Hongyu immediately collects relevant case information and conducts analysis and reports.

"There are more than three million suspected cases. Some psychological experts believe that this is a new type of mental illness." Human civilization currently has hundreds of billions of people, and three million people is not a large-scale infectious disease, so it has not been taken seriously.

"I want to check it myself!" Du Xingyu suspected that with human's current biotechnology, it might not be possible to check it out.

He came to the morgue, where there were more than fifty frozen corpses, all of which were brain-dead or sudden suicides, including Zhang Yi, the captain of the Galaxy-class battleship.

Du Xingyu asked someone to take out Zhang Yi's body and conduct a four-dimensional scan using a technology simulator.

From the perspective of the fourth dimension, everything about Zhang Yi can be seen at a glance.

The technological simulator said: "His brain was stimulated and he ended his life. More samples are needed to collect information."

Du Xingyu scanned other corpses in four dimensions. He also found some people suspected of having similar illnesses for scanning.

Ultimately, the technological simulator concluded: "These people's brains are all confused, and they are in extreme self-contradiction."

Du Xingyu said: "Similar mental illnesses have always existed in humans. But such a concentrated outbreak is unreasonable!"

"Generally, the emergence of large-scale psychological diseases is related to the social environment at that time. Now is a rare period of peace and rapid development for mankind, so large-scale psychological problems are unlikely to occur."

The technology simulator said: "Suspicious information was found in the patient's brain."

It emits information, with various sounds, scenes, and dialogues. It is the life of each person. Some of their lives are unsatisfactory, and some of them are very happy, but even so, these people still have serious psychological problems.

In the case, Du Xingyu discovered some weird "clouds"!

Some are white clouds in the sky, some are dark clouds, colorful clouds under the sunset, morning fog and mountain fog, and even nebula material observed by space telescopes.

"What is this?" Du Xingyu's consciousness entered the virtual world and discussed with a group of experts.

Among them were scholars from all walks of life, and after several days of discussion.

An information scientist named "Silver" from the Flying Ball clan gave an explanation, saying: "I suspect that this cloud and other information are all an information meme."

Memes are a basic unit of information transmission.

The flying ball civilization transmits information through brainwave communication, and their understanding of information technology is sometimes better than humans.

"In the history of the flying ball civilization, there have been times when enemies created dangerous information memes. This kind of meme is like a psychological suggestion, a kind of thought induction, which causes the thoughts of the person being suggested to deviate."

"You can understand it as hypnosis. Once you are 'infected' by this dangerous information meme, the infected person's brain will spontaneously tend to a certain thought or behavior."

"For example, in this case, someone likes to eat sweets, but he continued to eat salty foods before his death. His brain was suggested by the dangerous message meme to have completely opposite views. This contradictory thought will torture him all the time. His thoughts.”

"Let him become depressed, conflicted, and finally take his own life, or be brain-dead!"

"You mean, this is an information memetic weapon!" Du Xingyu asked.

"Yes!" Yinzi said, "That's my opinion, and it's such a large scale that it affects more than two star clusters. We still have no way to stop it, and the dangerous memes on the flying ball civilization are nothing compared to it! "

"It doesn't even require any language or emotional communication! It can corrode our brains silently. I'm afraid only a level four civilization can do it!"

"It's the Night Owl civilization!" Someone quickly reacted, "The Night Owl civilization attacked us. Instead of using other physical weapons, they used this information meme weapon! Let us kill ourselves! Destroy ourselves!"

"According to the investigation, this information memetic weapon is also contagious! Family members and friends of the deceased have symptoms of varying degrees! If this weapon continues to spread, the entire civilization will be destroyed!" Hongyu reminded.

Due to the attack of the information memetic weapon, the Human Alliance Command held an emergency meeting.

"There is no doubt that the war between us and the Night Owl civilization has begun." Yang Shaolin said, "This civilization is so weird that it actually attacks us with information weapons!"

"We have encountered information attacks. For example, the mechanical death ray of the Mechanical Throne is an information attack. But that is limited to smart devices. This information attack is against our civilization itself!" Tours said, "The most terrifying thing is Yes, we don’t know where the source comes from, and we don’t know how to prevent it.”

"I personally can't handle this kind of ideological contradiction at all!" Chen Hong was very helpless after learning that he had been attacked by information weapons.

He stared at his black eyes, mentally weak, "I now clearly know that some thoughts in my mind are being attacked, but I can't resist! Because this is me, I am attacking myself! My brain can't stop, if I want to stop , maybe just like those brain-dead people!”

"I suggest you go into hibernation immediately and wait for us to figure out a way to deal with it," Du Xingyu said.

"This is the only way." Chen Hong sighed, "I'll leave everything to you!"

He froze himself, putting both body and mind into hibernation.

Du Xingyu and others declared that human civilization and affiliated civilizations were in a state of emergency. Anyone who appears to be attacked by memetic weapons will immediately go into hibernation and wait for the security plan to be released.

After months of research, the league's top medical body has given the answer.

"There is no treatment for those attacked by memetic weapons!"

"Because the information memetic weapon does not attack them directly, but uses people's subconscious to make them attack themselves. Any treatment method is in vain!"

"Can we just let it go and let all mankind enter a countdown to self-destruction?" Lu Xing asked.

Today, the number of human civilization being attacked by memetic weapons is increasing. The number of people who are urgently frozen has exceeded 500 million, and there are more than 30 billion people who are potential attackers. These numbers are skyrocketing every day!

"There is only one way." Du Xingyu said thoughtfully.

"What can we do?" Everyone looked at him.

Du Xingyu said: "After information weapons such as memetic weapons attack people's brains, problems will arise in people's minds. No matter how we conduct psychological treatment or other treatments, the root of the problem will be laid. Even if the patient returns to normal for a short time, he will It is very likely to relapse in the future!”

"So there is only one way to cure it completely!"

"That is - memory erasure, referred to as brainwashing!"

"Brainwashing? Brainwashing more than 30 billion people?" Everyone asked in horror.

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