Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 283: Vertical and Horizontal

Human civilization has contacted the demon civilization camp again. Compared to the angel civilization camp, the demon civilization camp has a much better attitude.

Their liaison is a high-level member of the devil's civilization named "Gu".

Gu's conditions were much better. He declared: "We very much welcome human civilization to join us. If human civilization joins us, we will be invited to come to the small universe created by our devil civilization and spend the dangerous war period!"

"We will not force you to go to war with other civilizations, and we will also provide certain technological help!"

"If you are willing to assist us in attacking the angel civilization camp, we will reward you with resources and technology according to your merit!"

Du Xingyu asked: "What if we don't stay in the small universe you created?"

He always feels that entering the small universe of these advanced civilizations does not mean actively getting into other people's pockets, and then you will be at the mercy of others!

"That's okay!" Gu said, "We respect your wishes, but we must emphasize that the current galaxy is very dangerous. The camp war has actually begun, and your human civilization must have felt it."

"We are not willing to go to war with you, and we are willing to mediate the relationship between you and the Ye Xiao civilization and turn the hostility into friendship. The Ye Xiao civilization has joined us."

No matter from any angle, Gu's attitude is much better than San's.

But humans can't be deceived by just saying sweet words. To this day, Du Xingyu and others still believe that the two sides are actually evenly matched.

Perhaps because the demon civilization camp is weaker, it has temporarily shown a good attitude towards human civilization.

Du Xingyu discussed with the commanders: "No matter whether the attitude of the demonic civilization is true or false, maybe we can temporarily rely on them."

"Human civilization must not go to war with two major camps at the same time!"

"Yes!" The commanders all agreed. To offend both camps at the same time was to seek death.

At least now, the strength of human civilization must rely on one camp. Even if it wants to escape the galaxy, it must first reach a peace agreement with one party, otherwise it will be like the butterfly civilization, which is attacked by the other party when it tries to leave the galaxy.

After careful discussion, the commanders of the Human Guardian Alliance unanimously decided to first join the demon civilization camp in the early stages of the war.

This kind of joining is quite superficial.

According to their agreement with Gu, after human civilization joins the demon civilization camp, it does not need to relocate the main body of civilization to the small universe of the demon civilization camp.

When they can, they will cooperate with the civilizations of the demon civilization camp to fight. At the same time, if the human civilization obtains military exploits, it can also receive rewards from the devil civilization.

This agreement is quite superficial and not solid.

Perhaps in order to engage in an all-out war with the angel civilization camp, the devil civilization actually agreed.

"Well, human civilization, we are signing an agreement here. I hope that both of us can cooperate happily." Gu dispatched representatives and signed an agreement with human civilization.

To be honest, both parties only regard this agreement as a temporary agreement. If the situation changes, it will change casually.

In this universe, in the final analysis, only civilizations at the same level are qualified to bargain.

After joining the demon civilization camp, human civilization immediately received intelligence messages from the demon civilization camp.

As expected, the demon civilization camp was indeed weaker than the angel civilization camp. After the camp war tens of thousands of years ago, the devil civilization also fought a war with the saint civilization, although the intelligence did not mention the defeat of the devil civilization.

But after that battle, the resources of the fourth and fifth cantilevers of the Milky Way occupied by the devil civilization were much less than those of the saint civilization, which is enough to explain the victory or defeat of both sides.

But this time, the devil civilization gathered more than thirty level four civilizations and tens of thousands of level three civilizations to prepare for war.

Human civilization is now a part of it.

The Saints civilization information obtained from them showed that the Saints civilization dispatched at least five more level four civilizations than they did!

The strongest among them is the astral civilization. They are invincible and have defeated three fourth-level civilizations under the devil civilization.

Astral civilization and devil civilization also have a headache. Unless they take action personally, it will be difficult for the civilization under their command to defeat the opponent.

But the saint civilization is still staring at them. Whoever takes action first will get enough intelligence from the other party, which will be disadvantageous in the subsequent war.

If there is a civilization that can fight against the astral civilization, it will receive help and rewards from the devil civilization.

A month later, Green Chrysalis couldn't help but find the commander again and asked for the answer from human civilization.

"Dear commanders, have you made your judgment?" Green Chrysalis asked, "We can't wait any longer, astral civilization is searching for our traces."

"The next war will start soon!"

Du Xingyu nodded slightly and said, "We have made a decision."

"We decided to join forces with Butterfly Civilization to deal with the astral civilization together!"

"Seriously? That's a wise choice!" Green Chrysalis was overjoyed.

After Du Xingyu obtained the information given by the devil civilization, he knew that even if human civilization did not attack the astral civilization, they were still on the opponent's attack list, so it was better to strike first!

What's more, they now don't have to worry too much about being attacked by the devil's civilization from behind, and they can still get help from the other party.

"Your Excellency Green Chrysalis, since we are going to form an alliance, I think it's better to be honest about something." Du Xingyu said, "We have temporarily joined the demon civilization camp, so we will get their help in the war."

"Have you joined the demon civilization camp?" Green Chrysalis hesitated and said, "I want to discuss with the higher-ups of the civilization for a while."

"Please help yourself!"

After discussing with the top leaders of Butterfly Civilization, Green Chrysalis said: "We can form an alliance with human civilization. But the conditions for the alliance must change. You cannot expose our location, technological information, and super wormhole information to the demon civilization camp."

"Otherwise we will take necessary measures!"

"Yes!" This condition was not difficult to accept, and Du Xingyu agreed.

"Okay, then we can discuss the details of the alliance in detail!"

Next, the Green Chrysalis and the human commanders discussed the details of the alliance and signed the agreement.

The Butterfly Civilization was very anxious, so just three days later, a civilizational covenant was concluded!

The covenant reads: "Butterfly civilization is willing to share technology and super wormholes with human civilization, and human civilization needs to provide military assistance to butterfly civilization to jointly resist the attack of astral civilization. If either party violates the covenant, it will be regarded as the enemy of the other party. .”

The two civilizations exchanged some important information with each other as a "handle" for the other party in exchange for the trust of the alliance.

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