"Yes, brainwashing!" Du Xingyu said firmly, "We can't continue like this!"

"Things are not that bad. It has only been a few years since we were attacked by memetic weapons. As long as the memory of the attacked person is erased during this period, they can recover."

"As for how to crack the memetic weapon, we still need more time to study."

Everyone thought carefully about his words. Judging from the current situation, they really could not find a better way to treat these people who were attacked.

"Commander Du is right," Yinzi said, "Memetic weapons not only affect humans, but also many important figures in our Flying Ball tribe have been affected by them, as well as those affiliated civilizations of human civilization."

"Memetic weapons are not slow weapons, but viral information weapons! It has the characteristics of information dissemination and explosion!"

"In this society, the circulation of information can spread throughout the entire civilization within a few minutes! Just like celebrities and popular events in the virtual world, once they completely break out, they will sweep across the entire society in a short period of time, and the consequences will be uncontrollable. !”

"Then let's brainwash!" Although I know that this decision will cause certain chaos in society, it is necessary.

As a result, all people with symptoms of memetic weapon attacks were sent to specialized brain medical schools to undergo partial memory erasure.

Their memories were completely wiped out after humans attacked the hive civilization and in the years that followed.

When they wake up, there will be dedicated personnel or robots to help them understand what happened during this time.

This work is similar to the recovery of unfrozen people, not to mention that the memory time is not long, these people can quickly reintegrate into society.

Memory erasure can only be said to have controlled the outbreak of memetic weapons for a short period of time, but it is still spreading, hiding in the brains of countless people, and may explode at any time.

"What is that dangerous meme?" Du Xingyu and members of the investigation team have been looking for the target.

Everyone's meme that creates brain conflicts is different, so it must be a meme that can change and know everyone's psychological conflicts!

"In many cases, clouds of various colors appeared. The shape, color, and possibly smell of clouds and other information memes all induced the ambivalence of the attacked." Hongyu compiled the information and reported .

"So the most suspicious thing is a suspicious cloud?" Du Xingyu had no clue, so he investigated the meteorological data of these places.

But in meteorological data, these clouds are normal meteorological manifestations. Whether it is dark clouds, morning glow or sunset, or colorful clouds or white clouds.

"Conduct a blanket search around the area where the crime occurred to see if there are any suspicious weapons that can create weather conditions." Du Xingyu ordered.

"Start the search immediately!" Countless investigators and robots began to conduct inspections in various places in human society.

During this inspection, some common illegal and criminal incidents were detected, but no traces of the Night Owl Civilization attack were found.

"Where are the memetic weapons?" Du Xingyu really found it difficult this time. The enemies in the past, no matter how powerful they were, always had a target.

But this time the enemies could not be found, but they were attacking humans all the time, which gave him a headache.

Du Xingyu has been thinking about it for a whole week, and his enhanced brain feels a little overwhelmed.

"What on earth is it? Is it information that I ignored?" In his own research room, Du Xingyu muttered to himself, his eyes absent-minded, and his brain was sorting through the past information over and over again.

But the more I think about it, the more irritated I feel, and the less I can think of a clue.

"It's time to eat." Xu Lianqiu walked in and reminded.

"I don't want to eat it." Du Xingyu refused.

"You must eat!" Xu Lianqiu's attitude was particularly tough, which made Du Xingyu a little stunned. His brain received a connection message, which was sent by Xu Lianqiu.

"Eat first." Xu Lianqiu said, and Du Xingyu said impatiently: "Okay."

The two of them sat at the dining table and ate in silence, but they were communicating in the subspace communication channel.

"Face to face but using subspace communication, do you think we are being monitored?" Du Xingyu asked.

"It's very possible." Xu Lianqiu said, "Memetic weapons understand everyone in our human society so well, which shows that they know our information very well."

"Then there are several possibilities."

Xu Lianqiu analyzed: "First, they are in a higher-dimensional space and can observe us from a high-dimensional perspective. This possibility is relatively low, because if they control dimensional technology, there is no need to use such low-level Means to attack us."

"Second, they invaded our virtual world and obtained the target's data. This is very possible. With the development of information technology in some civilizations, it is not difficult to invade the virtual world."

“Third, they’re watching us in real life too!”

"In the case, everyone will see something like a cloud during the 'onset' stage. This shows that these information memes are observing them all the time, and they will appear when the appropriate stage is appropriate."

"Husband, I must remind you that you are already in a bit of a 'devil' state now."

Du Xingyu woke up suddenly. He suddenly thought that his thinking had begun to become chaotic these days. This shows that the enemy is also attacking him with information memetic weapons.

"Yes, since the enemy already knows our information, then as the supreme commander of human civilization, I must be one of the ones being attacked!" Du Xingyu woke up.

The two communicated in the subspace channel, but in reality they had finished their meal in silence and "quarreled a few words."

Du Xingyu returned to the research room and continued to worry, but his thoughts were still communicating with Xu Lianqiu.

"They are targeting me!" Du Xingyu said, "Including you!"

"Yes." Xu Lianqiu said, "What are you going to do?"

"Use the trick!" Du Xingyu analyzed, "Since they want to attack me, then I will let them attack. When the time is right, the information meme will appear. No matter what it is, I will find it out."

"These days, you have to act with me!"

"I promise you, but you must be careful." Xu Lianqiu agreed.

Du Xingyu was afraid that he was playing with fire and burning himself, so he first put a mental seal on himself, telling himself that he would never commit suicide. When he had ambivalence, he would first judge whether he was being attacked by a memetic weapon.

Secondly, Du Xingyu secretly laid a trap. The trap includes his entire planet! Because Du Xingyu cannot determine where the dangerous memes will come from, and it is difficult to capture the information, for the sake of insurance, it is better to blockade the entire planet at the critical moment!

And it uses Galaxy-class battleships to directly block space!

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