Within a month, all the deployments of human civilization and butterfly civilization had been completed. They hid in the four-dimensional bubble created by butterfly civilization and carefully ambush.

If a low-level civilization observes the M7 Ptolemaic star cluster, it will only see a few dozen stars, and nothing will be strange.

But if it is a civilization that has mastered space technology, it will be discovered that there is a huge four-dimensional bubble in the vacuum area here, covering a space with several star systems in it.

In the starry sky, a comet passed by. When it passed near the star, the ice on the comet evaporated, dragging out a long "tail flame".

"Found it, these little bugs are hiding here!" This comet is the space probe of the astral civilization.

They have discovered this hidden space!

The stars of the astral civilization communicate:

"Attack immediately. There are not many Level 4 civilizations left in the Milky Way. This is a military achievement for nothing!"

"After the butterfly civilization is eliminated, only human civilization will remain among the liberal fourth-level civilizations in the galaxy!"

"Destroy these two level four civilizations, and we may be able to get a way to evolve into a black hole from advanced civilizations!"

If the astral civilization can successfully evolve into a black hole, it can be promoted to a fifth-level civilization!

"Leave this battle to me!" Neutron Star in the astral civilization said.

"Okay, if the 'war' is dispatched, they will definitely be able to annihilate them all!"

War is the name of a neutron star.

"We are supporting from the rear to prevent them from escaping again. Last time, due to improper preparation, their large troops escaped and wasted so much of our time!"

"Butterfly civilization will be destroyed this time!" Zhan had already entered hyperspace and started to head towards the M7 Ptolemaic star cluster.

A few minutes later, in the Ptolemaic Cluster, a neutron star about ten kilometers in diameter broke away from hyperspace.

Its shell is an iron shell about one kilometer thick, with a fluid composed of neutrons inside.

At ten kilometers in diameter, it is insignificant compared to most stars in this cluster, but its mass is 27 times that of the sun!

It has super strong gravity second only to black holes!

As soon as Zhan appeared, a solid planet not far away from it was torn into pieces by its powerful gravity. All matter became like a fluid and was sucked into the neutron.

"Hiccup." Zhan ate the planet with satisfaction. In this star system, the stars were also affected by it and moved closer to it.

"Now is not the time to eat." Zhan didn't waste any time and rushed directly towards the four-dimensional bubble.

"Coming!" In the four-dimensional bubble, the army of butterfly civilization and the army of human civilization became nervous.

Neutron stars, the pinnacle of astral civilization, can they really deal with them?

No one has the confidence to say such things, they can only go all out, because the winner lives and the loser dies!

"The target is approaching..."

"About to enter the target area, the black hole mass shadow caster is activated..."

"The target has entered the target area and is locked by gravity! Open the space trap!"

The commanders of the butterfly civilization, filled with anger towards the astral civilization, activated the secret weapon they had spent so much effort and resources to build, the black hole mass shadow projector!

Around the neutron star, a gravitational force comparable to that of a black hole is generated instantly, forming a space vortex, and the energy of space is constantly being annihilated.

This is a space trap. If a neutron star is bound by a space trap, butterfly civilization and human civilization can attack it as much as they want!

"Ambush me?" Zhan found that the space around him suddenly had a strong gravitational force. Although the neutron star was highly dense, its body began to disintegrate in the face of the black hole's gravity.

It consumes energy and props up a four-dimensional barrier and an anti-gravity barrier to resist this gravitational force.

Neutron stars also die. If a neutron star runs out of energy, it will eventually turn into a dark black dwarf!

At this time, the energy of space appears on the surface of the neutron star, annihilating its outer ultra-dense iron shell.

"Locked, quick, attack, use space to cut!" Twenty Galaxy-class battleships from the Butterfly Civilization appeared from the hidden space, and fifteen Galaxy-class battleships from the Human Civilization also appeared at the same time, using space weapons to attack together.

It is impossible for ordinary weapons to harm the neutron star.

Only space weapons can cause damage to it!

But Du Xingyu soon discovered that even space weapons were not easy to use at this time.

"Commander Du, our space weapons cannot cut through that space!" Wei Xuan urgently sent a message inside the battleship.

"The gravity of the neutron star is too strong, distorting the surrounding space and time. The energy density of space is too strong, and the space cannot be cut!"

This was something Du Xingyu had not expected before. He had to sigh, no wonder the astral civilization can make the demon civilization camp so fearful.

They arranged it so carefully, but they still couldn't harm the neutron star!

Du Xingyu immediately commanded, "Then concentrate the energy, perform local cuts, destroy the shell of the neutron star, and cause its fluid neutron structure to collapse!"

"Yes!" The human warship adjusted its tactics and began to destroy locally.

The battleships of the Butterfly Civilization also received the news and adjusted their tactics simultaneously!

Zhan Neng felt that his body was beginning to take damage. In the past billions of years, it had never been hurt like this!

This makes it extremely angry!

"Zhan, do you need support?" The stars of the astral civilization are also paying attention to the battle situation.

"No need!" Zhan said angrily, "These reptiles underestimate me!"

After saying that, the neutron star began to spin and its angular momentum doubled!

At the same time, the various ray energies it releases are lased out, targeting exactly those black hole mass shadow projectors.

"Our projectile can't hold it anymore!" Green Chrysalis hurriedly shouted in the command channel.

As soon as his message was sent, the black hole mass shadow projector was destroyed by the ray!

The gravity that restrained the neutron star immediately dissipated, leaving only the space trap still restraining it.

The energy of the neutron star skyrocketed, shattering all the surrounding space energy and breaking free from its constraints. Its outer shell is also recovering rapidly. The energy and matter that attacked it are instead absorbed by its gravity, collapse into neutrons, and become part of it!

"I'm out, reptiles, suffer death!" Neutron Star rushed towards a Galaxy-class battleship.

The battleship wanted to break away, but the surrounding space was all locked. It tried its best to open the four-dimensional barrier. But before the impact of the neutron star, whether it was the mental barrier, the space barrier, or the battleship armor, they were all shattered.

A shocking scene appeared in space. A neutron star with a diameter of ten kilometers collided with a Galaxy-class battleship that was comparable in size to a planet.

The Galaxy-class battleship exploded and collapsed onto the neutron star. All its mass and energy were absorbed by the neutron star and became part of its outer ultra-dense iron shell!

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