!" Chen Hong said, "If they escape, they still have a glimmer of hope, but this is just a waste of effort."

"Do they have other ideas?" Lu Xing guessed.

"The enemy may have reinforcements!" Mo Caiwei said.

"Yes." Du Xingyu nodded, "This bubble battleship is obviously not a weapon of the hive civilization. The civilization behind it may support them. The attack of the fourth-level civilization can cross the star cluster. We must be careful now and enter an advanced alert state!"

Human commanders are scattered across various planets or bases, and all important human stations are on the highest alert.

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