In the days that followed, Du Xingyu continued to study memetic weapons. In the eyes of outsiders, he can still remain calm outside.

But at home, he became more and more irritable and kept arguing with Xu Lianqiu.

Gradually, Du Xingyu also showed irritability at work. The commanders had noticed something strange and reminded Du Xingyu, but Du Xingyu said it was impossible.

"Could Commander Du have been attacked by a memetic weapon?" In the small meeting without Du Xingyu, Yang Shaolin and others were discussing.

"It's very possible." Lu Xing said, "Commander Du is not an ungrateful person, but now he is getting more and more irritable and impulsive!"

"Yes, this state is very similar to mine before I was brainwashed. We need to recommend him to have his memory erased!" Chen Hong said after the brainwashing.

"Then let's do this. Try to arrange for Commander Du to perform a short-term memory wipe to avoid being attacked by memetic weapons."

At home, Du Xingyu was quarreling with Xu Lianqiu again.

"You really should go brainwashing!" Xu Lianqiu's pretty face said angrily, "You have never been so impatient with me before!"

"What do you know?" Du Xingyu said loudly, "How many times have I said that I don't need to be brainwashed, I am very sober!"

"Is there anyone more conscious than me in this world? What I want to think about now is the future of the entire human civilization!"

"If we can't find memetic weapons, then human civilization will destroy itself sooner or later. Now people are in panic, and people are depressed and commit suicide every day! Can you understand?"

"How do you know I can't understand, you are like this now!" Xu Lianqiu said angrily.

"I won't argue with you! Don't bother me!" After Du Xingyu said that, he locked himself in the study.

Xu Lianqiu was also sulking in the room, while Du Xingyu tried to calm himself.

He lived in an independent manor on the surface of the planet with a beautiful environment. Du Xingyu looked out the window to calm down.

Different from the past, this time, Du Xingyu saw a strange cloud in the sky!

Yes, those are the weird clouds. Its shape, color, and state are all the same as normal clouds. But when Du Xingyu saw it, he felt inexplicably depressed and irritable.

"It's coming, it's coming!" Du Xingyu shouted in the subspace communication channel, "Prepare for space blockade!"

"It's finally here!" Tours said. "The Pleiades will start immediately. It will take some time to block the space within the planet."

"It seems that our acting was very successful!" Chen Hong said with a smile, "As soon as we said we were going to brainwash you, the enemy became anxious. So we hurriedly exposed the memetic weapon to induce problems in Commander Du's mind!"

"This weapon has some power, hurry up!" Du Xingyu looked at Yun Duo, feeling a little dazed.

There were some contradictory thoughts lingering in his mind. For example, memetic weapons don't exist at all, it's all lies.

He had been looking in the wrong direction. If he hadn't given himself a ideological stamp in advance, Du Xingyu would have fallen into the trap of a memetic weapon.

A few minutes later, Du Xingyu received the message: "Commander Du, the space blockade is complete."

"Okay, grab that cloud right away! I want to see what it is!" Du Xingyu ordered.

"Start arresting!" Hongyu dispatched the arresting team. In order to capture this "cloud", they carried special gas collection weapons that can completely absorb the cloud.

The Pleiades, which remained relatively stationary outside the planet, also began to lock into space, reducing its range of activities.

The arresting force was dispatched, jumped directly to the "cloud" through hyperspace, and began to arrest.

This cloud seemed to have consciousness and immediately fled in all directions!

But it soon discovered that the surrounding space had been locked without knowing it! It's nowhere to be found!

The cloud began to change its shape crazily, trying to find a crack to escape, but it was all in vain.

Eventually, the "cloud" was completely captured by the capture device.

"Commander Du, the target has been captured!" Hong Yuhui reported.

"Okay, start investigating the target immediately!" Du Xingyu's eyes regained clarity, and Xu Lianqiu also walked out of the room in fear.

She said: "I have to undergo a short-term memory erasure. During this period of acting, I also developed psychological problems."

"Yeah." Du Xingyu nodded. The memetic weapon was also attacking Xu Lianqiu. He could also feel that Xu Lianqiu's mood also changed during the acting.

In the research institute, the cloud has been scanned and analyzed from all aspects.

"According to the scan results," Hongyu reported to the Human Alliance headquarters, "the target object is a gas composed of organic molecules, containing a large number of ionizers, and many of the particles have the function of transmitting information."

"We suspect it is a living entity!"

"A living entity, a cloud is also a life?" Everyone asked curiously.

"Since you are a living body, you should be able to communicate. You can speak for yourself. Otherwise, we will read every particle in your body and study you to understand it!" Du Xingyu said to the target.

That cloud had no intention of exchanging information, so Du Xingyu ordered that every particle of the cloud be analyzed and investigated.

The number of particles contained in this cloud can only be measured in astronomical numbers. Fortunately, humans are already a level four civilization and their information analysis capabilities are powerful enough.

Every particle is analyzed, and when it is analyzed to one-third, humans have obtained enough information.

"These particles record a large amount of information about you!" Hongyu said, "It also includes exponential possible analysis of your thoughts. This cloud is an information memetic weapon specifically targeted at you!"

"As expected, it still refuses to communicate?" Du Xingyu asked.

"It still refuses to communicate," Ruby said.

"Continue analyzing!" Du Xingyu had no good solution for this "organic molecule group" for the time being. It seems that it cannot feel pain and has no mood swings.

In other words, conventional interrogation methods will not work on it.

So the only way is to read all its information, that is, to "memory read" it.

After a few days, the information reading of all the target particles has been completed, and Du Xingyu finally obtained valuable information.

This cloud is indeed one of the memetic weapons of the Ye Xiao Civilization, and it is actually part of the body of the people of the Ye Xiao Civilization!

"The creatures of the Night Owl civilization are nebula matter!" This discovery surprised human scientists and commanders.

Nebulae are interstellar clouds of dust, hydrogen, helium, and other ionized gases ejected from stars. Nebulae can be transformed into stars, and stars can be transformed into nebulae.

The creatures of the Night Owl Civilization are just a bunch of nebula material with self-awareness!

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