"Analyze the antimemetic weapon immediately!" Xiao knew that the matter had reached a point where he must take it seriously.

The high-ranking person who committed the heinous crime offered his body to be analyzed by other Nebula beings.

It wasn't until the analysis was completed that the Nebula beings discovered how terrifying antimemetic weapons were. Because they are transformed from some completely harmless information.

In other words, in the information particles of normal Nebula life bodies, they could not find any information that could be the carrier of antimemetic weapons.

There is only one way to solve it, brainwashing!

But as special information beings, Nebula beings cannot accept brainwashing.

This forms an endless loop with no solution!

"Antimemetic weapons are like time bombs planted in our bodies and will explode at any time!" The top leaders of the Night Owl civilization felt helpless.

"When it completely breaks out, the Night Owl civilization may be wiped out!"

"How should we solve it?" The scientists of Ye Xiao Civilization couldn't think of a solution.

Their most helpless thing is that although memetic weapons are weapons they use to deal with human civilization, the final retribution is upon themselves.

"We are shackled by our own life forms!" said a Nebula life scientist. "It is difficult for doctors to heal themselves. Unless someone can analyze our body information from a higher dimension, they can remove antimemetic weapons from our bodies." Eliminate it!”

"You mean, we must seek help from level five civilization?" Xiao asked.

"Leader, there is only one way now!" said the scientist. He is a wise man in the Ye Xiao civilization and an important figure who led the Ye Xiao civilization to become a fourth-level civilization.

"Level 5 civilizations, which have mastered some of the dimensional technologies, will definitely be able to solve the hidden dangers of our bodies."

"Doesn't that mean that the attack on human civilization will be put on hold?" Xiao was very dissatisfied.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Humanity has cracked the memetic weapon. To continue to attack them is just to compete with them to see who can take longer. But they are carbon-based creatures and their response to information is much slower than ours. Memetics It will also take a certain amount of time for weapons to attack them," the wise man continued.

"And we are information beings, and information particles are exchanging information in our bodies all the time. Compared with human civilization, we will definitely be the first to fail! We can only give up attacking humans and find ways to save ourselves!"

The high-level officials of the Owl and a kind of Night Owl civilization were unwilling to give in, but reason told them that this was the only way.

"Withdraw!" Xiao said helplessly. In the confrontation with human civilization, they lost!

And if they can't find a fifth-level civilization willing to help them, their civilization may also perish under the attack of antimemetic weapons!

"Level 5 civilization, in the Milky Way, can only be reached by saint civilization or devil civilization. We can only choose one side." Xiao asked, "Now we have to discuss, which side should we choose?"

As a fourth-level civilization, if you join the civilization camp, you can also receive higher treatment than lower-level civilizations.

"Contact both sides. Whoever is willing to give us better treatment will join!" This is the unanimous view of the top leaders of Ye Xiao Civilization.

"Okay!" Xiao Xiao immediately sent someone to contact the two camps.

Both camps have contacts in the free and civilized market, and they can easily get on the line to start negotiations and save themselves.

On the side of human civilization, Du Xingyu, through monitoring human society, found that the number of people attacked by memetic weapons was decreasing sharply.

A few months later, the state of society as a whole has returned to normal. Even if there are some people who are mentally unhealthy or commit suicide, it is because of other reasons and has nothing to do with memetic weapons.

"Now I can announce that our antimemetic weapon has worked!" Du Xingyu announced to the entire society at the Human Alliance press conference.

"The enemy has retreated and everyone can return to normal life!"

"In the future, we will establish a complete anti-memetic weapon mechanism to ensure that the lives of human civilization and affiliated civilizations are not interfered with by information weapons."

"It's finally over!" The tense nerves of the whole society relaxed.

Memetic weapons bring them a much stronger sense of oppression than those of physical weapons, because no one knows whether they are the ones being attacked or whether they will understand themselves at the next moment.

Regular brainwashing is not something that ordinary people can endure.

Chen Hong concluded: "This time, judging from the data, there are not many casualties. But in fact, the crisis we are facing is more terrifying than any previous war!"

"If Commander Du hadn't developed antimemetic weapons to counterbalance the Night Owl civilization, I'm afraid our human civilization would have stopped exploring the stars!"

"We need to change our thinking and no longer look at civilizations at Level 4 and above with conventional eyes. Their weapons and attack methods may be diverse. We need to establish a sound defense system and attack weapons!"

The Human Guardian Alliance passed the "Fourth Level Civilization Military Defense and Weapon System Construction Plan". In the plan, human civilization will build a more powerful defense system, including dealing with various physical weapons, information weapons, etc.

In terms of attack, humans will further develop memetic weapons and space weapons to enhance their own strength.

After eliminating the threat of Night Owl civilization, human civilization can finally develop stably for a period of time.

Du Xingyu also started his own new research. He began to concentrate on the research of space technology and hyperspace science.

Two hundred years have passed quickly, and there are only less than fifty years left before the decisive battle between the two major factions of the galaxy.

In the past two hundred years, human civilization has once again expanded its territory, reaching ten open star clusters. It is a force that cannot be ignored in the entire Orion Arm!

This is a territory where humans have built wormholes for transportation. At the same time, wormholes have also been built in the area where humans lead to Blue Star Civilization.

In this way, whether it is the angel civilization camp or the demon civilization camp, humans can arrive within a few minutes.

In terms of military strength, humanity's Galaxy-class battleships have expanded to thirty. Galaxy-class battleships are different from star field-class battleships, and their numbers no longer provide an absolute advantage.

Thirty ships are enough to upgrade the strength of human civilization from a level 4.0 civilization to a level 4.4 civilization.

In Orion's arms, the war has already begun. Within these two hundred years, more than 80% of the first- and second-level civilizations were wiped out or became subsidiary civilizations of other civilizations.

Seventy percent of the third-level civilizations have also joined the camp civilizations and begun to fight against each other.

There are a very small number of fourth-level civilizations. Some have left the galaxy, and some have already joined the lineup. However, because there is too little information about the specific situation, human civilization cannot know it.

"There are less than fifty years left before the final battle. It's time for us to make a decision!" This matter is being discussed within human civilization.

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