Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 277: Give him back his own way

"Commander Du, can you explain in detail? How to make antimemetic weapons and how to release them?" the commanders asked in confusion.

Du Xingyu explained: "You can understand it this way, the antimemetic weapon is an information virus! Just like a network virus in the virtual world."

"I 'implanted' a piece of memetic information into the nebula substance. This memetic information is like a 'criminal record' of human beings. After the nebula life is implanted with the viral meme, it will exchange information with other nebula lifeforms. "

"If other Nebula lifeforms know that this Nebula lifeform has been implanted with a viral meme, they will definitely destroy it. For self-protection, the Nebula lifeform that has been implanted with the memetic virus will hide the viral meme and disguise it as something else. Memes exchange information.”

"The viral meme spreads in the information world, and even if a nebula life discovers the viral meme, other nebula life will destroy it for the purpose of self-protection. Just like a suspect destroys evidence of a crime."

"In the end, no one knows which Nebula life has been implanted with the viral meme, and Nebula life will be suspicious of each other. They no longer dare to pass information to each other, and the information sea of ​​information civilization has degenerated into an information island. Once information begins to Circulation tends to self-protection, and this civilization is not far from destruction!"

Hearing Du Xingyu's words, the commanders exclaimed: "This is too cruel, it's just taking money from the bottom of the cauldron!"

"That's it, treat the other person with his own way!" Yang Shaolin said, "Let the Night Owl Civilization know the consequences of attacking us at will!"

"Commander Du, what if the enemy not only discovers the antimemetic weapon, but also finds a way to deal with it?" Mo Caiwei asked.

"It's very difficult." Du Xingyu said, "I have considered this problem, so the antimemetic weapon I designed is more than just a viral meme. There will be many kinds, and most of them will not show up. It's like the deepest feelings in human beings' hearts. It’s a secret that no one wants to reveal themselves.”

"Nebula life is different from us. We can get rid of the interference of memetic weapons through brainwashing. But Nebula life itself is composed of information particles. The information particles are entangled with each other and interact. If they erase the memory, it is equivalent to death!"

"Nebula Life has only one way to solve the problem of antimemetic weapons."

Du Xingyu believes that this is the most perfect part of his design: "That is, all nebula life information is shared, regardless of each other! But because there is no strict physiological difference between nebula life, a group of nebula life can be split into two or three groups; in the same way , multiple nebula materials can also merge into one."

"If they really do this, there will definitely be Nebula life that disagrees and trigger civil strife! Even if they really do it and merge into a unified Nebula life, the final Nebula life will become the largest information island. No Become a so-called civilization again!”

After listening to all of Du Xingyu's ideas, the commanders realized how terrifying the antimemetic weapon designed by Du Xingyu was to the Night Owl civilization!

"Everyone must keep this matter secret, set a mental seal, and must not disclose it in any form." Du Xingyu ordered.

"Yeah!" Everyone knew that when the Night Owl civilization was still monitoring information about human society, only the ideological stamp could keep them silent.

All commanders have made a mental seal to ensure that they will not leak secrets.

Du Xingyu, on the other hand, implanted an antimemetic weapon into the nebula material he captured and returned it to "nature".

In addition to it, there are also some fragments of nebula life that were captured by humans through space blockade. They were also implanted with antimemetic weapons by Du Xingyu and released into the universe.

The Night Owl Civilization and the Nebula beings naturally noticed the abnormal behavior of humans.

"Humans have released all the captured nebula life fragments? What are they going to do?" The top leaders of the Night Owl Civilization were confused.

"Don't they already know that those nebula materials are our split bodies and are memetic weapons? Why would they release these memetic weapons?"

"Does human civilization have intelligence?" someone asked.

"No, no one knows why these nebula materials were released. At present, humans seem to have no way to deal with memetic weapons. Their current solution is to continue brainwashing!" Nebula Life Network reported.

"Brainwashing cannot solve the problem! Every time brainwashing is done, it will cause certain damage to the brain. If it is repeated a few times, people will go crazy! Human civilization will be destroyed sooner or later!" said a senior executive of the Night Owl Civilization.

"The fourth-level civilization of our Night Owl civilization is the most special. It attacks slowly but has the greatest lethality! The civilization attacked by our memetic weapons will not have the chance to become a star thief civilization, and there will not be any survivors. By!"

"Is there no other information in the released nebula material?" Xiao asked.

"No." The other nebula beings replied.

"No?" Xiao Xiao didn't believe that it was impossible for humans to behave in such an abnormal way.

His intuition told him that there was definitely something wrong with the nebula material. There are already Nebula beings reading the information, but no problems were found.

"What are humans thinking?" Xiao Xiao was also thinking.

Three more months have passed, human civilization has stabilized, and memetic weapon attacks have begun to decrease.

On the contrary, some changes have occurred within the Night Owl civilization.

"In the past three months, more and more Nebula lifeforms have been assimilated!" The top leaders of the Night Owl civilization realized something was wrong, "This is something we have already banned!"

The assimilation of nebula life is when two nebula lives merge together and their consciousness becomes one.

This will make Nebula life forms even more powerful. But it is a bad thing for the entire civilization, because there is one less independent thought!

Looking at the overall situation, in the past three months, the number of independent thoughts in Nebula Life has decreased significantly, reaching an unprecedented level!

"What happened?" Xiao Xiao was very angry. Before human civilization was in trouble, their own civilization had problems.

"We were attacked by humans!" A senior executive took the initiative to stand up and confess his crimes. Just like there are criminals who surrender themselves in human civilization, it said with shame: "I discovered when I was exchanging information with other nebula beings. I’ve been hit by humanity’s antimemetic weapon!”

"This antimemetic weapon will strengthen my greed and desire, making me constantly desire to devour other people of my kind! This memetic information will be spread in our information exchanges, and I can't help but devour one of my kind. I am guilty , please judge me!”

"Damn it!" Xiao Xiao was furious. Human civilization had actually stolen their methods and attacked them with antimemetic weapons. Only now did he know the truth! During this period, how many lives in the Nebula were attacked? How many people are there who have not confessed?

As a fourth-level civilization, they exchange information all the time. How widely have the antimemetic weapons of human civilization spread?

Thinking about it, Xiao even felt a little scared! Because he discovered that this antimemetic information had probably been spread to himself!

Because while he was angry at the criminal executive, he also wanted to devour it, absorb its information particles, and learn the truth of the matter!

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