While maintaining vigilance, Du Xingyu also ordered the warships to continue attacking. No matter what, it would be a good decision to reduce the enemy's effective strength.

The number of bubble battleships in the hive civilization is decreasing one after another, and time is slowly passing by.

Thirty minutes later, there were only sixty bubble battleships left among the one hundred bubble battleships of the hive civilization! This is the master weapon that level three civilizations dream of, but it is so vulnerable to space weapons!

The more advanced a civilization is, the greater the technological gap is. It's like a world of difference!

Soon, the time came to an hour, and there were less than ten bubble battleships left in the hive civilization and they were still struggling!

"Xiao, where is your support?" Queen Bee asked, the hive civilization was at the end of its rope.

"We have attacked human civilization." Xiao said calmly, "With our weapons, human civilization will eventually be destroyed."

"Where? Why didn't I see it?" The Queen Bee didn't see any sign of human civilization being attacked. Their fleet was still launching a fierce attack.

Whether it is the battlefield or the area where human civilization is located, there is no sign of any fleet or weapon attack.

"How can you know the weapons of the fourth-level civilization?" Xiao said, "Don't worry, human civilization will bury you with them."

"Buried with him? Xiao, you guys!" Queen Bee suddenly understood, "Did you betray us?"

Xiao Xiao did not respond to him, but turned off the communication.

"Damn it, Ye Xiao Civilization! All citizens of the Hive Civilization, listen, Ye Xiao Civilization has betrayed us! They refuse to rescue. If there are still people alive after this war, they must remember this hatred!" At this moment, Queen Bee hates Night Owl civilization even more than human civilization.

In their war with human civilization, they were beaten when the invasion failed, and the Night Owl civilization directly used them as cannon fodder, which was intolerable to the intelligent insects.

"Space cutting!" The Hive's space weapon was aimed at the bubble battleship where the Queen Bee was.

The bubble battleship was split in the middle, followed by a violent explosion. The Queen Bee and his subordinates were completely reduced to ashes in the universe!

"The Queen Bee is dead!" This news came out in the subspace communication channel of the hive civilization.

After receiving the news, the hive civilization fleet began to retreat frantically. The intelligent insects locked in the space barrier knew that there was no hope of retreat. Some chose to surrender, and some wanted to die together with the human warships.

As for the warships of the hive civilization outside, they fled in all directions, with human warships chasing them behind.

"After this battle, the hive civilization was officially destroyed!" Chen Hong sighed with emotion, "The war between civilizations is really cruel. It is estimated that it took tens of millions of years for a civilization to develop into a third-level civilization, but it does not take a day to die! "

"If we are not the victor, human civilization will perish!" Du Xingyu said.

Everyone nodded. In this cruel universe, the Virgin mentality will only harm themselves and the civilization they live in.

"Strange." Yang Shaolin said in confusion, "I have been monitoring the situation throughout human civilization, and until the hive civilization fell, there was no armed force to support them!"

"They clearly received help from advanced civilizations, but at the last moment, advanced civilizations gave up on them?"

"I feel puzzled too." Turs pondered, "Logically speaking, our human civilization has only broken through to Level 4 civilization, and now it can only be called Level 4.0 civilization at best."

"If there is a more advanced civilization than ours, they should take action against us. Why do they choose to sit on the sidelines?"

"Did the Hive Civilization get help from the Angel Civilization Camp and the Demon Civilization Camp?" Mo Caiwei guessed, "It took more than two hundred years for the civilizations of these two camps to officially start war, so they chose to hide themselves for the time being?"

"It's possible." Lu Xing said.

"Clean the battlefield and continue checking!" Du Xingyu also felt it was unreasonable, but they didn't find any clues.

Human beings naturally have a dedicated logistics fleet to handle the matter of cleaning the battlefield. The main force of the hive civilization has been basically wiped out, and some of the fleeing warships have become star pirate civilizations.

In addition, after the intelligent insects lost the leadership of the Queen Bee, they were also in chaos internally, and one force chose to surrender to humans.

Du Xingyu transferred one of the most senior captives, a queen bee, one of the hundreds of millions of offspring of the queen bee.

The parasitic body of this queen bee was peeled off, and it was only the size of a fist. Its skin was almost transparent, and the internal organs and blood vessels in the insect's body could be seen clearly. The body glows with red light. It is an information storage device that can make the brains of intelligent insects more powerful than the core of silicon-based life.

"Queen Bee, who did the Hive Civilization take refuge in? What did it do? Where did the bubble battleship come from? Tell me everything you know!" Du Xingyu asked.

Queen Bee knows that lying in front of a fourth-level civilization is meaningless, because human civilization already has a mature memory reading function and can read his memory at any time.

Even when he speaks, his brain waves are being detected. As long as he lies, humans can know it at any time.

The queen bee said: "Back to my lord, the previous queen bee joined the Night Owl Civilization. She is also the founder of the Star Thieves Civilization Alliance, a fourth-level civilization."

"We don't know much about the Night Owl civilization. We only know that they created the Star Thieves Civilization Alliance and often attack some civilizations secretly. Neither the angel civilization camp nor the demon civilization camp accept them, so they hang out in the Orion Arm."

"This time we were forced to join them. These one hundred bubble battleships were given to us by the Night Owl Civilization to allow us to fight. Unexpectedly, your civilization's power was even better."

"Night Owl Civilization?" Du Xingyu thought in his mind, according to the information purchased from the Free Civilization Market. The Night Owl civilization has always been hidden in the Orion Arm, and it is probably a malicious civilization that likes to attack other civilizations.

There has never been any record of this level-4 civilization taking the initiative. The only reported large-scale event was a conflict with a level-4 civilization in the Night Owl Nebula thousands of years ago.

Later, the fourth-level civilization was eliminated, and they occupied the Ye Xiao Nebula, so they were called the Ye Xiao Civilization.

"Sir," the Queen Bee said again, "Before the Queen Bee died, he had contacted the Night Owl Civilization. The Night Owl Civilization promised to attack human civilization and also stated that they had launched an attack, but we did not see it."

"Already attacked?" Du Xingyu couldn't be sure whether this was true or not, because so far, everything in human civilization is fine.

"It's better to believe that it exists than to believe that it doesn't exist!" Yang Shaolin emphasized, "Maybe it's because the distance is too far and the weapons haven't arrived yet."

"It's possible." Chen Hong nodded, "In short, until we find out the details of Ye Xiao's civilization, we must be on the highest alert!"

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