"Commander Du, since our two civilizations have formed an alliance, let's start discussing tactical deployment now." Green Chrysalis' attitude was very urgent, "The astral civilization will attack us again soon!"

"Okay!" Du Xingyu agreed.

"Currently, some ordinary residents of our butterfly civilization have migrated to the Large Magellanic Cloud." Green Chrysalis said, "Those who remain in the galaxy include the main fleet and the most important star mother tree."

"Only the Stellar Mother Tree can open the super wormhole to the Large Magellanic Cloud! No room for error!"

"Currently our main fleet and star mother tree are hiding in the M7 Ptolemy star cluster."

Ruby opens the star map, and the M7 Ptolemaic cluster is an open star cluster with a very small mass, located in the constellation Scorpio. It is only about twenty light years in diameter and has less than a hundred stars!

Du Xingyu asked: "It's impossible for such a small star cluster to hide your main fleet, right? Do you still have any hidden hiding places?"

Green Chrysalis said frankly: "Of course, but we have hidden military facilities in a secret space in the M7 Ptolemy Star Cluster, which is an important stronghold."

Du Xingyu nodded, even if an alliance has been formed, it is impossible for the Butterfly Civilization to truly expose all the information about its own civilization to human civilization.

After all, human civilization has now joined the demon civilization camp. If it completely trusted the other party, the butterfly civilization would not be able to survive for so long!

"Anyway, the Ptolemaic Star Cluster has our important facilities, and this facility should have been discovered by the astral civilization!" Green Chrysalis said, "We estimate that within three months, they will attack Ptolemy. cluster!"

"We have already ambushed twenty Galaxy-class battleships and a secret weapon. But we are not confident that we can deal with the neutron star of the astral civilization."

Twenty Galaxy-class battleships are already a very impressive force. Humanity has only thirty Galaxy-class battleships until now.

"We can send fifteen Galaxy-class battleships." Du Xingyu said simply. He has ordered that all efforts be made to build Galaxy-class battleships. The number of Galaxy-class battleships will increase several times in the future.

"Okay!" Green Chrysalis revealed his plan, "The fighting method of astral civilization is very simple."

"That is to use its own strong mass, density and gravity as a kinetic weapon!"

"For example, the impact of a neutron star can destroy any of our Galaxy-class battleships. Most of our attacks on the four-dimensional barrier have no effect on it at all. Only space weapons can harm it!"

"So we must contain the neutron star and at the same time use space weapons to separate it."

"We have set up a space trap. In the secret location of the M7 Ptolemy star cluster, we will use space energy to create a temporary black hole mass shadow projector and trap it with black hole-level gravity!"

"If the black hole's gravity lasts for a long time, it should be able to tear the neutron star apart directly, right?" Du Xingyu asked.

"This is the theory, but we can't create a real black hole!" Green Chrysalis said, "And the astral civilization is a level 4.8 civilization, and their technological strength is equally powerful."

"Neutron stars can not only impact, but also emit super strong pulse energy, destroying our black hole mass shadow projector! So we are not sure whether this tactic can be successfully executed!"

"Yeah." Du Xingyu began to discuss the details with him.

General neutron stars have the angular momentum of the original star's rotation and can release a large amount of radiation energy. Pulsars are a type of neutron star!

The star map positioning of human civilization is calibrated using pulsars in the universe.

In addition, there is also a type of neutron star called a magnetar, which continuously releases X-ray bursts and gamma-ray bursts. Its radiation intensity can destroy elementary Galaxy-class battleships instantly!

Until the tactics were formulated, the human commanders still felt unsafe.

Because once humans join the war, they will inevitably tell the other side that human civilization is already a star civilization, and enemies of the angel civilization camp will be attacked.

Chen Hong suggested: "I suggest that we either eradicate it and, in addition to ourselves, we also bring in the forces of the demon civilization camp to attack together!"

"They are also very afraid of the astral civilization. If they have the help, they might be able to defeat the main force of the astral civilization in one fell swoop!"

"As long as we can resist the astral civilization, we can cooperate!" The attitude of Butterfly Civilization is also very obvious. They have reached a critical moment of life and death and do not care about this.

Moreover, the Stellar Mother Tree has been hidden by them. As long as the stellar civilization does not hunt them down, they still have a chance to escape the Milky Way.

"Okay, then it's settled!" Du Xingyu said, "Let's contact the demon civilization camp to see how many troops they can send!"

Du Xingyu immediately contacted the demon civilization camp. Sure enough, after learning that there was an opportunity to ambush the astral civilization, they were very interested and immediately sent the civilization to fight in coordination with the human civilization.

In the subspace communication channel, Du Xingyu contacted the top war player in the demon civilization camp-the beast civilization.

The status of the giant beast civilization in the demon civilization camp is the same as the status of the astral civilization in the angel civilization camp, but the strength of the giant beast civilization is still inferior to that of the astral civilization.

According to intelligence, the giant beast civilization is very similar to the starry sky beast created by Du Xingyu in another time and space.

They are few in number, and each one is comparable to a high-grade Galaxy-class battleship!

There are even rumors that the behemoth civilization and the devil civilization actually originated from the same civilization, but later their evolution went in different directions.

In the end, the behemoth civilization only became a level 4.7 civilization, while the devil civilization became a more advanced civilization.

In any case, the status of the giant beast civilization in the demon civilization camp is second only to the demon civilization.

"Commander of human civilization, I already know the matter." The commander of the giant beast civilization, the Thorny Beast, said.

"You follow your own arrangements. Our giant beast civilization will provide support at the critical moment and deal a heavy blow to the astral civilization!"

The Thorny Behemoth does not want to reveal more combat information to human civilization. Obviously they do not trust human civilization very much.

Du Xingyu estimated that even the giant beast civilization did not believe in their ambush tactics.

"Okay, we will communicate with you immediately." Du Xingyu's goal has been achieved. He believes that as long as the astral civilization appears, the giant beast civilization will definitely come to intervene.

The military exploits against astral civilization are quite substantial.

After reaching an agreement with the giant beast civilization, the human civilization began to send troops secretly.

The expedition fleet passed through the wormhole, jumped directly to the location of the Blue Star Civilization, and then flew in hyperspace to the M7 Ptolemaic Star Cluster.

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