Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 279 Escapees from the Andromeda Galaxy

Joining the civilization camp, or escaping the galaxy, these options are also debated within human civilization.

Even Du Xingyu himself was unable to make an accurate judgment because he had limited information about both camps.

Just as human civilization was arguing endlessly, they received a request for help from the Butterfly Civilization, actually asking human civilization to help them enter the war!

"The Butterfly Civilization actually wants us to help them fight the war?" The human commanders who learned the news were very surprised. In the Orion Arm, the Butterfly Civilization can be said to be the most powerful civilization.

Otherwise, they would not have built a free civilization trading market to make the civilizations of the Orion Arm abide by the trading rules. Even the leader of the Star Thieves Civilization Alliance, the Night Owl Civilization, would not dare to take action against them.

And now, the most powerful fourth-level civilization in the Orion Arm, the Butterfly Civilization, is actually asking for help from human civilization?

"What crisis has the butterfly civilization encountered?" Lu Xing asked in surprise.

"I don't know. The free and civilized trading market was closed twenty years ago. We have no other sources of information." Du Xingyu didn't know the situation either.

Twenty years ago, due to the impact of the war, Butterfly Civilization announced the closure of the free civilization trading market and went into hiding.

In the past twenty years, there has been no news of butterfly civilization.

"Anyway, let's get in touch with them first." Du Xingyu said.

Butterfly civilization knows the coordinates of human civilization, and they specially sent a star field-level battleship to negotiate.

Starfield-class battleships are deliberately destroyed by humans at any time, which also represents the sincerity of Butterfly Civilization.

Du Xingyu once again met the Green Chrysalis, a member of the Butterfly Civilization tribe he met last time at the Free Civilization Market. His identity on this trip is that of a negotiator.

"Your Excellency Du Xingyu, distinguished commanders of human civilization, please forgive me for interrupting." Green Chrysalis said using human etiquette.

"We welcome you as a distinguished guest from afar!" Du Xingyu said with a smile, and asked Green Chrysalis to sit down.

After a few polite words, Du Xingyu asked: "The free civilized market of your civilization was closed twenty years ago. I wonder what situation your civilization is facing now?"

Green Chrysalis was silent for a few words and said: "Since I am here to ask for help, there is no need to hide this matter."

"Actually, our butterfly civilization was attacked by the fourth-level civilization of the angel civilization camp!"

"You have joined the demon civilization camp?" Chen Hong's first thought was this.

Green Chrysalis shook his head and said: "No, our butterfly civilization is still a free civilization. It's just that the angel civilization camp will not allow free civilization to exist in the galaxy."

"Then why don't you join the civilization camp or go to other galaxies?" Du Xingyu asked.

Green Chrysalis smiled bitterly and said, "We have no choice but to do so."

"Because no matter which civilization camp you join, you will eventually be wiped out! In the entire galaxy hunting ground, only one civilization will be allowed to survive in the end!"

"Huh? What's going on? What information do you know?" Du Xingyu and the five commanders were very confused about his words. Could it be that Butterfly Civilization knew something?

Green Chrysalis continued: "Do you know why in the space broadcast, the angel civilization and the demon civilization announced that the hunting ground in the galaxy has been opened?"

"Why?" everyone asked.

"Because this universe is about to face a huge disaster, and only a few civilizations will be able to survive by then!"

"Advanced civilizations have reached an agreement that only one civilization can survive in a galaxy! That's why they declare that the Milky Way is the hunting ground of the Milky Way, and send them to promote civilizational conquests by rewarding technology, so that the strongest civilization can survive! "

"Is there such a thing?" Du Xingyu and others were hesitant. What Green Chrysalis said was too unbelievable for them to believe.

But along the way, human civilization has encountered various things that also prove that advanced civilization is indeed promoting war within the galaxy, forcing all civilizations to continuously develop technology, otherwise they will perish!

"Lord Green Chrysalis, do you have any evidence for your words?" Du Xingyu asked.

Green Chrysalis said: "I know this news may be hard to believe for you. But our butterfly civilization has truly witnessed it!"

"Because our butterfly civilization is not a civilization in the Milky Way, but comes from the Andromeda Galaxy next to the Milky Way!"

"Are you an alien civilization?" Du Xingyu and the five commanders were indeed a little surprised.

The Andromeda Galaxy is a galaxy next to the Milky Way. Its diameter is about 220,000 light-years, which is more than 1.6 times that of the Milky Way!

The mass, volume and territory of the Andromeda Galaxy are also much larger than those of the Milky Way. According to calculations, the civilization of the Andromeda Galaxy should be more powerful than the civilization of the Milky Way.

"Yes." Green Chrysalis said, "Butterfly civilization is not called butterfly civilization. We are a type of plant civilization. Our civilization was born on a planet in the Andromeda galaxy. Our mother tree continued to grow and gave birth to our wisdom. life."

"With the development of science and technology, as we grow, we are also transforming the genes of our mother tree. In the end, it became a stellar tree, able to absorb the energy of the star, and we slowly grew to a third-level civilization."

"About 10,000 years ago, the Andromeda Hunting Ground was opened. It was also divided into the angel civilization camp and the demon civilization camp. The two camps fought with each other and countless civilizations were annihilated."

"Our civilization has also participated in wars and acquired some technologies. We have become a fourth-level civilization. At the same time, we have also lost many compatriots. The Stellar Tree was also killed, and the current Stellar Tree is a re-cultivated tree species. "

"Butterfly civilization does not like war. Seeing the war becoming more and more intense, we chose to leave the Andromeda Galaxy and settle in the Milky Way."

"Who knew that the Milky Way Hunting Ground would actually be opened, but we were exhausted physically and mentally, and we didn't know if other galaxies were the same, so we settled down in the relatively peaceful Orion Arm and established a free civilized market."

Green Chrysalis told the history of butterfly civilization. Du Xingyu listened carefully and asked, "Has the Andromeda Galaxy been unified?"

"Yes!" Green Chrysalis said, "A fifth-level civilization unified the entire Andromeda Galaxy! They are now called the Andromeda Civilization. After they unified the Andromeda Galaxy, 99% of the civilization disappeared!"

"Even those affiliated civilizations that once took refuge with them during the war!"

"That's why we believe that even if we join the civilization camp in the galaxy, we will eventually be wiped out by the saint civilization or the devil civilization!"

"Escape or fight are our only options left!"

"It's actually like this!" After hearing the news about Green Chrysalis, although human civilization is still not sure whether it is true or not, the information revealed made them realize that it is impossible to be alone!

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