"Quick, save me!" The neutron star "battle" is really scared this time. Three hyperspace bombs are enough to completely annihilate it and space in this universe!

"War is the most powerful weapon of our astral civilization. We must save it! At any cost!" the top of the astral civilization ordered.

"Let me do it," said a white dwarf, "I'm ready to sacrifice."

"Okay!" The other two white dwarf stars jumped directly into hyperspace and escaped from the battlefield without hesitation.

"Run!" Du Xingyu had a premonition that something big was going to happen, so he ordered the fleet to retreat directly.

The human Galaxy-class battleship immediately dived into hyperspace and left the starry sky.

"Let's retreat too!" Upon seeing this, the commanders of Butterfly Civilization also ordered the warships to retreat.

"No, retreat quickly!" The remaining two giant beasts also realized something was wrong and fled from here at the same time.

Next to the neutron star, the temperature of the white dwarf is rising rapidly.

The temperature of its core has reached the internal temperature of a star at the time of total victory, and the fire of nuclear fusion has been rekindled by the white dwarf!

This scene is very familiar to Du Xingyu. They once used Sirius B to trigger a nova explosion in the Sirius galaxy. That time, the Sky Eagle civilization was severely damaged!

And now, this white dwarf star with self-awareness and astral civilization is triggering a similar chain reaction.

But this time it is not going to cause a nova explosion, but a more terrifying supernova explosion!

In just a few seconds, the white dwarf star burns its own material, producing a nuclear fusion reaction that explodes with energy, gamma ray bursts, and material jets that will destroy everything around it!

This dim white dwarf star is 500 million times brighter than the sun!

Its light will reach every corner of the galaxy!

After a supernova explosion, a white dwarf star itself has a high probability of dying. Especially the way it detonates itself to free the neutron star, its self-awareness is destined to die!

"A!" Zhan was furious. This white dwarf was his comrade and tribesman, but he actually sacrificed himself to save him!

The energy of the supernova explosion instantly destroyed all the gravitational cages and space barriers that imprisoned the neutron star. The neutron star escaped and the hyperspace bomb was empty!

The M7 Ptolemaic star cluster has increased its brightness by hundreds of millions of times!

All surrounding star systems were affected, and nearby stars were also detonated.

The originally stable galaxy was turned into a nebula with thin matter by supernova explosions and hyperspace bombs!

"Just wait, I will destroy all your civilization!" Before escaping, the neutron star also sent a small-scale space broadcast.

Both the commanders of butterfly civilization and human civilization remained silent for a long time.

The light from the supernova explosion was still spreading, and their moods could not calm down.

This war surpassed all their previous cognitions, and the power of astral civilization subverted their brains!

The three major fourth-level civilizations joined forces and failed to leave the neutron star behind!

The supernova explosion of the white dwarf star, if properly prepared, would be enough to wipe out their entire fleet!

This time, on the surface, it seems that they have won and severely damaged the astral civilization.

But in fact, it can only be regarded as a miserable victory!

Both the human civilization and the butterfly civilization have lost Galaxy-class battleships, and even the giant beast civilization has lost a giant beast!

The giant beast civilization is the same as the astral civilization, and its people are extremely rare. The growth time of each clan member is calculated in hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of millions of years!

"Next time you encounter an attack from astral civilization, inform us first!" The Thorny Beast sent a message to human civilization, but it did not show up again.

"The neutron star has not been destroyed yet, and astral civilization will come back!" Green Chrysalis was worried. Even after making so many sacrifices, he still failed to defeat astral civilization.

As long as the neutron star remains, they will soon attack them again.

Moreover, this time the astral civilization sacrificed an important member, this revenge will definitely be avenged.

"The neutron star has also been severely damaged. They should not attack in a short time. We still have time to prepare." Du Xingyu said.

"This is the only way." The green chrysalis has given up hope, and the butterfly civilization is already discussing how to escape the galaxy at the minimum sacrifice.

This level of war is no longer something the Butterfly Civilization can bear.

Not only him, but even the human commanders are thinking about whether to take refuge in the small universe of the devil's civilization.

They can now understand why the devil's civilization does not require them to settle in the small universe. Because even if they don't settle in the small universe, the civilization of the hostile camp will force them to enter!

In the Human Command, because of the matter of the astral civilization, the commanders held a supreme meeting again.

"The strength of astral civilization is too strong. One neutron star can destroy our entire civilization. I don't know if they have other neutron stars." Chen Hong said with emotion.

"Are we going to hide in the small universe of the devil's civilization?" Lu Xing asked.

"We can't make a decision yet, but we can go to the small universe and take a look!" Du Xingyu said, "This time we have severely damaged the astral civilization and destroyed a white dwarf star. We also have a lot of military exploits in the devil civilization camp."

"It's just right to go to the small universe to take a look at the situation, and also redeem some technological information."

"Well, that's better."

"In order to prevent attacks from astral civilization, we need to disperse the main body and fleet of human civilization to various star clusters. At the same time, contact the butterfly civilization and be prepared to evacuate the galaxy!" Chen Hong said.

Human civilization began to prepare for the opponent. While preparing for war, they cooperated with the butterfly civilization. In addition, a delegation was sent to the small universe of the devil's civilization.

Like last time, Du Xingyu and others once again used bionic robot stand-ins.

This time, they dispatched the Pleiades Galaxy-class battleship to the devil's civilization microcosm.

They don't know the coordinates of the devil's civilization's small universe yet, but the devil's civilization requires them to go to the fifth spiral arm of the Milky Way, the ruler arm.

This is also the outermost spiral arm of the Milky Way. It is the first time that human civilization has left the Orion Arm.

The Pleiades was activated, the space energy reactor released energy, and the battleship entered hyperspace and began to fly steadily.

In real space, it spans hundreds of light-years every moment.

After a period of hyperspace flight, the Pleiades arrived at the Cube Arm.

The distinction between the inside and outside of the five major spiral arms of the Milky Way is actually not accurate. It is only relative to human observation. The five spiral arms are actually ejected from the material in the center of the Milky Way. The sources of the rectangular arms are also connected to the super black hole in the center of the Milky Way.

"Human civilization battleship, please enter the wormhole. You will enter the small universe built by our devil civilization." Somewhere in the rectangular arm, a stable wormhole appeared in front of the Pleiades.

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