Facing countless attacks, the speed of the neutron star did not stop at all. It directly crashed through the four-dimensional barrier outside the battleship, smashing the powerful Galaxy-class battleship of the fourth-level civilization into pieces!

Those fragments were all torn apart by the gravity of the neutron star, and the atomic nuclei were crushed and became part of the neutron star!

The neutron star hits all the way, and no battleship or weapon can stop it!

The fleet of the Butterfly Civilization soon suffered a heavy blow. The neutron star was preparing to attack the wormhole. The commanders of the Butterfly Civilization realized that something was wrong!

"Evacuate, evacuate quickly! Close the wormhole! Take away the stellar mother tree!" The butterfly civilization began to evacuate quickly. They closed the wormhole, took away the stellar mother tree, and fled in all directions.

The neutron star still couldn't get rid of its anger, and smashed all the stars and planets where the butterfly civilization was originally located, where the free civilized market was, into pieces!

Several star systems have now become interstellar debris!

It reminded the commanders of butterfly civilization and human civilization once again of the horror of space kinetic energy weapons. This is a weapon that they have stagnated in research for a long time. When the main body of the kinetic energy weapon becomes a neutron star, the destructive power is so terrifying!

The Butterfly Civilization began to flee, and the neutron star destroyed the Butterfly Star Cluster they had built for thousands of years. A large number of Butterfly Civilization tribesmen were killed.

Fortunately, the Butterfly Civilization had long been prepared for war. Their main fleet and the main body of the civilization had been hidden long ago and were preserved.

Green Chrysalis closed the screen, but the human commanders were silent for a long time.

In terms of strength comparison, the Butterfly Civilization should be considered a level 4.6 to 4.7 civilization.

Their heritage is much richer than that of human civilization, but in front of a neutron star, all battleships and weapons become paper tigers that will shatter at a touch!

The Butterfly Star Cluster was destroyed!

If such weapons attack human civilization, how can human civilization resist? They can't think of a way!

"Which civilization can actually control neutron stars?" Du Xingyu took a deep breath and asked.

"Astral civilization!" Green Chrysalis said, "Astral civilization is the most powerful fourth-level civilization in the angel civilization camp, and it can be regarded as the top thug in the angel civilization camp!"

"Astral civilization?" This is not the first time that the commanders of human civilization have heard the name of this civilization. They have also heard some scattered information in the intelligence market before.

It is said that this civilization is very powerful and has destroyed many fourth-level civilizations. The demon civilization camp is very afraid of them!

"You may not know much about astral civilization." Green Chrysalis said, "Astral civilization is a very strange civilization, which is very rare in the universe!"

"The main body of their civilization is the planets!"

"Huh?" Everyone looked suspicious.

Green Chrysalis continued, "So, the people of this civilization are planets with consciousness and life!"

"Planet life!" Du Xingyu once imagined that since nebula materials such as the Night Owl Civilization can become intelligent life, is it possible for a planet?

Now he has seen that astral civilization, a planet is an independent intelligent life!

This is a super life that is even bigger than the giant beast in the stars!

They are also a type of silicon-based life, but they are completely different from mechanical life!

"The number of people in the astral civilization is very small, but each one is very powerful, and their lifespan is close to infinite. As long as their star body is not destroyed, they can survive almost forever!" Green Chrysalis said about the astral civilization, and he was filled with fear.

"This civilization is so terrifying. If their larvae can survive the evolutionary disasters of stellar evolution, nova explosions, and supernova explosions, they will naturally become powerful weapons!"

"The neutron star we encountered is the most powerful warrior in the astral civilization, the neutron star war god!"

After Green Chrysalis told what happened to the butterfly civilization, the hairs of the commanders of human civilization stood on end. The warriors of the angel civilization camp were so powerful. Where should human civilization go from here?

Mo Caiwei said: "We deeply sympathize with the experience of the butterfly civilization. But Mr. Green Chrysalis, you are still unable to deal with the astral civilization. Our human civilization is not as powerful as your butterfly civilization. Why do you ask us for help?"

Green Chrysalis said: "Because you are the only one who can support us!"

"Our butterfly civilization has very good intelligence on the Orion Arm. As far as we know. Except for human civilization, other fourth-level civilizations have joined the two camps or left the galaxy."

"Only human civilization remains neutral, and not long ago, you defeated the Night Owl civilization."

"Although you have only become a fourth-level civilization not long ago, the strength of your civilization has already exceeded that of most fourth-level civilizations!"

Du Xingyu emphasized: "Your Excellency Green Chrysalis, we are all representatives of a civilization. When we speak, we should not only consider our own subjective emotions, but also consider the fate of the entire civilization."

"The best choice for our human civilization is not to participate in any war, and it would be better to leave the galaxy!"

"Yes, you are right." Green Chrysalis admitted this fact.

"It's just a pity that human civilization has been listed as a target of attack, whether in the demon civilization camp or the angel civilization camp. Once you want to leave the galaxy, I believe that advanced civilizations from the astral civilization or the demon civilization camp will take action against you."

"Is this happening?" The commanders of human civilization didn't quite believe it.

Green Chrysalis continued: "As I said before, in the hunting ground of the Milky Way, only one advanced civilization will survive in the end. The potential of human civilization is so high, both saint civilization and devil civilization will be afraid of you and will eliminate you as soon as possible. , is the best choice!”

"You have already offended the demonic civilization camp, such as wiping out the Sky Eagle civilization they supported!"

"Also, the Night Owl civilization has also joined the demon civilization camp, and they are hostile to you!"

"Based on these two points, the demonic civilization camp will not tolerate you!"

"And the angel civilization camp has attacked you a long time ago! We have a deep hatred for you!"

"When?" Chen Hong asked in surprise.

Green Chrysalis said: "If the information I have is correct, human civilization was only a first-class civilization living in the solar system 10,000 years ago. The reason why you migrated is because your mother star was attacked, right?"

"Yes." Du Xingyu nodded.

"What if I said that the attack was from the angel civilization camp, and it was also an attack from the astral civilization?" Green Chrysalis told a truth that horrified the commanders, "The astral civilization has mastered hyperspace weapon technology!"

"They can use hyperspace weapons to attack targets thousands or tens of thousands of light-years away. Using hyperspace weapons to destroy some low-level civilizations is the easiest way to obtain rewards from advanced civilizations. The human civilization back then was attacked by them !”

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