Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 280 Super Wormhole and Neutron Star!

"Is this why you were attacked?" Du Xingyu asked Green Chrysalis.

"Absolutely." Green Chrysalis said, "Our butterfly civilization does not want to join any camp, so since we came to the galaxy, we have been looking for ways to preserve civilization."

"In the beginning, we tried to create an independent space to wrap our civilization in."

"Independent space is your star system wrapped in a four-dimensional bubble?" Tours asked.

"Yes. But we failed." Green Chrysalis did not shy away from their failure. He said: "Whether our fourth-level civilization uses cutting space or a space built with a four-dimensional barrier, it is not actually an independent space at all!"

"In simple terms, it's like drawing a circle on a two-dimensional plane, and this circle is still in this two-dimensional world."

"Only advanced civilizations that have mastered dimensional technology can build a truly independent space, which is the so-called small universe technology!"

"Continue, what happened to the butterfly civilization after it failed to build an independent space?" Lu Xing was very interested in the butterfly civilization, because human civilization is also facing the same problems as the butterfly civilization.

Green Chrysalis continued: "In desperation, we thought of leaving the galaxy."

"We sent out Galaxy-class battleships to explore the surrounding galaxies, and soon we discovered that there are no so-called hunting grounds for civilization in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds near the Milky Way."

While he was talking, the artificial intelligence Ruby opened the star map.

The Small Magellanic Cloud, also known as the Small Magellanic Cloud, is located in the constellation Tucana, 210,000 light-years away from the Milky Way, and contains approximately hundreds of millions of stars.

The Large Magellanic Cloud is only 163,000 light-years away from the Milky Way, has a diameter one-fifth that of the Milky Way, and contains about 20 billion stars.

They are both much less massive than the Milky Way.

"There are no civilized hunting grounds in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds?" Du Xingyu was thinking about Green Chrysalis. If this information is accurate, then there are several possibilities.

One is that the hunting ground for civilization in these galaxies has not yet opened. The other is that these galaxies are too small and do not have enough civilization. It may also be that the hunting ground for civilization in these galaxies has ended, etc.

"We decided to move the entire civilization to the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is relatively rich in resources. The last time the river system migrated, it took our civilization 10,000 years to recover!" Green Chrysalis said, "So in order to prepare for this migration , we built a free civilized market and collected a large amount of resources."

"We have created a wormhole spanning hundreds of thousands of light-years across the galaxy to achieve the purpose of civilization migration!"

"A wormhole spanning hundreds of thousands of light years!" Everyone was shocked by the wormhole he described. Human civilization has built wormholes, so they naturally know how difficult it is.

The wormholes of human civilization span hundreds of light-years, and the resources consumed are already extremely difficult, but the ones they built are actually wormholes that can span the Milky Way!

If you think about it for a moment, you will know how much resources and effort the butterfly civilization spent to build this wormhole in the river system!

"Then why didn't you leave the galaxy?" Chen Hong guessed, "Has your wormhole been discovered?"

"Commander Chen's guess is correct." Green Chrysalis said with a bitter smile.

"In fact, the Butterfly Civilization has long been targeted by the two major camp civilizations. By hunting the fourth-level civilization, they can gain a lot of benefits."

"Twenty years ago, we closed the free civilization market and prepared the entire civilization to leave the galaxy. But at this time, a level four civilization from the angel civilization camp attacked us, forcing us to temporarily close the wormhole and be forced to fight! "

Green Chrysalis showed a scene to the human commanders. It was a familiar starry sky, the Butterfly Star Cluster.

In the Butterfly Star Cluster, tens of billions of warships and spaceships are busy flying. They are transporting matter and preparing to leave the galaxy.

In a hidden space in the Butterfly Star Cluster, the stellar mother tree of the Butterfly Civilization spent years of energy hoarding to open a wormhole that could connect to the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Outside the wormhole, hyperspace fluctuations suddenly appeared.

"Warning, this is the territory of the Butterfly Civilization. You have entered the military controlled area, please leave immediately!" The Butterfly Civilization warned while commanding the warship to lock the place where the hyperspace fluctuated.

After a few seconds, an object gradually emerged.

It was a neutron star with a very high density and mass. Its size was less than the size of those Galaxy-class battleships, but as soon as it appeared, the surrounding space and time was immediately affected by its gravity and distorted.

"A neutron star jumps through hyperspace?" Yang Shaolin was stunned. How big is the gravity of a neutron star?

At the end of the evolution process of stars of different masses, there are many forms such as white dwarfs, pulsating variables, neutron stars, and black holes.

White dwarfs evolve from medium-mass stars and are very massive and dense.

Humanity once used it to detonate a nova explosion on the surface of a white dwarf star and annihilate the main fleet of the Sky Eagle civilization.

Neutron stars are the densest stars in the universe besides black holes!

The density of a neutron star is 8^14~10^15 grams per cubic centimeter, which is equivalent to a weight of more than 100 million tons per cubic centimeter [1]. This density is the density of the atomic nucleus, which is one hundred billion times the density of water.

Compared with the tens of tons/cubic centimeter of a white dwarf, the latter seems not worth mentioning. If the earth were compressed like this, the diameter of the earth would be only 22 meters!

In fact, the density of neutron stars is so great that the mass of a neutron star with a radius of ten kilometers is equivalent to the mass of the sun.

At this time, the enemies of Butterfly Civilization actually used neutron stars as weapons and even made a hyperspace jump.

"Attack!" Regardless of who the enemy is, Butterfly Civilization's fleet has already begun its attack.

This is the core area of ​​their civilization and nothing should be lost.

However, the attack of the butterfly civilization is like scratching an itch on this neutron star with huge density and mass.

On the surface of the neutron star, its gravity collapses all matter, even the atomic nuclei no longer exist!

The electrons are compressed into the nucleus, and the same protons are neutralized into neutrons, so that the atom becomes composed only of neutrons. The neutron degeneracy pressure supports the neutron star and prevents it from being compressed further.

The entire neutron star is formed by such atomic nuclei close together. It can be said that a neutron star is a huge atomic nucleus!

The density of a neutron star is the density of the atomic nucleus. The mass of the neutron star is so large that the huge gravity causes the light to escape in a parabola. It has already demonstrated some of the capabilities that only black holes can have!

The neutron star locked its target and crashed into the Butterfly Civilization's Galaxy-class fleet.

The Butterfly Civilization has been operating for thousands of years and has a rich family fortune. The performance of the Galaxy-class battleships is powerful and their number is much greater than that of human civilization.

They use various gravity weapons and space weapons to attack neutron stars.

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